Note: These are the instant, mildly-filtered things that ran through my brain and heart as I watched this session of General Conference. If you are looking for deep, spiritual analysis, this is not the place. Drive on.
• I just woke up from a snooze. Don’t judge. (OK, you can judge, but judge…wisely.)
• Evening session! My hope for this session is that they will announce that we are going back to Saturday Evening Priesthood session. I miss it terribly. (Kinda like the 18 month mission blip)
Starting off with Elder Mark A. Bragg. Legendary coach John Wooden was at his home as a teenager. Counseled him to have poise in very situation – be a good man in a storm.
(Haha! Talking about a basketball coach while the NCAA playoffs are on the other channel.)
“Spiritual Poise blesses us to stay calm and focused in what matters most especially under pressure.”
“It’s a matter of extreme self-discipline,” President Nelson
“The Savior is the ultimate example of poise.” Exemplified as he left the Garden. Peter was freaked out, Jesus calm.
“Poise has a much broader application to life and can bless parents, leaders, missionaries, teachers, students, and everyone else facing the storms of life.”
Three ways to have more spiritual poise:
1. Know who you are and your Divine Mission. “We truly are divine spiritual beings having a mortal experience. Knowing who we are and being true to that divine identity are foundational to the development of Christlike poise.”
2. There is a Great Plan of Happiness. “By framing challenging times within an eternal plan, pressure becomes a privilege to love, serve, teach and bless. An eternal view enables Christlike poise.”
3. Through the Atonement all who Follow Him will be Saved. “The enabling power of Christ, gives us the strength to endure and prevail.”
“On this eve of Palm Sunday, I joyfully testify of Jesus Christ. He is risen!”
• Short and really good.
Elder Milton de Carmago
Jesus has overcome four problems for us.
- Physical death.
- Overcame all the sadness, affliction, unfairness and pain.
- Made it so we can overcome sin.
- Overcome our limited and imperfect natures.
“Clearly, focusing on Jesus Christ must be more than a Sunday, at-church activity.”
“President Nelson said that we should “transform our home into a sanctuary of faith” and “a center of gospel learning.” And he made four wonderful promises to us if we do.”
- Your Sabbath days will truly be a delight
- Your children will be excited to live and learn the Savior’s teachings
- The influence of the adversary in your life will decrease.
- Changes in your family will be dramatic and sustaining.
“The reward for keeping covenants with God is heavenly power—power that strengthens us to withstand our trials, temptations, and heartaches better.”
“As our homes are filled with the Savior’s light, there is less and less room for the darkness of the adversary.”
Daily Scripture study: “Could I suggest that you begin by making the words of Christ, found in the scriptures, a daily part of your life?”
“There is no prescribed formula for perfect scripture study.”
“The Lord Jesus Christ lives today. He can be an active, daily presence in our lives. He is the solution to our problems, but we must lift our eyes and raise our sights to see Him.”
Elder Brett K. Nattress. His daughter left him a post-it note, saying, “Dad, remember to love me.” Do we ever forget to love God?
Told the story of a young man who lost his way then, after feeling God’s love, was able to follow the example of Alma and repent, forgive himself and have a “mighty change of heart.” Went from drug abuser to serving a mission. Even so, he still doubted his worthiness.
Elder Nattress asked him, “Have you looked in the mirror? Have you seen your eyes? Bright. Beaming. Filled with Love of the Lord. Of course, you have been forgiven. You are amazing. Now what you need to do is move forward with your life. Don’t look back. Look forward with faith to the next ordinance.”
“The same promise of complete and perfect forgiveness is made to everyone in and through the infinite Atonement of Jesus Christ.”
“‘To those who have strayed from the covenant path, please know there is always hope. There is always healing. And there is always a way back.”
• My wife just said, “This is the way.” Cracked me up.
Elder Juan A. Uceda. Ministering to the One.
(Missed part of this, sorry.)
“In the Greek version of this scripture, the word for good also means beautiful, magnificent. So today, I wish to speak of the Good Shepherd, the Beautiful Shepherd, the Magnificent Shepherd, even Jesus Christ.”
“President Nelson has declared: “The Good Shepherd lovingly cares for all sheep of His fold, and we are His true undershepherds. Our privilege is to bear His love and to add our own love to friends and neighbors – feeding, tending, and nurturing them – as the Savior would have us do.”
Speaks of the parables of the lost coin, prodigal son, lost sheep. We keep searching for the one.
“If you and I have with us “the pure love of Christ”, we, as the man in the story of the Lost Sheep, will “leave the ninety and nine…and go after that which is lost, until…until… until we find it.”.
Concluding speaker…there is no concluding speaker.
• Short, sweet and done. See ya tomorrow!

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I wonder if Elder Holland was to be the concluding speaker. I thought they would ask Elder Cook to read it after his experience with Elder Packer. 😝
My wife also made the “This is the way” comment. We are a community of nerds, apparently.