December 18, 2012 You’ve Got One Shot, Charlie Brown Another nostalgic post. Respect your elders. We got the Deseret News every evening. Sure, the Tribune was delivered in the morning, but it was…
December 16, 2012 A Word From the Wise OK. I am a Geek. Or if you prefer, Nerd. I really like Tolkein, and I really like what Peter Jackson does with his…
December 13, 2012 Everywhere You Look, Somebody’s Protesting Something I am sure most of you have heard by now that a feminist organization has dubbed this coming Sunday “Wear Pants to Church Day.”…
December 11, 2012 My Childhood Christmas Soundtrack For me, the 1960s were my season of Christmas magic. I was born in 1961, and by time the 70’s rolled around, I was…
December 9, 2012 Big Brother Yesterday my EC and I were privileged to attend the wedding of a terrific young lady. We have known her family for years, and…
December 7, 2012 Santa & Jesus: I Surrender Some of you might remember that last year I caused a bit of a kerfuffle when I disparaged the idea of merging the tradition…