Instant Post-Conference Notes: Saturday AM Session (October ’24)

Note:  These are the instant, post-conference, mildly-filtered things that ran through my brain and heart as I watched this session of General Conference. If you are looking for deep, spiritual analysis, this is not the place. Drive on.

Off we go – but wait! How about a moment of shameless self-promotion? As if you didn’t see, I have a new novel coming out next month! I’m pretty sure it will surprise you. If you want to be on the mailing list to get more info, or to get blog notifications, send your email address to brad@thuswesee.com, or use the subscription form on the right side of the website, or at the bottom of the phone version. Thanks, and now back to conference.

• Off to a rough start – no donuts, no cinnamon rolls. Breakfast consisted of a measly protein shake. I hope the day gets better.

President Eyring is conducting, called for sustaining votes. No new changes.

Elder Neil L. Anderson is the leadoff hitter this morning. Encouraged us to bring the Holy Ghost into our Conference experience, quoting President Nelson.

The topic: Hope. (Very timely.)

“The power of the Lord’s Spirit enlightens the faithful today, illuminating the reality of eternal life.”

Spoke of Moroni’s rough situation and how he recorded his father’s teaching on hope.

“To fortify our hope in a time of increasing wickedness, the Lord has directed His prophet to dot the earth with His temples.”

“There is no pain, no sickness, no injustice, no suffering, nothing that can darken our hope as we believe and hold tightly to our covenants with God in the house of the Lord. It is a house of light, a house of hope.”

(If you are keeping score, this is talk #1 that refers to temples. 1/1)

Told a tragic story about his nephew’s son.

“The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives but everything to do with the focus of our lives.”

President Emily Belle Freeman, YW General President: Sacrament, and how ordinances work for us.

How an ordinance manifests the power of God:

  1. Must be done with God’s authority. (Priesthood) “The sons of God have been ordained to stand in place of the Son of God.”
  2. “We don’t just make covenant promises, we MUST keep them.”

“It is the combination of priesthood ordinances along with the keeping of covenant promises that allows us to draw upon God’s power.”

“Priesthood ordinances and covenant promises allow God to sanctify us and then work wonders in our life”

Talked about Emma Smith and D&C 25 which brought her understanding about her place in the Plan, and explained the importance of ordinances, and inward sanctification.

“Emma didn’t just have a front-row seat to the Restoration; she was an essential participant in the work taking place.” “Everything that happened in Harmony has profound implications for our lives.”

“Partaking of the bread and water is a weekly reminder of His power working in you to help you overcome.”

We all have access to the gift of God’s power. Every time we partake of the sacrament. Every time we cross the threshold of a temple.” (2/2)

Spoke about importance of wearing the garment. (Closed strong but too fast to catch it all.)

• (Very strong talk! A balanced shout-out to Emma Smith and the Priesthood at the same time.)

Elder Karl Hirst. “I’ve got more on my mind than the trap door.” (Hilarious, but people missed it.)

“When we love one another, as completely and fully as we can, Heaven gets involved too.”

Voices may tell you that you do not warrant heavenly love. “If you hear those ideas then please hear this: those voices are just wrong.”

Lots of great lines: “Jesus removes all shame from the broken.” “We can confidently discard brokenness as disqualifying us from Heavenly Love” “We are all His favorite.” “He can make us perfect in spite of our brokenness.” “Being loved is not the same thing as feeling loved.”

(Temple references: 3/3)

Some people are more cruel to themselves than they ever would be to another person. You are a child of God. He loves you. Be kind to yourself. Self-loathing is not the way.

“You might know something secret about yourself that makes you feel unlovable. However right you might be about what you know about yourself, you are wrong to think that you have put yourself beyond the reach of God’s love.”

“If you do feel filled with love in this season of your life, please try and hold onto it as effectively as a sieve holds water. Splash it everywhere you go.”

• That was a cool talk. Elder Hirst is a wordsmith. I need to reread this talk.

• Already halftime? Wow!

• How Firm a Foundation is always a winner.

Elder Dale G. Renlund talked about the man (Sobrero) who invented nitro-glycerin and its instability, and how Nobel managed to control it by adding it to DTE. (Resulting in dynamite)

Used dynamite as a metaphor for the importance of the Church and the Gospel together. (Well played!)

“The Church is the instrument through which we learn the central role of Jesus Christ in Heavenly Father’s plan.”

“The church is simply ordinary people, disciples of Jesus Christ, gathered and organized into a divinely appointed structure to help the Lord accomplish His purposes.”

“The access to God’s covenantal power and covenantal love is through His church. The combination of the Savior’s gospel and His church transforms our lives.”

“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints enables access to God’s power because it’s authorized by Him to teach the doctrine of Christ and to offer the gospel’s saving ordinances.”

“Jesus Christ wants nothing more than for us to repent and come unto Him so that He can justify and sanctify us. In this desire, He is relentless and unwavering.”

• Another awesome talk.

Elder David P. Homer.

“God trusts us to make many important decisions and, in all matters, He asks us to trust Him.”

“As we seek to understand and accept God’s will, it is helpful to remember that the boundaries between right and wrong are not for us to define. God has established these boundaries Himself based on eternal truths for our benefit.”

“God’s saving truths are absolute, independent and defined by God Himself.” (Nelson)

We should not be surprised when our personal views are not initially in harmony with God’s teachings. With time, we will receive more personal clarity.

If you follow the truth, you get more, if you disregard it, you get less: “This loss of knowledge does not mean the truth was wrong, it means we have lost the capacity to understand it.

“Fortunately, we have the scriptures and guidance from living prophets to help us understand God’s truth.”

“It is easy for our pride to come between us and eternal truth. When we don’t understand, we can pause, let our feelings settle then choose how to respond.”

“First, doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.” (Uchtdorf)

“The submission of our will is the only thing we truly have that we place on God’s altar.” (Maxwell)

“When we find it difficult to understand or embrace God’s will, it is comforting to remember that He loves us as we are, wherever we are, and he has something better for us if we reach out to Him.”

“They know our hurts and challenges. They will never forsake us, and know perfectly how to succor us. We can be of good cheer as we trust Them more than anyone or anything else.”

Elder Gergorio E. Castillas: Seems like a very happy man.

“One of the greatest reasons your Heavenly Father sent you here at this time is so that you can realize your full potential.”

‘Preach My Gospel’ teaches us that as disciples of Christ, we should avoid comparing ourselves to one another. Your spiritual abilities are unique, personal, and innate, and your Heavenly Father wants to help you develop them.”

“One of your crucial missions is to become a disciple of Jesus Christ and to follow the impressions of the Spirit.”

“Let us be good neighbors, good employers, and good workers. Let us strive to be good Christians at all times.”

“Our love, our words of encouragement and support, our time and our help can give someone hope to try once more.”

President Dallin H. Oaks was the concluding speaker.

“Following Christ is not a casual or occasional practice. It is a continuous commitment and way of life that should guide us at all times and in all places.”

First step: Love the Lord thy God…

Second: Love thy neighbor.

Doctrine of Christ

  1. Faith
  2. Repentance
  3. Baptism
  4. Gift of the Holy Ghost
  5. Enduring to the End
  6. Becoming as a little child. (Submissive)

Temporary commandments: Set aside as the need has passed. (Like moving from NY to Missouri)

Permanent commandments: Tithing. Family Proclamation

“It is significant that among the first principles Jesus taught when He appeared to the Nephites was to avoid contention.”

What should we do in times of toxic communication? Avoid contention. “He that has the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil.”

“Avoid Contention… In politics, public policies & family relationships”

“True disciples of Jesus Christ are peacemakers. One of the best ways that we can honor the savior is to become a peacemaker. Contention is a choice. Peacemaking is a choice. You have your agency to choose contention or reconciliation.” (Nelson)

“Peacemakers. How it would change personal relationships if followers of Christ would forgo harsh and hurtful words in all their communications.”

Seek common ground, employ the Golden Rule.

“We need to love and do good to all. We need to avoid contention and be peacemakers in all our communications. This does not mean to compromise our principles and priorities, but to cease harshly attacking others for theirs.”

Played a clip of President Nelson. That’s new!

“Let us avoid what is harsh and hateful. Let us seek to be holy like our Savior.”

• That went so fast!

• I need to practice incorporating the word “covenantal” into my religious lexicon.

• I noticed an interesting theme running through most, if not all, of the talks this morning: The Church, with the priesthood, is the vehicle that can bring us to God, help us find happiness, joy and self-confidence, and access God’s love and God’s power. This is so important because we live in an age where many think they can be a “religion unto themselves” and that there is no need for a Church. This session shoots that false teaching down nicely.

• Have a nice break. See you this afternoon.


About the author


  1. My favorite was Elder Hirst, but I am biased. I was able to help teach the gospel to his family in the 70’s when I served my mission in England. Elder Hirst was only six at the time. It was a missionary’s dream come true to go to Conference today and hear him speak for the first time as a General Authority seventy!

  2. 1. We ended about 10 minutes early which means someone didn’t speak or someone spoke really, really fast.

    2. I can already hear people who are going to be angry with me for not joining them in their anger.

    I loved all the talks, especially the extraordinary sermon by Sister Freeman.

    Thank you, Brad for your great summary!

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