October 2, 2021 Instant Post-Conference Thoughts: Saturday A.M. Session (October, ’21) Note: These are the instant, mildly-filtered things that ran through my brain and heart as I watched this session of General Conference. If you are looking…
August 18, 2021 The Word of Wisdom – Simplified (post originally written in 2017, tweaked a little for 2021) Whenever church lessons cycle around to include the Word of Wisdom, I see an…
May 16, 2021 The Journey to Perfection I have heard several times from members of the church that they simply cannot be perfect like the men and women of the scriptures,…
April 25, 2021 Looking More Closely at Lenses A few days ago, I was mindlessly scrolling through social media, as one does, when I came across a quote on one of my…
April 3, 2021 Instant Post-Conference Thoughts: Priesthood Session (April, ’21) Note: These are the instant, mildly-filtered things that ran through my brain and heart as I watched this session of General Conference. If you are looking…
March 28, 2021 Knitting and Listening: Conference Time Last night I followed my EC around Hobby Lobby looking for crafty stuff or the grands. Lo and behold, I saw a plastic spool…