My Worst Halloween Ever


October, 1970. I was in fourth grade. Life was good. Even though I had just turned nine, I wasn’t too old to appreciate the cool new kid’s show that had just started getting popular: Sesame Street. My friends and I loved it, especially the Muppets – Ernie & Bert, Oscar, Cookie Monster – all awesome. All except Big Bird. It was agreed upon that Big Bird was stupid.

When Halloween neared, my mom suggested I dress up as Oscar the Grouch. Genius! Cutting edge costuming! Mom was super creative, and I always had excellent costumes – most of which we made together. First, Mom found an old furry coat and transformed it into Oscar’s fur. She then made me some fuzzy Oscar eyebrows that were perfect.

We then went to the hardware store and bought a cheap corrugated aluminum trash can. Dad and I beat it up to make it look old, then we cut out the bottom, mounted handles on the inside, and attached the lid with a hinge.  Here’s the best part: I could climb inside the trash can, walk around, crouch down, and pop up and surprise people.I couldn’t wait to try it on someone’s porch and yell “trick-or-treat. It was the best costume in the history of costumes.

Halloween was on a Saturday that year, but luckily schools had not yet obliterated the fun of childhood, and we had a Halloween costume party on the Friday before. I was excited.  When the time came to change into our costumes, I hurried to get in my outfit quickly so I could surprise people.I hunkered down in my trash can, with the lid on, and waited until I could hear a lot of voices. This was awesome.Then I popped up.

“What are you supposed to be?”

“Oscar the Grouch. Duh.”

“You don’t look like Oscar. Duh.”

“Hey look at this – he thinks he looks like Oscar”…and It got worse from there.

Later that day I dragged my trash can home in abject humiliation. So far I had managed to avoid crying – but it was close. Mom was waiting for me, anxious to see how things went.

“How was your party?”


“How did your costume go over?”

That is when I finally burst into tears – tears of humiliation, and anger-

“It was the worst costume ever!”
“But I thought you loved it! What happened?”
“Mom – Oscar is GREEN!”
“What do you mean he’s green?”
“I mean his fur – he’s not GRAY, he’s GREEN!”
“Well how in the world was I supposed to know that?”
“If we had a color TV like everyone else, you would have known.”

Mom was speechless. We both felt terrible

The next night I went trick-or-treating in full costume, but as soon as I got around the corner, I took it off, ditched the garbage can behind a fence, and put a sheet over my head and made the rounds as a ghost.

Yup. True story. Worst Halloween ever.


Post originally published 10/30/2011



About the author


  1. How terrible! Our TV was black and white too. I have no idea how old I was before I knew what colors Sesame Street Characters were. Probably not until I had kids of my own.

  2. Wow. I really feel badly for your mom here. She must have put in a lot of effort for that costume! I had to laugh though….all we had was a black and white TV as well….but never thought about how much “colour” we were missing.

  3. Oh no! I’m so sorry. My heart aches for you – and your Momma! She must have felt awful for you. As a Mom, I know I would have cried myself to sleep over the suffering of my poor boy. I’m glad the buckets of candy made you feel better though. =)

  4. That sounds like it was an awesome costume! Sorry about the color issues…I love old time costumes that everyone made themselves. Thanks for sharing!

  5. This story is completely incomprehensible to the current generation. They probably think a black and white tv is some new iPhone app. If it makes you feel any better, the Incredible Hulk was originally supposed to be gray, but a mixup with the colorist made him green.

  6. I was baptized on Oct. 31, 1965-yes Halloween Night! At the tender age of 8, I was much more concerned with what I was missing(all that candy) than what I was receiving(the Gospel). I think I got the better end of the deal!

    1. Oh, don’t worry – I got over it. (I probably soothed my broken heart with giant bags of candy that very evening.)

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