December 8, 2023 Another Free Sample? Yes, Indeed! Ah, Christmas. The time of giving. So, I’m giving you a free sample of my first Christmas book: Up on the Housetop. That way,…
December 3, 2023 The Limitless Capacity to Love “Jesus said love everyone….” Seriously? Everyone? I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure I have that type of emotional bandwidth. However, I…
November 30, 2023 Everyone Loves a Free Sample A free sample, without going to Costco? Yes, please! If any of you are having trouble getting into the Christmas Spirit, or just need…
November 19, 2023 I’m Thankful for Donuts. Wait! I meant Jesus. Many of you have probably experienced the same, lovely, Thanksgiving tradition. As the food gets cold, we go around the table and each person…
November 13, 2023 My Personal Counsel From M. Russell Ballard President Ballard passed away today. It is always hard to say goodbye to our church leaders that have been a part of our lives…
November 5, 2023 When That Song Stuck in Your Head Becomes a Blessing I wake up with a different song in my head almost every morning. Sometimes I don’t mind. Sometimes it is horrible. The worst is…