Fingernails on the Social Media Blackboard


It’s not you, it’s me.  Really.

I don’t know what it is, but something is goofy with me this week. You might have noticed that I have been quieter than normal on Social Media, and that I haven’t posted anything on this blog since Sunday. (That is a long time for me.)

And it isn’t that I don’t have things to say – I always have something to say. (hehehe)

Sounds that annoy me:

1) Someone rubbing a balloon to make it squeak

2) Fingernails on the chalkboard

3) Someone chewing ice

For some unbeknownst reason, this week’s Social Media offerings have somehow struck me like fingernails on a chalkboard. Lots of cringing, and lots of wishing people would just stop.

Again, it’s not you, it’s me.

I am sure that this week’s Social Media offerings are pretty much the same as they always are. The difference is that this week I find myself feeling like staying away from it. So I have. I have been busy with lots of stuff, and life is good, so don’t be worrying about me – I’m fine – probably just suffering from low levels of charity.

Maybe I’m getting lazy, or wise, but I don’t even seem to have the “oomph” to engage the people I disagree with. I’m sure this is a short-term event, but “not biting back” has been good for me. Rather than engage people on Facebook, or in my comments section, I would rather just voice some opinions here, where you won’t see them – unless you continue reading.

My response to some stuff I read this week:

• I respect your right to speculate about the age and mental fitness of the Prophets and the Apostles. Please respect my right to view you as someone who has built a crappy house on a very sandy beach, with a typhoon approaching.

• You can be as excited as you want to be that Hillary is running for President. Shout it from the hills! It does not offend me in the least. In turn, please don’t take offense when I think much less of your intelligence and morality.

• Yes, you can go through life with a mindset of Fitness First, and that fitness should be addressed before anything else – even though Jesus has categorically denied this approach. (Matthew 6:33)

• I don’t care which Disney Princess I am most like.

• You do not have to eat wheat. You can consider it evil – you have that right. As for me, I’m sticking with Doctrine & Covenants 89:17 where the Lord says it is for man. (I have yet to hear a prophet rescind this scripture.)

• Fight as hard as you want for $15 minimum wage. But your time would be much better served studying even the most basic principles of what makes the economy run. Or starting a business of your own.

• I have no problem with everyone going crazy for the new Star Wars trailer. I’m kind of geeked-out about it, too.

• Ladies, you don’t need to wear make-up, shave your legs, dress modestly, or burn your yoga pants for me. You can make your own choices. However, I am not obligated to consider you attractive or modest.

• Bacon-wrapped Oreos violate my personal rule of “Sweet vs Savory, and never the twain shall meet.”

There you go. I feel better already.

Have a great day!





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  1. Stumbled on this blog when looking for the talk about “Stay in the boat” and loved it! I suppose I to am a mmm – just not THE MMM. The point I have made many times about the imperfections of our church leaders (including the that come with age) is that the Lord has always used imperfect people to do His work. When you keep in mind that He is running things in his kingdom you worry a lot less about any limitations in his mortal servants. I find that when I am being humble, I learn a lot more from the prophets and apostles than when I focus on whether they are perfect.
    One other comment – I generally avoid social media because it tends to be either too trivial to be with my time or too self centered. The dozen or so blog entries I’ve read here on this blog tend to be not only well written but always focused on deriving a gospel lesson from an experience.
    Well done MMM 🙂

  2. In regards to Fb… I had to leave it behind. But I had a friend who was very vocal in his opinion about what (the Church) was not “handling correctly”. I had dialogue with him over that but continued being his friend even when he publicly announced that he was leaving the Church for said reasons. I said to myself, “he is a good person, and I have other friends who are less active, or non-members.” Then came the post, not too long after his leaving… it began “would you be a member of a church that…” That is when I listened to the Spirit telling me that if I continued to let this garbage into my world, it would canker my soul. I’ve had several people text me asking if I blocked them or unfriended them. It’s kinda refreshing to say “I’m not on Facebook.”
    P.S. No judgements from me if you’re on Fb. It just wasn’t good for me.

  3. my EC and I share a facebook account. we have exactly 5 friends, FOML1, FOLML2, FOML3, FOML4 and FOML5. and reject all other “invites” even from our siblings. We have it only to see pictures of the FOFOML’s everyone else knows where to write or call…..oops, bought our new home two weeks ago, and closed on our house in Rameumptomville yesterday. so nobody else knows where to write….. I’m not sure if that is a bad thing.

    and let me add my agreement with the other things you read last week.

  4. OK, this one’s been bugging me for a few days…gotta comment. I’m so grateful that when I approach the throne of God in a future day he will not say to me, “Hairy legs? Back away from the throne. No makeup? You’re excused from my presence. And I don’t think you’re attractive.” Happy that when things REALLY matter, I will not be judged by what I look like but that the beauty of my spirit will shine through and make me truly attractive to a God who dearly loves me. Until then, I suppose I must be judged by my looks by my fellow MEN.

    1. Yup – men like that me are not all that Godly. But be honest, the reason women spend al the time and effort on hair make-up, clothes, etc. are for the other women. Have you ever attended “Time Out For Women?” I rest my case.

  5. I knew there was a reason a don’t ‘do’ FB! I have NO time for all the above mentioned, but thank you for keeping me informed of what I am NOT missing.

  6. I agree with all of it. So refreshing to hear it from someone else. I think that way all the time.

  7. Great post and points. I always love seeing your posts come into both my FB feed and my email. Makes my day.

    This quote killed it today: “I respect your right to speculate about the age and mental fitness of the Prophets and the Apostles. Please respect my right to view you as someone who has built a crappy house on a very sandy beach, with a typhoon approaching.”

  8. I agree with some and disagree with some others. But I know you are an honest and good guy. Even those that don’t agree with everything can also be good and honest people. I appreciate how you can voice your difference and not be irate that others are “wrong and must be corrected.”

  9. Amen to everything!! Especially about the Apostles and Prophet. I grew up Catholic and joined the Church at 27. This past weekend my mother said something very disturbing. She thinks the Catholic Church should change with the times. Basically follow the worldly view on everything. About floored me!!

    And about the Oreos, the original are perfect, why mess with a good thing?? Except maybe keep the golden Oreos. Those rock!!

  10. Really really agree with everything. So much stupid around:-). Love your posts. Talk about you and reference you a lot. Love the box and can’t wait for some down time with that movie and popcorn. And quite curious about the CD.

  11. I always appreciate your comments. Been following the blog for a long time but I don’t generally comment. I wanted to thank you for the good you do. As much as some material on social media cuts down yours has lifted me up numerous times. I received my Bona Fide box this week and it was a highlight during a real hard week. Thank you.

  12. I am a “reader” not a “writer” so I very rarely post anything but I will add a big Amen and add one of my peeves – the attempts to remove “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance. To quote Samantha Jones, a high school senior, “Everyone has a right to remain silent but they don’t have the right to silence everybody else.”

  13. regarding those who question age, mental fitness of our leaders…reminds me of Korihor (Alma 30: 16..) and his mocking tone about our “frenzied mind/ derangement of our minds”, because we listen to old traditions, old prophets, old authorities, etc. Well, I am one happy frenzied, deranged guy!!

  14. Yeeeesssssss. Especially the wheat thing. I understand some people are allergic. That aside, fingernails really screech down the chalkboard when someone’s trying to sell me a diet preaching pretty much the opposite of the WoW.
    Full disclosure of my shameful hypocrisy : I eat way too much sugar to be a strict follower of the WoW. Darn you, nutella doughnuts.

  15. I enjoy Bacon! Let me be more honest, I love Bacon. I’ve been taking a break from “Social Media” the past couple of weeks….well not a complete break cause I just read this post. Me Disney Princess, never because I’m a Queen…..that’s the truth. If I had written this post I wouldn’t change a thing. Thanks for agreeing with me, I mean I agree with you.

  16. Some days it gets me down too. But then I see a link to an inspiring talk by one of the Brethren and I feel like I can cut through all the junk.

  17. You had me until your bacon-wrapped-oreos heresy. Bacon with anything is deliciousness, catharsis-ness and xanadu-ness all wrapped with… bacon. (I’m trying to figure out how to make bacon cheesecake so I can like cheesecake.)

    Thank you for being a voice of calm, reasonable faithfulness. I’d like it if you were my son’s home teaching companion after he’s done with me.

    1. I tried some tilapia fried in bacon grease once. Big mistake. I love bacon, but it doesn’t go with fish. I do enjoy a bacon maple doughnut on occasion, though.

  18. I was with you until the last comment on Oreos. I don’t know if they’re good, but some of the best food out there combines sweet and savory, such as Thai with coconut milk and spices.

    1. I LOVE Thai with coconut milk and spices…but I’m not sure about Oreos with bacon. Love them separately, together no so much.

  19. And this is why I pulled the plug on social media (unless following a few blogs counts?) a while ago and haven’t looked back. I don’t have time.

    Enjoyed this. Enjoy you! Thanks 🙂

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