Eight is Great!

Today is the anniversary of my blog. “Blogoversary,” if you will. Yes, on December 6, 2010 I posted my first missive on MMM. Nobody read it.

Since then, it has picked up a little, as has my prolificness. I am happy to say that this is post #1267. (Does the word “bloviate” come to mind? Also, eight years is a LONG TIME to do this.

In addition, I authored a book that contains 200 pages more that are not included in the blog, and one of reprinted stuff.

Also, in that time I have posted 25,683 comments from readers like you. (This does not include the thousands of comments submitted by hates, trolls, and some comments that were just too dumb to be published.)

Those are all fun, and it has been an adventure blogging as MMM and as just plain Brad. (JPB?) Thank you for that. I’ve made a ton of new friends and had many new experiences that have evolved from all this.

As I look back at eight years and see what the most important things are that have has transpired in my life, I’m reminded that it has been a very busy eight years.

  1. One son Taylor completed a mission in the D.R. (barely returning with his life.)
  2. Alex served in Buenos Aires, Argentina
  3. Dan served in the Xalapa, Mexico mission.
  4. Taylor and Emily graduated from college, Emily completed a Masters program.
  5. Ryan went from an  little kid to a serious teenager.
  6. And our family grew, and grew and grew:

Taylor found us a wonderful new daughter, Mallory:

They gave us a couple of new additions, Ellie and Owen:

Alex found himself a sweetheart, Madi:

And they brought Noah into the world:

Emily found the perfect man for her, David:

Since I started MMM, the McBride family has jumped from 7 to 13. Almost double! And it is wonderful! Even better, they will all be home for Christmas!

Amazing how fast time goes, and how much can happen in eight years. I hope your 8 years were as significant as mine. Feeling blessed? You betcha!

Thanks for sticking around!






About the author


  1. Congratulations Brad, and Happy Blogiversary! I just celebrated my 10th. It is totally bizarre how time flies by and the years stack up before we know what’s even happened. Thanks for sharing your family with us. How very sweet they are! My two children were in Jr. High when I began writing. We’ve now added a son, and I’ll be come a first-time Grandma this June. (Not quite as prolific as you, but it’s still an amazing and miraculous thing to watch the family circle widen!!)

    I was curious to see what you would do with your name change. I like it. I had to go on a hunt. Your old domain doesn’t forward so all the links to your old posts are broken. (Perhaps WP can help you with that). Thanks for leading the way. I’m still working through an internal crises over mine. Odds are about 75% right now I’ll figure it out.

    You’re a great addition to the Blogernacle and I always enjoy your posts.

    Here’s to the next decade! Huzzah!

  2. Love your blog, too! I tried ordering your books a couple of times (tried sending an email about it yesterday?) but am having trouble in the ordering process online for some reason? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated 🙂

  3. Thinking about the past eight years – wow, lots has happened. Eight years ago, we were almost one year into a mission in South Africa. We then served another mission in the Philippines. In all, 8 of our grandchildren were serving, went and came home, or are serving missions – with another one to go in January. Eight grandchildren have married and we now have 7 great grandchildren with two more coming soon.

    I have gone from a retired Seventy to a retired High Priest to a counselor to an Elders Quorum President. I served a fourth time as a Ward/Branch mission leader and two more stints as Gospel Doctrine teacher. My wife has been teaching seminary (her second round) for the past 2½ years.

    We have gone on three long distance (400 -1400 miles) bicycle rides despite entering our eighth decade of life. Luckily she waits for me at the top of the hills.

    Because of the missions, we have made eternal friends from around the world – from Malaysia to Switzerland and even from Utah. What a fabulous time it has been.

  4. I’m so grateful for your blog! I’m not a blog follower but there is something special about you and your perspective and writing that I love – I’ve been a loyal follower ever since! Thank you for keeping at it!! 😀

  5. Thank you so much for doing this blog, I really enjoy your writing. Our family has increased by 4. One daughter-in-love and 3 grandchildren. our daughter moved home with the children 5 years ago and now I am a full-time grandma. Life is completely blessed!!

  6. Yes, a lot can happen in 8 years. Our family grew from 12 to 27 in that time frame. Even more interesting (at least to us), 8 years ago there were 8 BYU degrees in our family; now there are 16 (plus two more from other universities). I guess a lot of it is due to our stage of life; I’m sure that growth will slow down. However, there’s always something new around the bend.

    Thanks for all your effort over the past years. I really appreciate your perspective and love the way you can portray it in an understandable manner. Enjoy your family!!

  7. Congratulations Brad on the Blog success and the family growth and success. Well deserved Joy for a good man!

    1. I’ll be pithy…we all love you and look forward to the next eight great years!!

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