DK & Diddy |
FOML2 was born in 1990 – my firstborn male son. The Nintendo game Donkey Kong Country came out in 1994. I always saw myself as Donkey Kong “DK”, and my son as Diddy. DK was bigger, wiser and more powerful, Diddy was fast and agile, and looked cute in a cap. So did my boy, who I had already affectionately nicknamed “Monkeyboy”.
The object of Donkey Kong was to move through the game, fighting off bad guys, and enduring challenges. All while staying on the course, and gathering as many prizes, and as much strength as you could to enhance your life. Yes, it is true: This earth life is a lot like Donkey Kong Country – with less bongo drums.
Minecart Madness |
However, sometime during the past decade, Diddy has gradually evolved into DK, and I have morphed into Cranky Kong. I don’t know when or how it happened, but it did.
Cranky Kong |
FOML#2 has become a man. He returned from serving a faithful mission. He is strong, he is dedicated. He is now pursuing his education and working. He is on the right minecart track. I could not be more proud.
So what is a returned missionary to do? Yep. He found himself a girlfriend. Wait! Not just a girlfriend – a fiancée! And not just any fiancée, an amazing, wonderful good, kind, smart, funny beautiful, righteous fiancée!. And we couldn’t be happier – and neither could they.
Diddy & Dixie |
This is the first wedding of the 5 MMM offspring. My EC is making a list for a bridal shower invitations as we speak. I am busy pretending to listen to her read it. It is a grand adventure for all of us. And what makes it great is that we adore this girl. We know our son is a “catch”, but we are very aware that she is a “catch” as well.
But as a parent you worry…you wonder how much of what you tried to instill in your kids has really sunk in. Some you can see, some you can feel. You witness the growth of their testimonies, their work ethic, their own standards and values – and we like what we see.
We know that they are madly in love. Goofy in love – and it is adorable. We see how they treat each other, and it reassures us. But something has happened since they have been together that gives us an insight into their relationship that few engaged couples experience.
Both “Diddy” and “Dixie” have brought some precarious health conditions with them into their relationship. Concerns that would cause many to slam on the brakes and reassess – before figuring out colors and punch recipes. Not these two. They are pressing forward with their newly found love, as well as the faith that they both already possessed. Together, it is stronger, and inspiring.
My pending daughter-in-law was recently hospitalized for a surgery. (She is doing great.) As my EC and I were walking out of the hospital, I mentioned that this young couple is grappling with the kinds of decisions and challenges that usually don’t crop up until well after the wedding. And they are waltzing though them with grace.
The thing that touches my heart is the honor of watching and learning what kind of husband my son will be – before the wedding. I watched as he pronounced a priesthood blessing on her head – as her wise father stepped aside to allow him the opportunity. I have watched as he has put every other element of his life on hold, so that he could have a singular focus on his future wife’s comfort and well-being. He puts her first.
As he doted on her in the hospital – feeding her, giving her drinks, calling for the nurse, tucking in her blanket, kissing her forehead – My EC and I both felt the gentle reassurance in our hearts that he will be an honorable, loving husband and father. We consider that foreknowledge a precious gift.
As she came out of anesthesia, the first named that crossed her lips was that of my son. The way she looks at him, worries about him, and cares for him – gives us the same reassurance that her heart, her focus, and her priorities have already turned towards him.
If they always put each other’s needs first, they will always retain the magic that they are already experiencing, and the sealing they are soon to receive in the holy temple.
We are proud of our Monkeyboy.
And our Monkeygirl.
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Minecart Madness is the best! I loved your analogy.
this post gave me warm and fuzzies all over. congrats to your fam. as a typical mormon female this is the first time i was sad you are anonymous so i know i wont be able to see pictures.
Wonderful! Congratulations!
3 of my 8 are married. My two sons-in-law and my daughter-in-law bless our lives. I am blessed and delighted to see my children well and happily matched.
Very very sweet. Tears!
Ah, a vision of some light at the end of the teenage tunnel. Thanks for the reminder that it exists! Hooray for you and yours! Are you going to post an actual wedding photo with the monkey faces over theirs?
Are you inviting us (your faithful followers) to the wedding? Congratulations to all of you. Well done!
I’m going to have a lottery – buy tickets for $100, and we’ll draw for spots. First I need to clear that with my EC.
Ha! Congratulations, and may the health issues go away!!!
Sweet, sweet post!! Thanks for sharing. It is especially touching as our FOML #1 son will be returning from his mission next week and I have realized that maybe within the next two years he will be bringing ‘her’ home and contemplating the changes that will mean for our family. I can’t wait to meet our daughters-in-law, as we have 8 sons, 1 daughter. I love being their mother, but I think it will be sweeter to watch them be parents. I hope I can step aside too.
Congrats to the MMM family and FOML #2. He’s a chip off the old block.
Weddings are such a wonderful time! Very sweet post today.
My husband’s greatest fear is that he won’t like his sons-in-law. I keep telling him his best hope is to raise his daughters right so no matter who they fall in love with they will be good….right? {We hope!}
Congratulations to your son and his lovely bride. Because our children will one day marry, we parents need to practice getting out of their way so we are competent at it when they are ready to start families of their own.
Your son’s future father-in-law’s gesture in stepping aside so your son could bless his wife-to-be is a wonderful one.
All the best.
Congratulations! 🙂
Well, shucks. You’ve gone and made me cry.
What a wonderful addition to your family and you have such a wonderful perspective. I only hope when my time comes I can be as welcoming and loving. Beautiful tribute both to your monkey and your new monkey girl.
This is fantastic news! Congratulations! I’m so impressed with your son. What an amazing gift to see what kind of marriage they’ll have before-hand.
Congratulations. What a sweet post. I wonder, though, about myself. Because when my first born son decides to announce that he thinks he has found a girl good enough to be his wife, I am going to be devastated that she is taking my boy away from me. Maybe it will be like when you have that second child and you had no idea you could love them as much as your first. But right now my son is 15 and we have a very close and connected relationship. I pity the poor girl who will marry son. I don’t think I will be a very welcoming mother-in-law.
Luckily you have a few years to change before that happens! It has been interesting watching as both sets of parents try and find their new place – we are all busily fighting our instincts. I think everyone has done really well – but it is hard.
Nothing much harder on a new marriage than highly involved parents and in-laws.
I wonder if it’s like a gender thing. Because while I feel that way about all my boys, I don’t feel that way at all about my older girls (18, 16). The good news is that when he goes to dances, he likes to tell me all about it and I like to hear all about it. And we do talk about the girls he likes and I don’t go all crazy or anything. So maybe there’s hope. And maybe it’s normal for me to feel that way before he’s even old enough to start dating. And I probably should change. But I think right now I’m going to just thoroughly bask in being the only woman in his life right now!
It’s early “in people’s lives”
Like this very much! It is always a joy to see happiness and success it people life!!
Beautiful! Congrats!
I agree, this IS a beautiful post. And it reminded me of when our first future-daughter-in-law came to visit over Christmas break. We did’t have a spare guest room, so she shared a room with our daughter. That room didn’t have an extra bed, so I set up an air mattress for her. That wasn’t good enough for our son, so when they arrived, he climbed into the attic, moved things around, and hauled down the extra mattress for her. (And then he put it back before they left!) That willingness to go the extra mile for her comfort taught me a lot about love and service, and gave me great hope and confidence for their future.
Best wishes to your family as you start this wonderful adventure of adding more children. It’s the best!!
Congrats to all of you! Proof that you must be doing something right.
What a beautiful post. Suddenly I’m seeing my 18 month old son at the same crossroads in his life and I sincerely hope he will make the same good choices that your son is making 🙂
Wonderful, I’m not quite that far down the line but my eldest is dating a good man. He may not be the one but its great to see that the things I taught hoped and dreamed for her are beginning to come to pass. Adds new perspective to the phrase “and it came to pass”, its a reassuring and simple phrase but it portrays that all you wanted is happening.
Isn’t it the greatest reward of all? When your children grow up & become little adults making wonderful choices? You just wait until they make a mini monkey.. You’re life, as you know it now, will be over, you’ll be SO smitten!!! Grandkids are the BOMB!!! (See FOML #1 comment above. That makes me cry!!!) First, it’s cool that at least one of your Fruits reads your blog, & Second, kinda cool that HF feels the same way as you are feeling right now when His kids (us), make great choices in our lives.. This Circle of Life thing is SO cool
Beautiful! What a lovely tribute. Mazel tov! 🙂
I’m crying right now!
Congratulations. You have worked your whole life long for this. It’s finally here. Happily ever after. Yay for Monkeyboy and MonkeyMMM. 🙂