Wednesday was the first day of school in our neck of the woods. Early that morning, my EC, and three of my kids gathered in the living room with our scriptures. We started reading the Book of Mormon again. (It is our favorite.) Before we wrapped up with prayer, I made this comment:
“It is sure nice to be back in the groove again.”
Why? Because we had jumped out of the groove for a bit this past summer. Summer can do that. Everyone gets up at odd, or ridiculous times. Some family members are off on camps or travel, or other adventures. We stay up too late, etc.
I hope you are not disillusioned to learn that we occasionally lose our groove. We aren’t perfect. We have been having daily scripture study and family prayer since 1996, but we have yet to find a way to push through summer without self-destructing. We are hit-and-miss at best, and completely disobedient at worst.
I have written before about how important the daily rituals of family prayer and scripture study are to us as a family. Here is that link: “Sleepy-eyed Success.” It really is crucial, and a frequent subject of apostolic counsel.
I’m not sure how long it takes to develop a habit – expert’s opinions vary wildly. But I do know that you can spend months developing these important spiritual habits, and then completely blow them up in a day or two.
So, the first half of the post is to remind us all that the beginning of a new school year is a most excellent time to reevaluate our lives, habits, and schedules and start fresh – A time to start getting everyone up 15 minutes early than we used to.
While we are at it, it is a perfect time to mark a big red “X” through every Monday night of the year on the family calendar.
Back to School = Back to reality, and back to discipline. One day I will figure out how to keep the needle in the groove for the summer. Until then, I glory in the concept of repentance.
As I was contemplating this post, I asked my 8th grade FOML if he knew what the expression “back in the groove” meant. I asked him how he knew it. His answer? The Emporer’s New Groove. Case in point:
Yes, Emperor Kuzco lost his groove in one of my favorite movies of all time.
Next I asked my son if he knew where the expression came from: He had no idea. So today I asked some youth in my Sunday School class today about being in the groove. One immediately mentioned Kusco, while another one felt like “Being in the groove” was like “being in the zone.” Well done.
As to the origin of the expression? No idea.
Jumped the groove? Nope.
Skipped the groove? Nada.
Why? Because this generation has no experience with record players. None of them have ever heard the frightening sound of a needle skipping the groove and skating across an entire album. None of them have heard a needle get stuck in a groove and play the same thing over, and over, and over again.
Yes, in a Digital World, skipping the groove is now an archaic expression, as are record players. As am I. Yeah, I feel it, too.
For what it’s worth, they also did not know where the expression “stuck in a rut” came from, but all had heard it, and agreed that it was a more negative version of the “groove.”
I would agree. I would much rather be stuck in a groove, than stuck in a rut.
There are plenty of things that happen during the school year that I would quickly label “ruts” that we get stuck in. It is my responsibility as a father to make sure that the spiritual habits are not perceived as negative “ruts” that we are stuck in, but rather as positive “grooves,” that we want to be in.
The best way to do that is to feel that way myself (which I already do), and then pass it on. That means – for me – no grousing around about being tired. No falling asleep awaiting my turn. No acting bored or put out that we have to get up so early, etc.
I can be “in the zone,” or ‘in the groove,” by setting an example for my family – one that they will hopefully carry with them into theirs one day. I love the scriptures. I love being obedient to the words of the prophets. And I am also very fond of Mormon and Moroni.
Wish me luck!
For more reading, here is that link.
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Good blessings!
We do family prayer and scripture every night at 9. Sometimes we call for early FP&S if someone is really tired or going out or we want to finish in good time before Downton Abbey. Sometimes if someone is away, we do FP&S by phone. Sometimes we have to do it with someone missing. We are pretty good about FP&S.Not perfect, but pretty good. Morning prayer (prayer only) is before I have to leave for work or, on non-work non-early service project days, when we have a quorum. We do fairly well with FP. But DON”T ask me about FHE. I struggle, but not valiantly enough.
Love you guys! Missin this.
I loved being back for a couple days of scripture study. Miss you already!
Reminds me of my practicing days when a young girl asked me what the blue paper was that I was checking her new filling with. I told her it was a marking paper to show if the filling was too high and that it was like carbon paper. She looked at me blankly and asked, “what’s carbon paper?” We’re losing so many points of reference to technology.
I am so glad to know we aren’t the only ones who lose their groove in the summer. During the school year, scriptures and prayer are at 5:30am to accommodate all the different schedules. I’ll be darned if I’m getting up that early in the summer. Every year, I have a different plan to read at different times. It never works out. But I always have good intentions!
I am a little slow, but we just read the post about your newest addition!! Congratulations Grandpa!! 🙂 That is so exciting!! We are still waiting for one (any) of ours to tie the knot. 🙂 Dating and waiting…..
And good for you to get back into the groove!! Our family scripture study happens at night before bed (because my husband is a night owl and cannot function in the a.m.) During the summer we just keep reading at the same time—8 p.m. each night. Those who are not home, we do it without them and just try to do it with those who missed out when they show up. We are certainly more regular and more consistent during the school year when we are forced more into a schedule.
And I am reminded of a comment Elder Nelson made at our stake conference years ago. I kept it and tucked it away because I need it over and over. He said, “Our family home evening and family scripture studies were not always a howling success—sometimes there was more howling, than success. But our children do a better job than we ever did.” I just keep that close to heart, hoping and praying that the foundation we have laid will be made stronger and more secure as the generations continue in the traditions we began—because we decided to follow the prophets and do our best—even when we weren’t perfect.
Have a great night!:-)
Good Luck! Seems like school starts kind of early where you are…When I hear the term in the groove I think of a Madonna song, that is just what immediately pops into my mind. Probably dates me more than anything. Record players are making a come back, I heard that vinyl is currently the most profitable part of the music industry…I have no clue if that is accurate or not though. I think its nice that you and yours can set a group goal like this, I am curious to know how many times you read the BOM together during a school year doing this every morning, or is it something you get through then move onto something else? Nice post, thanks for sharing..have a beautiful day! 🙂
Would love for you to be my son’s SS teacher (or mine, but I’m in Primary now anyway…), and he knows records! I have all my old Disney Storybook records that my kids listened to on my old Fisher-Price record player until it broke a couple of years ago, and now he has a job for a brother in the ward, converting his record collection into mp3s!
It will be nice to get the kids back to school (though not until Sept 8th), not because I’m not enjoying them, but I will get back into my own groove and get more done.
Good luck. Not that you need it at all. I always look forward to school starting, even though my children are gone. I don’t know if it is actually school or fall time that helps me get back on track. I need to get back in the groove. Awesome reminder. Thanks!