January 10, 2014 12 Tips to a Better Marriage – For Men (Level 2) Almost time for Level 2. Make sure you’ve looked at Level 1 first – I don’t want anyone hurting themselves. Before we dig in,…
January 5, 2014 2013: My Faith in Review At the end of every year, you see articles and TV shows that look back and assess the past year. Lots of different…
November 24, 2013 Simplicity: Our Generation’s “Fail?” You know how this time of year gets crazy busy? And we all resume talking about how we should simplify our lives? Well…
November 7, 2013 Great Scott! (Elder Richard G. Scott, That Is) Today is Elder Richard G. Scott’s 85th birthday! Here are some things you may or may not have known about this remarkable man. •…
November 6, 2013 10 Reasons President Uchtdorf is Cooler Than Me (and You) In honor of President Uchtdorf’s 73rd birthday, here is a list of some things you may, or may not, have known about him: 1….
November 3, 2013 Subdivided Mormonism If I were to write a post about how inappropriate it would be for members of Christ’s church to affix labels to fellow saints,…