Monday Morning Brain Fog

Brain FogThis morning, as I was dropping my youngest off at school, we had an interesting “brain fog” conversation. (No, I don’t make it a practice of driving my kids to school. That’s why God had man invent bicycles.) I just wanted to jot down the conversation while it was still fresh, and to never pass up an opportunity to embarrass my children publicly.


FOML5: The school zones sure are slow. What is the speed limit – 10 miles per hour?

MMM: It is 15 miles per hour.

FOML5: That’s slow – it’s like 4 miles every hour.

MMM: Actually, it is more like 15 miles every hour.

FOML5: *Sits staring, begins to laugh* I meant to say 4 miles in a minute.

MMM: That would be 240 miles per hour. I think you mean 4 minutes a mile?

FOML5: *Starts laughing harder, gets out of the car.* I love you, bye.

MMM: I love you! Good luck in math!


Have a great day!






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