July 29, 2017 He speaks! Last month I was invited to participate in a podcast for writers called “Ready-Set-Write.” It is the combined brainchild of authors Randy Lindsay, Janette…
May 9, 2017 LDS Storymakers – This Oughta Be Fun! This week I am winging my way back to Utah to attend the Woodstock of LDS writing Conferences: LDS Storymakers. It is a pretty…
August 12, 2016 A Gaggle of Geese, a Swarm of Eels. What About a Bunch of Writers? A Congress of Salamanders, a Shiver of Sharks, a Dray of Squirrels – and the list goes on and on. But is there a…
May 10, 2016 Doorknobs & Gumbo The doorknob on our garage door broke. For some unknown reason, it froze with the doohickey extended so that it wouldn’t close. No problem, I…
February 22, 2015 Embracing My Ignorance Last night my youngest asked me questions about genome sequencing in insects. Fail. Then another son asked me if it was important to balance…
February 21, 2015 Pardon Me, This is My First Writers Conference I am sitting here at the Hilton in Mesa, Arizona, a good 30 minutes early, so that I can get this out before the…