October 2, 2021 Instant Post-Conference Thoughts: Saturday A.M. Session (October, ’21) Note: These are the instant, mildly-filtered things that ran through my brain and heart as I watched this session of General Conference. If you are looking…
September 18, 2021 Lift Last week I spent my birthday doing one of my favorite things: Sitting on the beach, book in hand. The beach? Corolla Beach, Outer…
September 5, 2021 A Cautionary Tale From Zion’s Camp: Sylvester Smith Sometimes the minor characters in a story have the most interesting arcs. As I researched the life of Sylvester Smith in early church history…
August 18, 2021 The Word of Wisdom – Simplified (post originally written in 2017, tweaked a little for 2021) Whenever church lessons cycle around to include the Word of Wisdom, I see an…
August 15, 2021 Two Kinds of Water I have a distinct childhood memory of my Mom, yelling out the window: “Stop drinking out of that hose, right now! If you need…
July 25, 2021 Reese’s and the Restoration Note: A recently returned missionary said something today that reminded me of a post I wrote some years ago. I think it is time…