I have a decent vocabulary, but I am always on the lookout for new words. This past week I stumbled across a word I had not noticed before. It might not be new to you, but it is new to me. Even better, it was the perfect time to learn about this word, and the meaning behind it. Without further ado, the word is…
Here is a dictionary definition: “noun pres·ent·ism \pre-zᵊn-ˌti-zəm\ an attitude toward the past dominated by present-day attitudes and experiences.” (Merriam-Webster)
Why is it timely? Because tomorrow is Columbus Day.
When I was a kid, it was all about “In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue,” and coloring pictures of the Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria. What we talked about was how Columbus discovered the Americas.
Today it is a bit different. Here are some news headlines as of last night:
• Why police have to guard a statue of Christopher Columbus in New York around the clock
• Goodbye, Columbus. Hello, Indigenous Peoples’ Day
• Christopher Columbus: No Monuments for Murderers
Yes, Columbus did set in motion many horrific things, leading to the death and enslavement of many of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. That is indisputable, and tragic. Yet what is also tragic, is how people are using presentism as a way to turn Columbus into a villainous monster of historic proportion.
In Columbus case, every year people dust off their grievances against him, and express them in an effort to malign him, and further their personal agendas. whatever they may be.
Which is it? Was Columbus a villain, or a hero?
Our doctrine subscribes to the latter. In 1992, President Gordon B. Hinckley spoke about Columbus in General Conference:
“The entire world is celebrating this month the five hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus…In my private commemoration of this event, I have read and reread one important and prophetic verse from the Book of Mormon, and also a very long biography of Christopher Columbus.
That verse from Nephi’s vision states: “And I looked and beheld a man among the Gentiles, who was separated from the seed of my brethren by the many waters; and I beheld the Spirit of God, that it came down and wrought upon the man; and he went forth upon the many waters, even unto the seed of my brethren, who were in the promised land.” (1 Ne. 13:12.)
We interpret that to refer to Columbus. It is interesting to note that the Spirit of God wrought upon him. After reading that long biography, a Pulitzer winner of forty years ago, titled Admiral of the Ocean Sea—I have no doubt that Christopher Columbus was a man of faith, as well as a man of indomitable determination.
I recognize that in this anniversary year a host of critics have spoken out against him. I do not dispute that there were others who came to this Western Hemisphere before him. But it was he who in faith lighted a lamp to look for a new way to China and who in the process discovered America. His was an awesome undertaking—to sail west across the unknown seas farther than any before him of his generation. He it was who, in spite of the terror of the unknown and the complaints and near mutiny of his crew, sailed on with frequent prayers to the Almighty for guidance. In his reports to the sovereigns of Spain, Columbus repeatedly asserted that his voyage was for the glory of God and the spread of the Christian faith. Properly do we honor him for his unyielding strength in the face of uncertainty and danger.” (link)
The Book of Mormon prophet Nephi saw him in vision. The modern prophet President Hinkley added his witness. Could Columbus really be the villain he is portrayed to be? I, for one, am not planning on tearing down any statues.
This is the problem with presentism. We see it happening more and more. There is not an American hero who is not being subjected to a reinterpretation of their place in history based on today’s ideas, standards, politics and ideologies, rather than what was prevalent in the time period where they actually lived.
Another example: You can’t hear a discussion about the Founding Fathers anymore without it primarily being a vivisection for their history as slaveholders. Yes, they owned slaves, but that was a common, accepted practice in their time. Here is what I wrote about it back in July:
“It makes me crazy when people apply today’s cultural standards to people who lived in other times. It is true that many of the Founding Fathers owned slaves, but in 1776 slavery was part of life -even the African tribes where the slaves came from bought and sold slaves from each other. (I have an ancestor that was an “indentured servant” and he was from Ireland.) It is entirely unfair to use this long-abandoned practice to diminish people who were living the normal standard of their time – even though now we rightly see it as detestable.” (link)
I was making a case against presentism, without even knowing there was a word for it.
Problem #1 with Presentism: It is patently unfair.
For example: This isn’t 1492. To accuse a man of genocide for willfully introducing virus and bacteria into an indigenous population is ridiculous, being that “germ theory” was not even a thing at that time. It would be equally unfair to accuse Queen Isabella of Spain for failure to send antibiotics with Columbus. To push it to reductio ad absurdum, the blame could fall on the indigenous people for having cruddy immune systems! Assigning today’s knowledge and morality to people dead 500 years is unfair.
I have seen the question asked, “What if your life were defined by your worst moment?” Often, that’s what happens when history is leveraged for an agenda. An entire life can be summarized as “slaveholder,” forgetting the part about writing the inspired documents that founded our nation. )See Thomas Jefferson)
Elder Dalin Oaks said, “The Lord’s way of final judgment will be to apply His perfect knowledge of the law a person has received and to judge on the basis of that person’s circumstances, motives, and actions throughout his or her entire life.” (link)
There is also something unfair about waging new attacks against people who are not around to defend themselves. I would love to hear George Washington respond to his modern-day detractors.
Yes, it would be wrong to try and sweep the negatives user the rug, but focusing on the positive is not a bad way to go through life. We can learn from the past without creating a false moral equivalence. We can also learn from the past to improve our morality – not to castigate those who went before.
Problem #2 with Presentism: It is not justified.
One of the tenents of our religion is to not judge unrighteously. (link) Sure, we judge every day of our lives, but it is not for us to condemn. That is God’s job, and I’ll leave it to Him.
There is a Rush song called “Available Light.” I love that expression in the context of what we can expect God to judge us for. He will judge us based on what we do with the available light that we have received.
Never has there been so much “light” available to any generation as we have right now. It is not just to expect those who were not given this same intensity of light to be accountable to it – as we are. This does not just apply to those who lived in another time, it also applies to those who live among us or in the world who have never had the opportunity to be enlightened.
Joseph Smith taught, “Men will be held accountable for the things which they have and not for the things they have not. … All the light and intelligence communicated to them from their beneficent creator, whether it is much or little, by the same they in justice will be judged.” (link)
and, “God judges men according to the use they make of the light which He gives them.”
Elder M. Russell Ballard in a landmark discourse about suicide taught, “Only the Lord knows all the details, and he it is who will judge our actions here on earth. When he does judge us, I feel he will take all things into consideration: our genetic and chemical makeup, our mental state, our intellectual capacity, the teachings we have received, the traditions of our fathers, our health, and so forth.” (link) (I took the liberty of bolding two of the items, in that they seem relevant to this discussion.)
In other words, the judgment is a very complicated, individualized thing – there are a lot of factors in play. Let’s leave it up to God. I am confident he will get it right.
Problem #3 with Presentism: It is usually leveraged to tear down, rather than to build.
This is not just a common concern related to explorers and Founding Fathers. You see this in attacks on early Church leaders. Detractors has been trying to heap dirt on Joseph Smith since he was fourteen. What helps them in their cause is that Joseph was not a perfect man. He made mistakes. He had flaws. He made poor choices. By applying presentism to his life, his human flaws can be accentuated. Life in 1830 was vastly different from today in ways I do not understand. Even the meaning of words used back then are different. Often, those differences are used to detract from the prophet’s message.
From President Monson, “Great courage will be required as we remain faithful and true amid the ever-increasing pressures and insidious influences with which we are surrounded and which distort the truth, tear down the good and the decent, and attempt to substitute the man-made philosophies of the world.” (link)
A few years ago, President Uchtdorf explained that “The world needs builders, especially bridge builders, not destroyers.” (link)
Problem #4 with Presentism: Backwards application
Michael Otterson, head Public Affairs man for the Church, mentioned it in a speech a couple years back: “Most people here will understand the word “presentism” — defined by Webster’s as “an attitude toward the past dominated by present-day attitudes and experiences.” Presentism is a common problem. It’s so easy to dig into the past and find a statement that reflects the norms of the times in which it was stated and then incorrectly apply it to our day.” (link)
I’ve seen this backward application in arguments as to how the Church is being run incorrectly, or how ordinances are being performed wrong, etc. It is bogus, but lends an air of credibility to the bogus arguments. And usually, they require some very specific cherry-picking.
One of my favorites is, “Why can’t temple workers have beards? Jesus had a beard.” Seriously?
a) Jesus also couldn’t eat bacon or lobster.
b) Jesus probably never showered or wore deodorant.
You really want to go there? Are you all in, or just cherry-pick the parts you like?
Apostate groups have used backwards presentism to justify all sorts of wrong-mindedness about the doctrines and ordinances of the gospel, forgetting this simple: A living prophet out ranks a dead prophet.
Yes, this is getting long…
I am planning on honoring Columbus tomorrow, just as I honor the Founding Fathers on the 4th of July. I figure if it is good enough for Nephi, and for the modern prophets, it is good enough for me.
I’ll leave you with this, from Joseph Smith, “While one portion of the human race is judging and condemning the other without mercy, the Great Parent of the universe looks upon the whole of the human family with a fatherly care and paternal regard. … He is a wise Lawgiver, and will judge all men, not according to the narrow, contracted notions of men, but, ‘according to the deeds done in the body whether they be good or evil,’ or whether these deeds were done in England, America, Spain, Turkey, or India. … We need not doubt the wisdom and intelligence of the Great Jehovah; He will award judgment or mercy to all nations according to their several deserts, their means of obtaining intelligence, the laws by which they are governed, the facilities afforded them of obtaining correct information, and His inscrutable designs in relation to the human family; and when the designs of God shall be made manifest, and the curtain of futurity be withdrawn, we shall all of us eventually have to confess that the Judge of all the earth has done right.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 218)
MMM Note: Yes, this is a little long, and a little heavy. I just spent the afternoon at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum in Springfield, IL. As I learned about the vicious opposition he went through in his lifetime, and the personal struggles he dealt with, I grew to love the man even more – flawed as he may be.
And as I stood and heard a voice read the words of the Gettysburg address, my eyes filled with tears. Tears of sadness, and tears of gratitude that God brings noble people like Abraham Lincoln into play when they are needed most.
Good Sabbath.
I’ve been thinking about this post for some time (obviously since early October) and am having a bit of trouble.with your point #2. Christians have had the bible for centuries and yet they have chosen in times past (and even today) to ignore some parts that they don’t wish to deal with. Some things were wrong then as they still are today AND they should judged accordingly. Many places in the bible the owning of slaves is spoken of, but I can’t find any reference that says it is acceptable. I grew up hearing that many slave owners treated them kindly and that many slaves were fiercely loyal to their masters.
One day when visiting Mt. Vernon, the home of one of the “benevolent” slave holders, I viewed the slave quarters. These quarters were anything but benevolent. They were bare bones and disgusting. I wouldn’t wish such accommodations on my worst enemy.
Now, to the crux of my comment – in our day we may hear that “everyone is doing it” – and we tell our children and the Young Women and Young Men of the church that this does not justify wrong behavior. It doesn’t justify it now and it didn’t in the 16th-19th centuries or any other time period in world history.
We could compare Columbus to David. Both started out with very noble goals and accomplished many great things to fulfill God’s purposes. But both men yielded to temptation and committed great sins.
I also believe God led Columbus to the Americas by the Holy Ghost. I also believe that Columbus understood many of the purposes of his being led there. Those purposes go far beyond what Columbus himself could understand. But often the Lord accomplishes his purposes using unrighteous people. Notice that the verses before discussion of Columbus say that “the wrath of God is upon the seed of thy brethren.” Also recall that it is often by the wicked that the wicked are punished. I believe most of us were brought up to be blissfully unaware of some very wicked things that Columbus did. The historical record should not be ignored. I cannot condone those actions and cannot honor him as a righteous man given those deliberate actions. But I leave final judgement to God and trust in his justice and mercy.
Pretty belated, but… For all the people who want to have Indigenous People Day and have only bad thoughts for Columbus… would you be you today if not for Columbus? I would not exist as me. My ancestors came heavily from the British Isles and Germany. Would never have met had they not come to the “New World”. Many would have died of starvation or persecution. Even someone with partial indigenous ancestry would not exist if that other part had not come here. the inhabitants of the Americas in even the most remote sense of how we know them would not exist — delete British, Spanish and Portuguese, other Europeans, Africans, Asians, etc. Not here! Only native Americans. Eventually, of course, someone else would have discovered the Americas. But would history have been any drastically different? The “natural man” does like to lord it over “lesser people”. I’m not belittling what happened to indigenous people. i’m just pointing out that removing Columbus or any other discoverer from even a couple hundred years ago means that most of us living in the present day would never have existed. Let’s concentrate on helping present day suffering of whatever ethnicity and quit trying to outguess the past.
In celebrating Columbus, we aren’t celebrating his mistakes, any more than we are celebrating the mistakes or misdeeds of any historical person. All people, in all ages, are flawed and conflicted. We need to take Moroni’s advice and pray with all the energy of our heart to be filled with the love of Christ. (Moroni 7:48) Only then can we see things, including the past, as they really are.
Excellent post. Thank you for the new word!
Love, love, love love lOVE this!!!! Thank you for putting into words so much of what I feel
What an enlightening post. Thanks for putting things into perspective. Much needed these days.
Another new word for you is “tenet.” You used the word “tenant” in the phrase “one of the tenants of our religion,” and it should be tenet. According to dictionary.com, this is not an uncommon mistake, but still one that is easily corrected. I don’t mean to be offensive at all, just informative. And, yes, I do certainly agree with your message about presentism as it is often misused in our judgemental society. Thanks so much for your wisdom in presenting this thoughtful discourse.
Corrected. It was a typo, not an incorrect word choice.
A related concept: chronological snobbery, a term attributed to C.S. Lewis. Current definition: “an argument that the thinking, art, or science of an earlier time is inherently inferior to that of the present, simply by virtue of its temporal priority.” Far too many people today harbor this kind of “snobbery.” Drives me crazy! I’m amazed by the people of earlier ages, how much they accomplished with so little, compared to our resources today, They are to be admired, not despised, even while we take care not to repeat their mistakes.
I understand the point you are trying to make. But I think the point that this is missing is that it’s not about making Columbus into an evil person. Its about celebrating and honoring those who actually deserve it. Does Columbus deserve to be honored with a day devoted to him for mistakenly discovering the Caribbean islands (not America) and believing he was in India for his entire life? Does he deserve to be honored for attempting to wipe out the people living there? Does he deserve to be honored for raping, pillaging, and destroying people’s homes and lives in the name of Christianity? I don’t believe he does. I’m certain his morals weren’t out of the ordinary for his time, but that doesn’t mean he is deserving of honor and recognition. Plus what about the people who he harmed? Is it fair to the posterity of those native people to have a day devoted to celebrating the man who was responsible for their mistreatment? We can teach about his part in America’s history without glorifying him and without sugar coating what actually happened. Sugar coating history doesn’t do anyone any good.
You obviously have strong feelings about Columbus, however they veer drastically to the condemning, presentism extreme that I was discussing. You might want to look around and see other perspectives. As I said in the post, there were horrible consequences for what Columbus set in motion – yet somehow, God’s servants felt to honor him, so it must not be so cut-and-dried.
Read your entire post. Thanks for helping me learn new things! I love that the Book of Mormon mentions the discovery and beginnings of our country. Your point about “available light” is Conference talk worthy. Well put!
Presentiism seems fairly close to revisionist history.
If you want to see something repellent, read what Martin Luther said about Jews. Should we disregard the Reformation because of it?
I’ve always liked Columbus too! In 2010 I heard David McCollough speak at the conference center for a Family Celebration (can’t remember the exact name), anyway he talked about not judging the people of the past, that they didn’t live in the “past” anymore than we do. They lived in their “present”. Thanks for sharing your new knowledge and thoughts.
Wonderful article from beginning to end. I don’t think it was one work too long. Well written and important. Thank you for sharing your time and talent.
You are awesome!
Thank you for your enlightenment!
I’m a word-a-holic and like you, had never heard of this one, but boy is it raging in our day! Definitely going to post to my FB page. That’s o.k., isn’t it? Thank you for another excellent post!
Of course!
I don’t comment often on your blog though I read it regularly. I just wanted to thank you for your well-worded thoughts. We are kindred spirits, you and I. ?. I have great reverence for the founding fathers and Columbus, and as a children’s librarian, I have to defend past leaders far too often for this very reason. Your essay here shares just the right perspective. Thank you!
Way to go using Rush to teach the Gospel. I actually had a spiritual experience that involved a Dream Theater song one day.
I’m glad you extended this to apply to Joseph Smith. As you were writing about the other historical figures I was thinking about how abused Joseph Smith is with regard to presentism.
Loved it. Thanks 🙂
Very important post today. And every time I get to go the to Lincoln Museum in Springfield, I too, am deeply touched.
Just what I needed. I read a recent article that mentioned that many of the negative attitudes exists are based on quotes from one of his cheif rivals at the time. Who may not have had best intentions. You lifted him up using the words of scripture, Apostles, prophets and Rush….well played Sir:)
I love the study of words! Thank you for introducing your readers to a new one. Great commentary and insight today! I wish this could be shouted from the house tops so those who are deceived into thinking we should rewrite history by tearing down statues to great men who were flawed – by today’s stsndards, could rethink their position. Thank you for your insightful articles.
Long but one of your best!! I didn’t mind the length at all. Excellent thoughts and quotes used. Great job!!
I too learned a new word. And I plan to use it.
This is wonderful! Thanks for teaching me a new word too! This issue is something I dislike so much.
Long is OK. Your points are most pertinent and timely. All of them. And I love that you ended with a reflection on the conflicted, but most admirable soul, Abraham Lincoln. Where would we be today if he had not had the courage to press forward through each obstacle in his life? I tear up as you did each time I hear or read the words of the Gettysburg Address.
Thank you, kind sir, for prayerfully sharing your thoughts with us every week or so.
I wish more people would read it–especially the left wing
Thank you!
Wow, long but excellent. It drives me crazy too when the past is judged by todays standards/knowledge. Loved this.
I didn’t intend it to be so long, but sometimes….
Especially when our standards today are just an off base, and sometimes more – than in the past. We are not “more enlightened” – we have simply shifted our hate and bias to different areas and justified it in different ways.
Agreed choke. We have more information available at faster speeds, but we’re not always more enlightened because of it. The scripture “when they are learned, they think they are wise” (2 Ne:28) comes to mind.