Remember the story in Luke of the woman who lost a piece of silver and searched until she found it? Here’s what happened after:
“And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost.” (Luke 15:9)
I understand where she was coming from. Last weekend, when my computer went haywire, I was rightfully distraught. My computer is very important to me, and I use it for blogging, work, and collecting cat memes.
However, problems rarely come at convenient times. They are more likely to come at the exact moment when college tuition, E.R. visits, car repairs and Uncle Sam are all screaming for every available nickel.
Why couldn’t it have happened last month, when I felt so flush that I even had cookies delivered to the house? But alas, things happen when they happen.
Then I had to find a solution, and I had an idea: Ask your blog and Facebook friends – they’ll help you. I figured that asking for $2 wasn’t burdening anyone, and we also decided that offering a prize in the form of a raffled BonaFide Box was a fun way to show my appreciation.
Ask for money? What a terrible idea. But…as time went by…and I got humbled a bit, I decided that it was still a terrible idea. I mean, how embarrassing, right?
Eventually I swallowed more pride than I should possess and asked…

The response was immediate and wonderful. SO many people offered anywhere from $2 to more than $2. Watching the notifications fill my phone was both humbling and enabling.
So much kindness!!!
It took less than a day before I shut it down, because I had enough to get what I needed. Needed. Not wanted. Need. I felt going crazy on some high-dollar laptop would be unappreciative of what you did for me.
Thank you so much for your help. So generous! I especially appreciate the kind notes and email of support for what I do here. Touching stuff. I’ve been doing this a long time, and am surprised you all aren’t sick to death of me by now.
Here’s where the lady in Luke comes in: I feel like telling my friends and neighbors about what I found – Rejoice with me!
I found a used MacBook Pro that has a few miles on it, but only saw part of the second Obama term. Same size as my old one, but faster and nicer.

The best part? I WAS BACKED UP! (I have been burned before and have learned the hard way to always back up your data.) I was able to get back up and running in no time. First official thing I’m doing on it? Writing this post.
Again, thank you for your love and concern as shown in both in money and support. You are great friends and it is nice to have you in my corner.
Oh, that other thing…
I got a few bruising comments and messages from concerned people letting me know how disappointed they were with me, and how I was setting a bad example, and how they, and you, deserve and expect more from me.
Yeah, I didn’t see that coming…
The accusations were that I was condoning gambling by offering the raffle, (Which is the blogging world’s bread and butter.)
There is some truth to their criticism. In fact, they were probably right. However, it never crossed my mind when I offered to raffle a prize that I was participating in, or condoning any kind of sinful behavior. To me, I was just trying to make it more fun and show my appreciation.
Live and learn.
One of the weirdest parts of getting that kind of feedback is that it reminds me that some people are watching me. Critically. I guarantee that if you watch often and closely enough, you will find something to call me out on. Easily.
Let me announce right here, right now, that I am an imperfect man. (Gasp!) There it is. Hopefully any confusion or rumor about my perfection is now put to rest. If you have been party to spreading such gossip, please stop it.

That said, it does create a little bit of a personal chilling effect, knowing that some people are waiting to pounce…or gently chastise…or try to help.
For example, we are going to be in Seattle this weekend on a Spring Break trip that was planned and paid for (points) long before the laptop disaster. Two different people said to me yesterday, “You might not want to post anything about your trip, seeing that you just asked for laptop money.”
To be honest, that same thought crossed my mind. That’s dumb. There are so many better things to think about, and so many better things to accuse me of. Good-hearted people aren’t keeping score, judgy people are. I’ll be posting from Seattle this Sunday, and if that bugs you, I would gladly refund your donation. (Up to $2)
Oh, speaking of Sunday’s post, a little bit will be about gambling, but will lead to other ideas.
I bet you’ll like it. Wait! I don’t mean that. I mean…oh nevermind.
One last “Thank You” to all who helped.. A lost coin found, a broken computer replaced are such small things in the big picture – but the charity displayed is not a small thing.

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Congratulations on the new computer.
As I recall, Bruce R. McConkie published some anti-raffle quotes from Brigham Young in his book “Mormon Doctrine” that equated raffles with gambling. In spite of its title, it’s important to remember that book was never actually official church doctrine, but I’m guessing that’s what the opinions you received were based on. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Those opinions came from an era when saints were told not to read novels or play checkers either.
When you’re flying into or out of SeaTac airport, give a wave to the south (the direction the sun is in, if it deigns to show itself). I’d wave back if I knew the right timing! I’ll hear the jet flying past overhead. — Your blogs filled with insight and humor brighten so many lives! So about those nay-sayers… *big eye-roll* Just keep on as you are!
So glad you have got your new laptop, Brad. No excuse now for not continuing the blogs I look forward to so eagerly. As one of your so-called ‘critics’, I apologise if you thought I was being critical of YOU. It was the terminology you used that took me aback. I fully understood your desire to ‘reward’ those who wanted to help you out.
We live in a mining town and the social life here revolves around Clubs and raffles. Everywhere there are invitations to ‘get something for nothing’. We are inundated with phone calls from charities, all offering raffles trying to raise money for their very worth causes, so if I react rather ‘over-the-top’ when I hear the word ‘raffle’ please forgive me. I invariably ask if I can make a donation without going in the raffle, but many times they can’t accept the donation because their system isn’t set up to. How sad that we can’t extend a helping hand just for the love of our brothers and sisters.
I have recommended your blog to many of my friends and I find that you invariably raise issues that either a) answer questions I may have had, or b) give me another perspective to consider. I really appreciate your sharing the experience and insights you have gained during your service in the Church. Hope we meet up one day (do they have days in the next life?), but not too soon, I have many more blogs to read, I hope.
You are wonderful and those of us who love you know that. We all rejoice in you being able to get a new computer and thank you for the opportunity to give back to you…someone who has given so much to all of us! Still trying to figure out the problem with the thank you prize, but I’m not gonna lose any sleep over it and neither should you! Enjoy your trip…great part of the country!
Thanks for letting me help out a friend. Glad you are back up and posting again.
Happy to donate and glad you got a good deal on a new computer. Sorry about the haters. That drives me nuts. Have fun in Seattle!
Hi Brad! Somehow I missed the $2 donation. I would gladly have given but then it would have been in Canadian and so would only have been $1.60. lol. Anyway glad you got a computer.
I was so happy to contribute. … you know…virtuous…lovely…good report…praiseworthy… and humorous! That’s how I see your blogs (and I do seek after them). They are spiritual, !timely, informative and humble with a wonderful personal touch.. Thank you!
I love seeing how awesome people are when someone else is in a pinch. I’m baffled by the gambling complaints. Does this mean that all sports should be stopped? Isn’t everyone who participates hoping to win? Aren’t they promised that if they work hard and do their best they’ll earn a reward? In gambling, sooner or later, the house always wins, to the determinant of the participants. Your raffle, giveaway, prize, drawing, was an extra bit of fun, a determinant only to those who chose to see it as such. I’m so happy for you!
I remember a quote I heard as a child that got me thinking instead of comparing and being concerned about what others thought. “Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.” I believe it’s from Henry Van Dyke. Anyway, sometimes I think we need to remember that the woods would also be silent if the only ones who sang were those who weren’t criticized. It is sad to me how desperately some people want to control others, and to what lengths they are willing to go to exert their own influence. My grandmother used to say, “My job is to love and teach, not criticize.” I like that.
I was happy to add my $2 worth. No problems here.
I was grateful to be able to contribute after all the posts I have enjoyed and some insights gained or strengthened. Thank YOU!
In my mind, gambling is playing a game in which the winners “winnings” consist of everyone else’s losses. A raffle is a game where there is a prize offered as a reward for those who play. Maybe it is splitting hairs, but I have never seen anything sinful in participating in a raffle by making a contribution to a cause. If I had seen your post last time, I would have gladly contributed. Love your insightful posts.
Can we not let this issue rest? Any way you look at it a raffle is gambling (it is nothing more than a precursor to lotteries – many people losing money so one can gain, it is based on greed). The end does not justify the means. Give a donation to support a worthy cause, but don’t be involved with the raffle part. If you have a problem with that, do your own research to find out what our GAs say about it, In fact do a “raffle” search on this blog. Brad knows what he is talking about, he just slipped up with the terminology he used, “prize” would have been a more appropriate word, as no one was motivated by greed in this instance, just the opposite in fact.
I object to being called a hater, but if that is the label I have to wear for standing up for (or against) a principle, so be it. , I think Brad’s blogs are wonderful, he is doing a great service, but as he said, he is an imperfect man, just like we all are, and I really think he is also big enough to acknowledge that in this instance there was a slight slip.
If he is big enough to “pick himself up, brush himself off, and start all over again” then the rest of us should do so also. (It’s great to find out that someone who produces such insightful, wonderful blogs is still human!)
And by-the-way check out Elder Oak’s 1972 talk where he includes “playing cards for money, betting on horse and athletic contests, casino gambling in all its forms, lotteries, raffles, bingo for money and dice”. Is it so hard to obey our prophets?
Go for it, Brad, I still think you are the greatest!
So, by offering my two cents am I committing a sin? Sorry… bad “dad joke.”
Though we’ve never met, and probably won’t until we get our work assignments in the next life, I like to think we would be good friends. Good enough friends that I could apologize for accidentally chastising you which you would graciously accept. And when you thought you had made a mistake I would offer that there’s no reason to apologize. I think have an understanding of your heart… by your fruits I have come to know you.
Thank you for making the world a better place to live in. I’m sorry I missed out on being a part of the laptop… what a wonderful way to allow people the chance to express their own love and gratitude to you in a very real and meaningful way… enabling you to continue writing and publishing. Wow.
So… in the anticipation that someday we will be good friends, Brother Brad there is no need for you to apologize. I know your heart.
I loved your willingness to ‘ask’ of us. It is humbling, especially for us males, to seek help from others. I saw it as an opportunity for those of us in your community to minister to your needs and it sounds like you recognized it as such. Don’t see how that could be a mistake. And that whole gambling factor… silly to me, but what do I know?
I am very glad, and thought about suggesting, that you were able to obtain a MacBook Pro. I have always been a windows guy, but my son-in-law talked me into buying a refurbished one a little over a year ago and have never regretted it. I believe you made the right choice there!
Enjoy your vacation up north – we’ll be excited to hear about it. (A little analogy on that point: If you call upon someone to minister to you by giving you a Priesthood blessing when you’re sick, does that mean you shouldn’t attend a ballgame the next day when you’re feeling better, nor share with others the excitement of the event, does it? Just thinking out loud…)
Recently, I was assigned the topic of the scripture you referenced to speak on. In my research, I found the reason the woman was so concerned and rejoiced so much about the lost coin was that the value of it was about one days wages for her.
BTW, I saw no problem with a drawing for those who donated. It was a fun way to say thank you.
And I hope you have a wonderful trip! I used to live north of Seattle. It’s still one of my favorite cities to visit.
I’m so glad you got a working laptop and that (most) people were both generous and kind. I value your insightful, uplifting posts and look forward to them.
Maybe it was your idea (Ask your blog and Facebook friends – they’ll help you.) or maybe it was the Holy Ghost. You’re a good listener, and a good teacher. I appreciate the people who are willing to put their arm around me and walk with me to show me the way. You are one of those. Thanks for your honesty, your humility, your genuineness.
I’m not on FB very often so I didn’t see you ask… so sorry about that! I’m so glad you got a new computer and that you’re going on vacation with your family.
Thank you for asking and for sharing your splendid experience with all of us. We all need to feel part of communities that can come together to do good.
As for the gambling issue – I loved that you offered a prize to add fun and show appreciation. It was kind. I work a with a non-profit in my community and we are not supposed to do raffles EVER for the whole gambling legality issue. However, offering prizes as part of a drawing is totally allowed. So perhaps instead of fretting about a raffle starting someone on a slippery slope to a life of a gambling addiction, you can just call it a drawing instead and surely you will protect all prospective susceptible innocents from feeling justified by your offering to take up a new addictive hobby. 😉
Keep up the good work, enjoy the new computer, and have a great trip! 🙂