Little Discussed Preparations for the Second Coming

Two men field

Last night I was visiting with some friends at a social gathering, and the subject turned to religion. More specifically, we started talking about the Second Coming, and what would happen to usher it in.  Here is the specific prophecy that we were discussing:

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. (Matthew 24:36, 40-42)

Reading scriptures like that kind remind us that we really have no idea when it is all going to wrap up, but that we should be prepared. It is a powerful image to think that two people could be working side-by-side, and then, in an instant, one of them is gone, and the other is left behind.

That caused me some reflection, and I decided that I might need to make some changes in my life. At the risk of sounding “preachy,” here are a few suggestions for all of us to avoid any complications that could come from such an occurrence.

1) Make sure that the most righteous person in the car is not the person driving the car. Sure, if someone working at the mill is taken up to heaven, no harm done – but if my EC is driving me somewhere and is taken up, I’m in trouble. In fact, as a public service, she really should’t be driving at all, because she is much more likely to be “twinkled” than anyone I know. Besides, those of us left behind are already going to feel bad – we don’t need a bunch of driverless SUV’s barreling down the road.

2) When going somewhere as a group, pre-select a “designated driver.” No, not one of those designated drivers so you can drink. Choose someone who is the least likely to be translated and give him the keys. He might not like the insinuation, but hey, you need to be safe. Not sure how to do this without seeming “judgy”  maybe a recommend check?

3) When stepping into a taxi or Uber car, say something really rude to the driver, hopefully increasing the chances that he will be angry enough that he won’t be going anywhere for the length of your ride.

4) I haven’t figured out a solution for commercial travel, just be grateful that President Uchtdorf has retired, as that could have proven catastrophic.

I hope these few, simple tips will help you as you prepare for the end of days. Should you have any other suggestions, feel free to chime in.

Have a wonderful day. If today happens to be THE last day, I hope you find yourself airborne, and far removed from the chaos.


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  1. Thanks to your article, I have now begun pilot school. I don’t fly commercial airlines regularly, but if I ever fly with a righteous pilot I want to be prepared. Thanks MMM, you might have just saved my life.

  2. Funny as. Yes I see the irony.
    But seriously, Avraham Giliadi’s commentary on Isaiah is a good read. (It’s free, off the net) It puts a lot of this stuff into perspective.

  3. Nice post…I’ve noticed all the internet chatter on this topic lately. And heard that an internet/radio former news person is giving out warnings as well as some lady that had a near death experience and has written some books…I think that its always a good idea to be prepared but people should not get too paranoid. Here is a little quite from one of your favorites MMM, I think it fits whats been being chattered about quite well, at least for me it applies. We all know who we should be listening to and it isn’t the near death experience lady or the internet show host…not that they can’t share important relevant things but yeah, don’t cash out your life and load up the food storage just yet! Thanks for sharing this, have a lovely day!

    “There are some among us now who have not been regularly ordained by the heads of the Church and who tell of impending political and economic chaos, the end of the world—something of the “sky is falling, chicken lttles” of the fables. They are misleading members to gather to colonies or cults.

    Those deceivers say that the Brethren do not know what is going on in the world or that the Brethren approve of their teaching but do not wish to speak of it over the pulpit. Neither is true. The Brethren, by virtue of traveling constantly everywhere on earth, certainly know what is going on, and by virtue of prophetic insight are able to read the signs of the times.

    Do not be deceived by them—those deceivers. If there is to be any gathering, it will be announced by those who have been regularly ordained and who are known to the Church to have authority.

    Come away from any others. Follow your leaders who have been duly ordained and have been publicly sustained, and you will not be led astray.

    (Elder Boyd K. Packer/ “To Be Learned Is Good If…)

    1. Thank you for this. It amazes me how gullible people can be. Can’t beat a good old BKP quote to make a point.

      1. Your welcome 🙂 Isn’t it cool how perfectly this fits into what has been happening lately…I don’t know how anyone could ever argue that these words aren’t/weren’t inspired and prophetic. Its as if he knew what was coming our way…

    2. Thank you for maintaining and sharing your common sense with us. The world is wicked and it’s easy to be pulled in by well-meaning groups who are a little on the paranoid side!

    3. Thank you for sharing Elder Packer’s words. I have felt a stronger nudge towards self reliance, and preparation. The words of our living prophets bring me comfort. As a mom of 5, I am a constant worrier. 😉

  4. I’ve come to the conclusion that as long as I have to drive to work (in Utah County) I will NEVER be eligible for the Celestial Kingdom……..so my car will ALWAYS have a driver behind the wheel…….

  5. So then would the purging of the earth perhaps start due to the kitchen fires that result when all of our righteous ECs are taken up while cooking dinner for us while we are stuck on the freeway on the way home from work (and of course since we are stuck on the freeway we are using a few choice words or having that same taxi driver/Uber driver type of anger build up preventing us from going too)… and no one is there to extinguish the flames as the burgers begin to burn….. ??

  6. Out here in “the mission field,” a number of Protestant Christians have a bumper sticker on their cars warning their unbelieving fellow drivers: “In case of Rapture, this car will be unmanned.”

  7. “maybe the one taken is the less righteous and the one left is the one needed to go forward to prepare things for the Second Coming. What think you?”

    I have wondered about bother of these prospects and decided the best way to prepare is to worry about my own eternal wellbeing first and let the Lord sort out the rest, but your post gave me a good chuckle. I prefer to think the Lord will take up the righteous before he wipes out the wicked… I usually drive the car on our excursions, so HoneyBun can read all the good books to me and I don’t have to worry about getting car sick. Hope that doesn’t make me an automatically left behind…

    1. I always have understood that the righteous are taken up, and translated. Earth is purged, then everyone comes back to earth and the resurrections begin – and that lasts for 1000 years.

  8. You mean it’s NOT next month? (As many people in the SL and Utah valleys are talking about!!) That really bugs me. “there ‘s this lady who had a dream…and lots of people are having a similar dream….and she wrote a book,….doesn’t want to make money, just wants to share……) I’m serious. That is a quote. So people are lining up to buy a $500 winter coat/pants set that will withstand -30*. K200, anyone??

  9. I thought that way for quite awhile then came across the opposite possibility. The Lord needs all righteous people to be here to build the New Jerusalem so maybe the one taken is the less righteous and the one left is the one needed to go forward to prepare things for the Second Coming. What think you?
    Also, no man knows this coming NOW, but He will do nothing that he doesn’t let his prophets know. so when the time comes he will left the Prophet know when he is coming. In the meantime. we just keep on keeping on doing the best we can.

    1. I think this was meant to be a joke, and it is too early for me to think deeply on the subject. 🙂

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