November 26, 2017 #Resting OK everybody. Take a deep breath and exhale slooooowly. Now didn’t that feel good? You deserve it. You made it through another Thanksgiving weekend,…
November 23, 2017 Reporting in Midway Through My Thanksgiving Challenge For those of you who follow, last Sunday I extended myself a challenge to not complain AT ALL this Thanksgiving Holiday. (Here’s the original post:…
November 19, 2017 Thanksgiving Gripes. Wait. What? The entire family is coming to town for Thanksgiving. All of the kids, (except our missionary,) the granddaughter, cousins, aunts uncles – almost everybody…
November 12, 2017 A Mini-Post It is already Sunday, and my normal Sunday post is nowhere to be found. I apologize for those who were waiting. What happened is…
November 5, 2017 The Squeegee When our house was built, some geniuses thought that it would be a good idea to have a glass wall and door on the…
October 29, 2017 City Lights, Utah Style I just returned last night from a few days spent in Utah, seeing kids and a granddaughter. One of the things that seemed to…