Instant Post-Conference Notes: Sunday Morning Session (October ’24)

Note:  These are the instant, post-conference, mildly-filtered things that ran through my brain and heart as I watched this session of General Conference. If you are looking for deep, spiritual analysis, this is not the place. Drive on.

President Jeffrey R. Holland was the first speaker: Spoke about the importance of obedience and loving like Christ. Much emphasis on “If you love me, keep my commandments.”

Spoke of how the world has “dumbed down” Christ’s teachings: “They have reduced His righteousness to mere prudishness, His justice to mere anger, His mercy to mere permissiveness. We must not be guilty of any such simplistic versions of Him that conveniently ignore teachings we find uncomfortable.”

“If then sometimes the harder you try, the harder it seems to get … remember that it has been so for some of the most faithful and marvelous people in every era of time.”

“We stay the course with the true Church of Christ. Why? Because as with our Redeemer, we signed on for the whole term — not ending with the first short, introductory quiz but through to the final exam.”

“I testify that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the vehicle God has provided for the exaltation of our souls. The gospel it teaches is true and the priesthood legitimizing it is not derivative.”

• His voice seemed frail, but he still carried great power.

Sister Tracy Y. Browning gave a terrific talk about gaining knowledge, using the increasing knowledge of space, and particularly Pluto, as a metaphor.

“Our covenant relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ signals our prevailing citizenship in God’s kingdom.”

“Your willing obedience to God’s commands, despite not having a complete knowledge of His reasons, places you in the company of His prophets.”

“Reaching to elevate our obedience brings us closer to our Savior Jesus Christ, because obedience to His laws and commandments is effectually reaching out to Him.”

Elder Brook P. Hales (Used to be secretary to the First Presidency, now a Seventy. I’ll be he’s seen some stuff!)

“Mortality works. It is designed to work. Despite the challenges, heartaches and difficulties we all face, our loving, wise and perfect Heavenly Father has designed the Plan of Happiness such that we are not destined to fail.”

“To completely avoid the problems, challenges and difficulties of this world would be to sidestep the process that is truly necessary for mortality to work.”

“The experiences of mortality are part of the journey that allows us to grow and progress toward that immortality and eternal life. We were not sent here to fail but to succeed in God’s plan for us.”

Bishop L. Todd Budge. (2nd Counselor Presiding Bishopric)

“As much as He desires our attention, He will not force us to come to Him.”

“But let me suggest that what may be needed is not necessarily more time, but more awareness of and focus on God during the times we already set aside for Him.”

“Being still is an act of faith and requires effort.”

“Being still, however, requires more than just making time for the Lord — it requires letting go of our doubtful and fearful thoughts and focusing our hearts and minds on Him.”

• Halftime – I went back and attempted to glean some of the key points of what I lost, minus the mirth.

• I like the plants behind the pulpit this year.

• As I think about it, I’ve come to the conclusion that I lost my data as punishment for writing that I really don’t like the song “I Know That My Redeemer Lives.” (Lyrics are great, but it is SO monotonous.)

Elder Gary E. Stevenson focused on 1820-1830 – the First Vision until the establishment of the Church, and turned it to discuss the next 10 years as the 200-year anniversary of the Restoration and the Olympics come to SLC.

“Miraculous events have continued to this very day. May I be so bold as to suggest that this year, we have commenced a decade that may prove to be as momentous as any other since that founding decade almost two centuries ago.”

“These upcoming moments will provide members of the Church everywhere with increased opportunities to share the glad tidings of the gospel of Jesus Christ through word and deed, a decade never to be forgotten.”

“This message of the glad tidings of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the most important message on earth.”

“You are here on earth now because you were selected to be here now. You have the strength and capacity to be disciples of Christ in an unprecedented way.

“I urge you to become engaged in family history, spend time in the temple carefully prepare yourself to be the kind of man or woman ready to marry an equally worthy companion in the temple.”

“You will discover and experience bounteous celestial blessings and receive a witness that God hears you, knows you and loves you. You will experience days never to be forgotten.”

Summary: 1) Actively strive to be a light to the world. 2) Live the gospel of Jesus Christ. 3) Serve those in need. 4) Invite all to receive the Gospel. 5) Unite familes for eternity.

• Hey, Britt! Elder Stevenson is an iPhone user.

Bradley R. Wilcox (1st counselor, YM General residency) began by citing excerpts from “Children’s letter to God,” Hilarious.

Deep dive on the idea of “Youth of the noble birthright.”

“Is it too much for God to expect you to live differently than His other children so you can better lead and serve them? Not when you consider the blessings — both temporal and spiritual — that you have been given.”

“Is your birthright evidence of God’s love? Yes, but more important, it is evidence of His trust. It is one thing to be loved and another thing entirely to be trusted.”

Quoted from “For the Strength of Youth” as it explains how God trusts us.

Talked about the idea that we are on a cruise ship, but that we are the crew, not the passengers. And we receive compensation for being righteous.

“It would be easy for Heavenly Father to simply give you all that He has. His desire is to help you become all that He is. Thus, your commitments demand more of you, because that is how God is making more of you.”

“Your covenant relationship with God and Jesus Christ is a relationship of love and trust in which you have access to a greater measure of Their grace. … That power is not just wishful thinking, a lucky charm or self-fulfilling prophecy. It is real.”

“Because He is full of truth, He sees you as you really are — flaws, weaknesses, regrets and all. Because He is full of grace, He sees you as you really can be. He meets you where you are and helps you repent and improve, overcome and become.”

“I testify that you are loved and you are trusted. … Don’t sell your birthright for a mess of pottage. Don’t trade everything for nothing. Don’t let the world change you when you were born to change the world.”

• Hoping that sometime today I can get the theme song from “The Love Boat” out of my head.

President Henry B. Eyring began speaking about how we all have family members who are being led astray by the world and the adversary. (Caught all of our attention)

Talked about Alma and his struggles. The importance of sticking with the Doctrine of Christ. Alma and the sons of Mosiah remembered the words of their parents in their moment of great trial. Your words may do the same for your children.

“The word of God is the doctrine taught by Jesus Christ and by His prophets.” Faith, repentance, baptism, Holy Ghost, Enduring to the End.

“Because we need the promptings of the Holy Ghost, we must avoid speculation or personal interpretation that goes beyond teaching true doctrine.”

“One of the surest ways to avoid even getting near false doctrine is to choose to be simple in our teaching.”

Start early, before the world has a shot at children: “Teaching simply allows us to share the saving doctrine early on, while children remain untouched by the deceiver’s temptations that will later confront them.” “We should seize every opportunity to share the teachings of Jesus Christ with children.”

“We should seize every opportunity to share the teachings of Jesus Christ with children.”

“For every hour spent instilling doctrine into a child’s life, there are countless hours of opposition filled with messages and images that challenge or ignore those saving truths.”

“The words you share today could be the ones they carry with them, and today will soon pass.”

Told a great story about a woman who got thrown in jail for teaching the gospel. (You need to watch/read it yourself.)

If your loved ones don’t respond to your teachings, “Don’t give in to those doubts. Turn to God for help.”

“Your teaching of that sacred doctrine will be remembered.”

• The last 5 minutes of this talk were beautiful, and I was too caught up to type.

• The Spirit of God. Always a good choice.

• Sorry about the skimpy notes.

• One more session to go!


About the author


  1. I always appreciate your thoughts. General Conference. I really hated it as a kid/teenager. Now? It helps me to live and have hope!

  2. It was a powerful session! And, I really appreciate your notes after each session. There are so many talks that I am excited to rewatch.

  3. Elder Stevenson’s quote really gave me pause and excitement for the years ahead…wonder what’s going to happen!

    “Miraculous events have continued to this very day. May I be so bold as to suggest that this year, we have commenced a decade that may prove to be as momentous as any other since that founding decade almost two centuries ago.”

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