Wanna see something cool?

In September I wrote about my dad’s “would-have-been” 100th birthday this past October. (link here) While I was digging through boxes of old stuff, I stumbled across a bunch of Super 8 film reels. I digitized them, focusing on images of my family, but there were some other interesting things as well.

I’ve attached a clip from film that my dad shot after his UofU commencement exercises at the Tabernacle in 1950. It’s fun to see how President George Albert Smith and his wife mingle with the crowd as they make their way to the car. The vehicles and the fashions of the time are interesting, too.

There is also a brief clip of my dad driving his convertible up to my uncle’s house after the services. I included this so that you can see that my dad was one cool cat. That must be where I got my sense of style.

My favorite part of all of this is that these clips are taken from one of the film reels that had never been opened after being processed and shipped by the lab. As I was watching it, the thought occurred to me that these images had been hidden away for some 74 years. Even crazier was the realization that I was the only person on earth who had watched them.

I thought you might enjoy taking a look:

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  1. That IS cool. 1950 was the year that I was born, so it’s cool to see the prophet at that time. And, I loved the color of your dad’s car.

  2. Love it! I have been digitizing old films of my dad’s from the late 1940’s and 50’s too! I saw video of my grandfather (born in 1868) that I have never seen before. And there was a primary parade celebrating Pioneer Day that included a real covered wagon. Fun times for sure.

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