Every now and again, a grain of sand or some tiny thing finds its way inside the hard shell of an oyster and begins to irritate it. Eventually, a pearl is formed. Not every oyster has a pearl, and not every pearl is of equal value. They vary in quality, color, and size.
Even if an oyster does not generate a pearl, it can be of some value. I am not a fan of eating oysters, with the single exception of char-grilled oysters at a restaurant in New Orleans called Drago’s. (One of the best things I have ever eaten. You would have to take a leap of faith and trust me on this.)
Why the talk about pearls? Because today represents a milestone for my little blog:
This is post #1,000.
Can you believe it? 1,000? How in the world can someone figure out a thousand things to write about? That is why I was thinking about oysters.
Often, little things get stuck in my brain, or my heart, and start to irritate – and not always in a bad way – often it is more of a tickle than an irritation. Sometimes that little irritation gets me to thinking, which can lead to studying, or just ruminating for a while.
The result? Every once in a while, something worthwhile emerges – a pearl of sorts – I slap it down and post it on the blog. MInd you, not all of the posts are pearls. They vary in color, size and value. But even pearl-less oysters have some value, if they are loaded with butter, garlic and parmesan cheese.
I would hope that out of 1,000 posts, there have been a few pearls.
My blog has been good for me. It keeps my head up, watching for the Lord’s hand in my life. It keeps me in the scriptures and the words of the living prophets. It keeps me aware of what is going on in the world around me, and in the LDS world as well.
I do it for me. When a post has a motivational emphasis, it is usually because I need some motivating. When it is doctrinal, it is usually because it is something I am learning. When it is funny, it is because I need a laugh.
I do it for my family. I write so that my posterity will never, ever, be in doubt as to what I believe and what I stand for.
And lastly, I do it for anyone else who finds it of worth. I marvel at how small the world has become as readers from all over the world chime in. It has amazed me how real friendships have developed through social media – something I thought didn’t happen.
Along with those 1,000 posts, you guys have submitted well in excess of 25,000 comments – 22,000 of which I have published. Yes, some don’t make the cut. You would be surprised at how many nasty comments I get from people who lead with, ‘This is the most offensive thing I have ever seen.”
At least they are reading…
But that is the small minority, and I take it with a grain of salt. I find no joy in the opposition, but it is small in comparison to the fun, insightful comments that I get from my loyal, intelligent and highly attractive readers.
I have no idea of what the 2nd Dispensation of MMM will bring, but hopefully there will be a few pearls, hopefully some laughs, and probably a fair amount of irritation.
My thanks to you!
* Yes, I know that the term “dispensation” refers to 1,000 years. You don’t need to correct me.
* Yes, I also know that the comment section could very well degenerate into discussion about how much people don’t like oysters. (Not all comments are pearls, either.)
• Yes, I know that I didn’t write every single one of the thousand posts. Some are guest posts, and some are conversion stories. Got it. Don’t be a buzzkill.
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you’re swaggy MMM!!!
(i understand if this isnt one of the pearl comments)
1000th post AND a mission call for your son?? What a GREAT week you are having! Sooo, even though I grew up on an island off Charleston, South Carolina and my family had many oyster roasts, I don’t care for oysters- except for the pearls and the shells. But since you’re using food for analogies, let’s see what you can do with zucchini! Congratulations on making a difference in the world! Your humor and testimony are treasured by many, including me~
I have found a couple true pearls on this blog, real answers to prayer. Thanks doesn’t seem adequate for what I got, but it’s all I can give, so THANKS!
I’ve never tried oysters, so Ill have to take your word for it but I think your blog posts are mighty tasty! 😉 Congratulations on your milestone!. I’m actually about to celebrate my own ‘blog-ensation’ and you stole all the words out of my mouth of how I feel about my blogging and social media experience.
Actually, that’s the only irritating thing for me about your blog… you always write exactly what I wish I had. 🙁 Oh well, you’re a great role model.
Keep on keepin’ on fellow Blog Brother! – MoSp
Congrats, I look forward to your 2nd Dispensation. So happy for me that have not kept your light hidden.
I read lots of blogs, but yours is the only one I subscribe to, to be sure I don’t miss anything. 🙂 You have totally inspired me to use my blog more as a missionary tool, and to include more ‘spiritual’ stuff than I orherwise might have. You have a gift, and I am so grateful that you are willing to share it with us. Keep ’em coming!
I have thoroughly enjoyed every blog post. I think my 2 favorites (not really cuz there are way more than 2 that I love) were the Tarzan principle and let virtue garnish thy thoughts. Keep up the great work!
Yay! Quite a big deal…I love that you share your pearls with us. : )
I look forward to the next 1,000. Press on.
I’m thankful for every post. The most important part for me is the humor you bring to the truth. You say things I am thinking, and also say things I haven’t thought of. You are a pearl in my life! Thank you so much for sharing your insight and wisdom.
Nice post! I think that you shared more pearls than pearless oysters 🙂 Thank you for sharing your thoughts, views, opinions, humor and insights with us.
I am one who appreciates your blog and all the effort and time put into it.
Onto the next 1000! Have a beautiful day!
Your blog actually inspired me to start my own blog among other things. So thank you. I love reading your posts. And thank you for the smiles.
Thank you for pecking away at the keyboard for 1,000 posts! Keep it up! May you continue to have sand grains in your head and heart that continue to tickle your fancy, and lively fingers to type with. We love to read your beautiful pearls of wisdom, humor, and thoughtfulness.
Your posts are worth my time, Triple M. Please keep ’em coming!
If you take a comment with a grain of salt, will that grain of salt become irritating and turn into a pearl? Hmmmm….
Congratulations to you! Many a pearl to be found!
This is my favorite blog. Would love to read daily posts, but will be a faithful follower with whatever is posted. I enjoy learning, laughing, and ponderizing what I read. Keep it up —- I love this blog!!!!!
BTW are your posts copyrighted or anything? I enjoy using them in FHE. Best blog ever!
As far as copyrighting goes, I have always liked the original copyright law: Thous Shalt Not Steal.
Of course, I have no problem if you, or anyone else, uses them for good purposes. (However, my ego does like it when I get cited.)
Actually, I like oysters no matter how they are fixed! Congratulations on your milestone. Almost three years ago, I decided to be more faithful with my journal. For a long time, I did very well but just recently my life got hectic and I skipped a few months. I am having a really hard time getting back in the “mood”. How do you motivate yourself? (I’ve written stories for a writing class and had everyone in stitches, so I know I can sometimes write interesting stuff.)
Good question. My motivation comes from knowing that it is good for me, and for people I care about. And if I don’t post, I will hear about it from some of my most loyal readers. (Monique)
Released Bishops are loose cannons. I live with one. Thanks for all you have done/are doing/will do!!
Love your insight and the way you make the gospel work for you. It’s helped more than you will ever know. Here’s to the next 1000!
Actually MMM, the word “millenium” refers to a period of a thousand years. “Dispensation” refers to a gospel era in which truth was newly revealed. Or a special exemption to a rule. But that’s not what you meant either.
You are right.
Yayyyy! I’m “highly attractive.” Yayyyyy!
Thank you for sharing your humor, insights and testimony. I have felt the spirit and a desire to improve my life through reading your blog.
Looking forward to your next 1000 posts!!!
Thank you for your writings! I enjoy them, learn from them and sometimes laugh out loud at them!!
Keep on posting . . . they make my day and I have also on occasion found them helpful in my calling. Here’s to the next 1,000!!
Congrats on the milestone, my friend! I started my blog shortly after I got released as Elder’s Quorum teacher. I was a bit devastated because that was the only thing keeping me on the straight and narrow. After several minutes of wallowing, I decided, “you know what? Screw this! I’m going to teach Elder’s Quorum to the world!”
And here I am…
Thanks for plugging along. Looking forward to more irritating…I mean irritated…er…insighful blog posts 🙂
Yup. Same story. Got released as bishop…
Keep it up, good sir.
It’s 9am and you made me really hungry. Never wanted to go to New Orleans- now I want to look up flights just to get some good food!
Congrats on the 1000th post.
Here is to another 1,000 posts!