Writer’s Block? Bwahahaha

I haven’t been around much lately online. Facebook and Instagram posts are rare. New blog posts are sporadic at best. I’m sure some of you are thinking, “Well, it finally happened – after 14 years, Brad has finally run out of things to say.”

One of the things that writers, influencers, etc., struggle with in their quest for more content: The Dreaded Writer’s Block.

In my case, you couldn’t be further from the truth. First, I don’t have first-hand experience with this mythical “writer’s block,” second, I have so much “content” that I could post every day for the next month without breaking a sweat.

Then why haven’t I been posting? Good question. The answer is simply that I have been too busy living and haven’t taken the time to stop and write it down. These past few months have been a cycle of busy-busy-busy -recovery-busy-busy-busy-recovery. (Somehow, the “recovery” part seems more important than it used to be.)

I am not complaining. It has been fulfilling, joyful, challenging and engaging. And exhausting. My cup runneth over.

Did I mention exhausting?

The point of this post is to simply give you a quick update and point to a few things:

  1. Yes, I will be writing my regular General Conference summaries.
  2. I will be posting more often.
  3. You will see more mid-week posts in addition to the usual Sunday stuff.

As we get nearer to the election, some of us have learned to steer away from the contentions of social media. Understandable. So, might I make a suggestion?

If you depend on Facebook to follow me, make sure you are signed up to receive email notices when I post. You can do this on the homepage (on the right side for desktop, or scroll down to near the bottom on your phone). Or, you can drop me an email at brad@thuswesee.com and I’ll happily add you.

Here’s hoping your life is full and happy. (To the point of some exhaustion.)

Stay tuned…



About the author


  1. Great to hear from you, and I’m looking forward to more. I really enjoy your quick general conference reports and am always amazed that you capture so much so quickly! Thanks!

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