Hinge Point: The point where something literally pivots. It’s the turning point where you are going to see a significant change take place.
There is a scripture in this week’s CFM that I believe presents a crucial hinge point for our personal faith in the gospel and our membership in the church. I’ll get right to it: Do we believe in this one verse of scripture-or not? Because this one verse makes all the difference. Here is that one verse:
“What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, IT IS THE SAME.” (D&C 1:38) (emphasis added)
If we believe what the Lord is telling us in that one scripture, it will serve as a hinge point in our faith. The concept is important enough that the Lord had Joseph Smith include it in the preface to the Doctrine & Covenents. (Now known as Section 1.)
Why is that verse so important, and how does it serve as a hinge point? Because it directly affects how we perceive and receive who is teaching, and what is being taught by modern prophets. To help understand, let’s back up.
Many religions of the world see Jesus Christ as the Son of God, a God, and the Savior of all mankind. However, other religions do not see Him as Deity, but merely as a teacher with much wisdom to share. That is a big difference – a life-altering difference.
Similarly, if we believe what is taught in D&C 1:38, then we accept that the teachings of the Brethren carry the same weight as if Christ, Himself, were doing the talking. “It is the same.”
So it boils down to two choices. Either:
- We do believe that the voice of the prophets is the same as the Lord’s voice, or,
- The Brethren speaking to us are merely wise, elderly men, sharing their opinions with us and the world.
It is a significant and important distinction.
If I don’t think that the prophets speak for the Savior, and represent a conduit for the Lord to share His will with His Church, then everything gets messy.
Anytime is a good time to check where we stand regarding this concept. Elder Neil A. Anderson said this:
“In the commotion and confusion of our modern world, trusting and believing in the words of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve is vital to our spiritual growth and endurance. President Henry B. Eyring once said: “The choice not to take prophetic counsel changes the very ground upon which we stand. It becomes more dangerous. The failure to take prophetic counsel lessens our power to take inspired counsel in the future…Every time in my life when I have chosen to delay following inspired counsel or decided that I was an exception, I came to know that I had put myself in harm’s way. Every time that I have listened to the counsel of prophets, felt it confirmed in prayer, and then followed it, I have found that I moved toward safety.” (link)
Seems like a pretty good time to know if what we are hearing is sacred counsel or not, right?
Personally, if I didn’t have a testimony that the Lord speaks through His prophets, I’m sure I wouldn’t be doing this. Being a member of the Church would seem like a colossal waste of time. For me, ours would be a very difficult faith to embrace if this specific element were in doubt.
But it’s not, and I do have that specific testimony: I know from both experience and the Spirit that the Lord speaks through prophets. From Joseph Smith to Russell M. Nelson, the Lord has had His prophets leading the way, and representing Him as a conduit for His voice.
This is where the hinge point comes in. The “gate” is either open or closed.
If the gate is closed, and I DO NOT believe that the prophets speak for God, I will approach everything they teach with an attitude of skepticism and reluctance. My baseline is doubt.
If the gate is open, and I DO believe that the prophets speak for God, then I approach what they teach from a position of belief and acceptance. My baseline is faith.
We have to make a choice to settle in our hearts how we feel about D&C 1:38. It alters how we see our faith, our religion, and our relationship with God.
I, for one, am totally in. The gate is wide open, and I have yet to regret it.
Digging deeper…
BUT WAIT! How can you possibly believe they speak for Christ when they are mortal and can make mistakes? What about the dumb things some leaders like Brigham Young said back in the day?
Good question. I’ll let Elder Anderson answer it:
A few question their faith when they find a statement made by a Church leader decades ago that seems incongruent with our doctrine. There is an important principle that governs the doctrine of the Church. The doctrine is taught by all 15 members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve. It is not hidden in an obscure paragraph of one talk. True principles are taught frequently and by many. Our doctrine is not difficult to find. (link)
The Church weighed in on this and issued a statement to help clarify what doctrine is precisely:
“Not every statement made by a Church leader, past or present, necessarily constitutes doctrine. A single statement made by a single leader on a single occasion often represents a personal, though well-considered, opinion, but is not meant to be officially binding for the whole Church. With divine inspiration, the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles counsel together to establish doctrine that is consistently proclaimed in official Church publications. This doctrine resides in the four “standard works” of scripture (the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price), official declarations and proclamations, and the Articles of Faith. Isolated statements are often taken out of context, leaving their original meaning distorted.” (link)
For example, years ago, when Elder Russell Ballard taught that we shouldn’t let kids have computers or televisions in their bedrooms, it was wise and timely counsel (still is), even inspired. But it did not rise to the level of doctrine. Why? It was one concept, taught by one leader, one time.
In contrast, during a previous Conference, President Dallin Oaks gave a powerful talk on “The Great Plan” of Salvation, which was wall-to-wall doctrine, as supported by scripture, proclamation, and previous modern revelation.
The first example is inspired counsel from one of the Lord’s servants, the second is doctrine. Do you see the difference?
I picked the talk by President Oaks specifically, because after that particular Conference ended, I saw comments on the internet saying things like this:
“I really enjoyed Conference, except for President Oaks’ talk.”
“Can you believe Oak’s went there.”
Of course, we can always choose to believe what we want to believe, but when we pick and choose which doctrines we agree with, or which prophets to “like,” we necessarily distance ourselves from the whole truth.
Rather than responding to the prophets with an attitude of picking and choosing which truths to believe, I prefer to listen with an open heart, primed with the testimony that these brethren do teach true doctrine, on behalf of the Savior.
My experience – which cannot be contested – teaches me that I am always blessed when I follow the counsel of the living prophet. If we accept that the Lord runs His church the way He wants to, and the leaders that are in place are standing in for Him, AND that we accept them as Him. There would be so much less grumbling, unhappiness and apostasy, and the outlook for personal and collective spiritual growth would be enhanced.
Blind faith? (Chuckle) Hardly. This is the hard-won, eyes-wide-open kind of faith.
Here’s the thing: If anyone wants to find out if the Lord’s servants speak for Him, they CAN find out, through obedience, and through the Holy Ghost.
If we want to know the “truth of all things” we need to ask. (Moroni 10:5)
Opinions, policies and procedures (Mine, yours, everyone’s) can change with the weather, but doctrines are sacrosanct. When we receive the words of the prophets, we need to listen for those doctrines and embrace them. We need to fight the temptation to pick and choose which doctrines we like, and discard those we don’t. Because it is just that: a temptation. The adversary would love nothing more for us to be inconsistently committed to 1:38.
We are entering into a year of learning from the prophets of the restoration, and what the Lord revealed through them. If we have the gate open, and embrace the concepts taught in D&C 1:38, we can embrace truth without second-guessing from a baseline of doubt.
Jesus taught, “Wherefore, settle this in your hearts, that ye will do the things which I shall teach, and command you.” (JST, Luke 14:28.)
We also need to “settle in our hearts” that the way Jesus teaches and commands us in our day is through the voice of His servants, the prophets.
Are you in?

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Powerful post and I really appreciated the way you put it into two baselines. It really is that simple!
I copied and pasted this essay into my Gospel Library scriptures app at D&C 1:38. I want to be reminded when I come across that verse again in the future. Thank you!
“Blind faith? (Chuckle) Hardly. This is the hard-won, eyes-wide-open kind of faith.” I’m all in, and I agree that for me, this is hard-won, eyes-wide-open faith. Well tested, well proved. I remember Elder Holland saying, in an address to the sisters of the Church in Atlanta, GA, “I haven’t given my life to a fairy tale.” Same here. I have two of my four daughters who feel that I am a fool and have made foolish choices because of my desire to be faithful to the Gospel and to keeping my covenants. They have, in fact, totally cut me out of their life. Nevertheless, I know that the time will come that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that these things we now know are true. I can’t imagine my life without the truths of the gospel and the leadership of our prophets, seers and revelators.
Here is a thought I had while reading section 1 this week. and Ironically, verse 38 was the focal point.
The last part, “…it is the same,” to me has always been a “given.” there is nothing there to question or ponder. In reading this verse, this week, I had another thought. “…I have spoken, and I excuse not myself….” It ties into President Oaks’ talk as well. The last 50 years has seen an exponential decline in morality and the demand to tolerate and accept that immorality. (Caveat, we are NOT to neglect, ostracize, nor be intolerant of the sinner, just the sin itself) the world demands that we be accepting…and the Lord tells us no, and He will not excuse Himself for stating that right is right and wrong is wrong. Love all mankind as He does, be we don’t’ have to love the sin. What is sin, is derived from doctrine, not policy or opinion.