March 13, 2022 Revisiting the Lydian Stone Every few years, Satan takes a different tack in his non-stop effort to lure people way from the truth. A few years ago I…
March 6, 2022 Find the Message: Two Cars I haven’t done this for quite some time, but I figured it was time to dust off the concept. Here’s the deal: I will…
February 27, 2022 I Sense a Theme Here… What do you think of when you read the word “theme?” A Theme Park? A slogan or mantra? An over-arching idea? It has lots…
February 13, 2022 The Spiritual Side of Super Bowl Foods I have been MIA for the past few weeks – sorry about that. I have a quick housekeeping item before we talk about yummy…
January 16, 2022 I Am a Man Without a Calling Right before Christmas, my EC and I had a visit from our friend, who happens to be in the bishopric. One of those “formal”…
January 2, 2022 That Stinkin’ Missing Star It is very possible that you will read the first part of this post and think to yourselves, “Man, this dude has an ego…