101st Post: A Few Last Updates

The number one blog post to date is “Potty Mouth & SSWs”. Not only is it the most read, but the most commented on.  Thanks for the input.  Here is the list of SSWs that you came up with. These are the ones that were deemed acceptable by my wise and infallible judgement. (I could have been an NBA referee.)
Blurgh! (Tina Fey on 30 Rock)
Good Gravy!  (Anna – also the Cowboys on Amazing Race)
Barnacles! (JRiggles – Spongebob)
Sweet Niblets! (Mintifresh – Billy Ray Cyrus)
Oh My Heart! – Mintifresh
Grrrrrrrr   (Jaymi)
Oh Man!  (Jaymi)
Devlin! (In the Doghouse from “Just Go With It”)
Bother!  (Anonymous – Winnie-the-Pooh)
Garbage (Anonymous)
Cuss! (Stacy Q – Fantastic Mr. Fox)
Boy Howdy! (Stacy Q – Cold Sassy Tree)
Ratzafratzenfrickenlooper (Ardis – close to a veto for “fricken” buried in there)
Ah, Snap! (The mysterious Kandis) (This one is up for debate)
Dagnabbit!  (Stephanie – Approved by my EC. I’m on the fence)
Suckbuckets (Lindberg – crass, but barely acceptable)
Great Scott! (Lindberg – Doc Brown, Back to the Future)
Great Honk! (Lindberg – Tommy Jeters, The Music Man)
Good Grief! (Carrie, Charlie Brown)

My favorites?  Yikes, Cuss, Garbage & Grrr!
I have attempted to “use these in my daily life”, but crap keeps getting in the way.

Racing to a close second place on the blog leaderboard is President Uchtdorf. I listed 10 reasons President Uchtdorf is cooler than me and you. As a special bonus, because you deserve it, I have included Reason #11:
That’s right. A double-handed parade wave – with shades!
In “King Potty Mouth” I expressed my desire to see the movie “The King’s Speech, and my unwillingness to go because of the “R” Rating. After wining the Academy Award for Best Picture, the producers decided to re-release it in a PG-13 version.
That one I saw. It was a fabulous movie. Brilliantly acted, fascinating character studies. The way they changed the rating was by taking out a sequence of really offensive words and replacing them with a sequence of different offensive words that start with a different letter.
After the movie I couldn’t help feel that I had let myself get caught up in the “letter vs. spirit” trap.  Still sorting that one out. Cuss!

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  1. The King’s Speech, didn’t we have along argument about that once? I believe I fought on the spirit of the law side and you fought on the obedience trumps that side. Can’t remember the conclusion.

  2. Lucky. My #1 post is “The Pee Alarm”. My son is going to freak out when he’s older and realizes his bet-wetting habits have made him famous.

    I’d go with ‘cuss’, too. It’s perfect.

  3. Never considered “Oh Bother” a substitute swear word, but I will never watch Pooh Bear the same again. Who is the kid with President U? Grandson? Even his grandson is cooler than me.

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