I haven’t done this for quite some time, but I figured it was time to dust off the concept. Here’s the deal: I will tell you a story, and you will find the message, moral, and/or significance of the story.
The other day I had the privilege of playing Hot Wheels with my youngest grandson, George. He’s a few months shy of two years. He understands whatever you say to him, and he knows a few words, but he’s not talking a lot yet. He’s so adorable and communicative without words that he is still pretty understandable.
We had a small track set up with the slope beginning at a height he could reach. We had two matching cars, (pictured above), and would take turns sending them down the track. After, George would walk to the end of the track, grab both cars and bring them back.
He would hand one of the two cars to me, which I would send down the track, then he would send his down. We did this for what seemed like several hours, (okay, maybe 15 minutes). Then it changed: George walked over and picked up one of the cars and then walked back to me.
He reached up and grabbed my finger and turned and started walking back to where the track ended, pulling me with him. When we got to the remaining car, he pulled my hand down, down to the car, then turned and look at me. He didn’t say a word, but his face said, “Pick it up yourself, Pops.”
I chuckled as I picked up the car and returned to the beginning of the track. For the next few hours – er, minutes, I picked up my own car and we had a blast.
Eventually, I got tired of chasing my own car and decided to see if he would get it for me. We sent both cars down the track and he took off to get them.
I was happy to see that he bent down and picked up both of them, and came back. He put his car on the track and sent it, then looked up at me, grinning. I put my hand out to take my car, but he didn’t hand it to me. Instead, he turned back and sent the second car racing down the track. He looked at me, cocked his head and smiled his dimply smile, then ran off to collect both cars.
Now it’s your turn…

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I think , as cute as it is, that it symbolizes our relationship with our Heavenly Father. He is totally with us in the beginning and is an example of how it’s done . Then he lets us act for ourselves. He is surely happy when we do as we should. Then if we falter, the work goes on, regardless. But we always have the choice to act and be one with Him.
Your grandson is trying to teach you that it is more fun and enjoyable to do it yourself.
This is “remembering”. Although most of us at one time have looked into a clear night, seen the Milky Way or just a super amount of stars, and we stand for awhile, and just think “WOW”. But for me, I have come to think of it as remembering … we were there (as spirits) at the organization — and creation, of this world, universe, and galaxy. Note the plural use of “Us” and “We” in Abraham 4, and D&C 49:7 & 93:29. No wonder a two year old ‘remembers’ the lesson It’s always better to do than just observe. . .he remembered that he was with Michael and Jesus, when Michael stated at the conclusion of the creation, “The world is indeed a beautiful place”.
The one who does the work gets to have the fun. 🙂 That is an adult perspective. From a child’s, you didn’t want to play with him anymore, so he could play by himself and still have fun.
Babies are awesome. My oldest grand babies are 2 1/2 years old (both are boys). Babies love to have fun with gma & gpa. I wonder if he was having fun picking up the cars so he wanted to shared it with you. You chuckling=mission accomplished. Maybe he observed how much fun you were having, sending the race car down and gathered the courage to try for himself. As a grandma, I think I’m teaching them how to play. Reality might be, we are both learning. Idk if I enjoyed hours (😉) of race car games with my own toddlers. It’s way more fun to observe other ppl toddlers.