December 6, 2018 Eight is Great! Today is the anniversary of my blog. “Blogoversary,” if you will. Yes, on December 6, 2010 I posted my first missive on MMM. Nobody…
December 2, 2018 Home for the Holidays? Maybe Audio version: My mom was a holiday aficionado. She loved to decorate, celebrate and make the most of any and every excuse to get…
November 22, 2018 A Specific Thanksgiving Shout-out Expressing the things I am thankful for is like Lucy and Ethel keeping up with the conveyer belt of chocolates – I can’t ever…
November 18, 2018 Crying? Me? Nah, I’ve just got something in my eye Audio Version: I park in front of the grocery store and turn off the ignition. Just before I get out, I glance at…
November 11, 2018 Psychic? Not So Much Audio version: You know when a batch of things come at you, and it becomes apparent that you need to learn something from…
November 4, 2018 Shoulda Seen it Coming? Note: I wasn’t going to post today, because the one I am working on is still bouncing around in my head. However, here is…