Instant Post-Conference Thoughts: Saturday P.M.

GC April 2015

First:  It has come to my attention, from those close to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, that the correct answer to today’s color question was “Lilac.”

Next: People just shouted “No” as the First Presidency was sustained. Made me sick to my stomach – almost lost my Quesarito. What kind of people….? I haven’t heard that sort of blatant opposition since President Kimball’s days back in the 1970’s. Here is a terrific article from LDS Living that was written in advance, as they had heard rumors it was going to happen: “Dissenting Votes

(In case you were wondering, I raised my hand to the square every time in a heartfelt “YES” vote.)

• 15,372.337 members (At least a handful of them are bozos.)

• Elder David Bednar’s speaking, but my daughter just showed up from Provo, making Conference much better!  Gonna have to go back and read this one a few times. Deep stuff, not enough caffeine.

• Halfway through the second session and so far none of the Brethren have had beards. They are so out of step.

• Elder Christofferson opened by talking about the theologian Deitrich Bonhoffer, which is cool, because Bonhoffer said a lot of good things, and should probably be more well known.

• By my count, this is marriage talk #4.

• “Marriage between man and woman has never been about just the happiness of couple.”

• “Many things are good, many are important, but only a few are essential.”

• Genius song choice for the rest hymn, “We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet.” Made me wish I were there singing along at the top of my lungs.

• Elder Wilford Anderson is a great guy – he’s been in our home and just radiates kindness.

• Great analogy for our homes: Teaching the dance, but failing to teach the music. Dance = Things we do, Music of the Gospel = Joyful feelings of the gospel.  (Man, this is good stuff, and the analogy just keeps rolling.) (FYI, an huge portion of this talk was based on the unreferenced section D&C 121)

• Elder Renlund quoted, “A Saint is a Sinner who keeps on trying.” He could sit down right now and it would be an excellent talk. (Now that I have listened to the whole talk, I am very glad he didn’t stop when I said – it was great.)

• Gotta love Shakespeare. His impact never ceases to amaze me.

‘Twas I, but ’tis not I. I do not shame

To tell you what I was, since my conversion
So sweetly tastes, being the thing I am.  (Link)

• Elder Ringwood seems like a happy guy. He talked about being “without guile,” which is easy for me to understand, because my EC is one of those rare people without guile. (Opposites attract. And she is a terrible liar. It is hilarious.)

• I have lost track of how many of the speakers are wearing purple/periwinkle/lilac ties.

• Elder Quentin Cook’s wife loves sunflowers. Good choice. He has a purple tie, too.

• Any talk that reminds us of family prayer, family scripture study, family home evening and priesthood blessings is a beautiful thing.

• Yesterday, my wife and I were driving, and the conversation was about leaving cultures behind and embracing the culture of the church.

• The number of people leaving the church has been greatly exaggerated – and has been significantly less over the past few years. (You would never know it because the VOLUME of those who leave.)   Great finish!


That is the end of Round Two

A short break, then it is off to Priesthood with 3 of my 4 sons. I am a blessed man.  I will try and do an update later tight, unless i get distracted.












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  1. I read that there were seven vocal dissenters in the Conference Center but one of their group didn’t make it in and shouted all alone in the Tabernacle. It is really symbolic to me that a tiny ‘vocal’ minority was heard but all around the world hands were silently and deliberately raised to the square, an example of doing versus saying (shouting).

  2. I wasn’t home so I went to the library for both sessions and watched it on my laptop with earphones. I raised my hand to the square every time, timidly at first then full on happy to do so! So much to study! Loving conference, especially this Easter Sunday!

  3. We sustain callings in the church so that everyone has a voice. Although it makes me sad to know there are people out there who are frustrated and have differing views, I don’t think we should make light of what they are feeling or belittle them in any way. I think that President Uchtdorf meant it when he said they should go speak with their stake presidents. We can’t assume they gained access to conference on false pretenses or were just there to make trouble. They may very well be there because they have legitimate feelings and are using the systems put in place by our Savior to express how they feel. Be careful Brothers and Sisters, we don’t want to become like the Zoramites on our Rameumptom.

    1. Carol: You have a kind heart. You probably need to know that it was an organized effort, with a website and press releases, with the stated objective of string up trouble and awareness of their agenda. Some come at it from a pro-Gay marriage standpoint, others have beefs with Church history. They were actively recruiting for this event. There are no assumptions, as they made it clear what they intended.

  4. I gave a lesson in Relief Society last week from a nov conf talk. Lord, is it I?? I challenged all the ladies to watch conference with the attitude that each speaker was talking to just them . It put a whole new perspective on all the talks. And I can say that I did ask the question. Got a lot of yes answers. It is I. With the exception of multiplying and replenishing. That one I passed on to my children.

  5. I was so uplifted today! I love your commentary, and love your commitment to the church and its doctrines. Thank you Brother MMM!

  6. A number of years ago there was a dissenting vote. I think it was Pres. Faust who was at the pulpit and
    he turned, without missing a beat like Pres. Uchtdorf did today, and ask 2 of the 12 to meet with the dissenting and just went right on with the sustaining. I remember who it was, but that information is not relevant to how nicely the same action was handled in the past.

    I, like others, held my hand up very high to show a yes vote!

  7. Excellent commentary . . . what a wonderful conference . . . very inspired from start to finish, or day #1 finish. I had to tweet, “Contemplating Elder Cook’s words about the strength of the Church, I think the negative voices are just speaking LOUDER!!” I see the same people commenting negatively in many places, yet experience great concern over the damage they are doing. I was very comforted and reassured by Elder Cook’s words.

  8. Wow. The Saturday session has never gone by so quickly for me..I was completely engaged in all of the talks. Just…wow.

  9. When we heard the dissenters, we had to rewind it to make sure. So, I was happy to sustain the Prophet and apostles twice. I also sang “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet” with fervor in my home. 🙂

    I just feel so sad about it – the Prophet and apostles have dedicated countless hours and even YEARS – their lives for our service. I also feel sad for the dissenters. I’m grateful for my testimony that we are led by a living prophet.

  10. I have never heard a dissenting vote and didn’t know what would happen should it happen but President Uchtdorf handled it with such grace…he didn’t flinch and exhibited such grace! I’m more committed now than ever before to do all and be all that I can be in the Savior’s cause and to build the Kingdom. KSL news showed the backs of the dissenters as they shouted “No!” I cannot fathom why anyone would make a point to do such a thing. Makes me sad for them and very glad I wasn’t sitting next to them! I would have gasped loudly in shock. Wow! This is a real war folks!

  11. There’s a good article in LDS Living on what happens a when there’s dissent. It sounds like dissenters are very respectfully dealt with. Reading about that makes me want to rethink my knee-jerk reaction to call them names.

    It seems much better to know that if you do express dissent you’re taken seriously and allowed to express your concerns to your leaders than thinking that the only real effect of your bravery is being mocked by those you thought were your brethren a second ago. That kind of bravery can come from somebody who’s actually thinking about his religion, and if it’s true, then thinking (and praying) about it should be a good thing. It should lead him in the right direction ultimately. If not, and he’s just angry and loud, heaven help him.

    1. There is no bravery in shouting opposition and disrupting. Just really bad manners and ignorance of how God’s Kingdom operates.

  12. Great round up! I agree when I heard those no’s it made me feel ill and made me want to shout a yes. It truly made me realize how much I do honor and sustain the Prophet, so if anything it increased my testimony.

  13. One of the highlights for me was having my teenage daughter turn to me and talk about the ‘vocal minority’ that appear to be misleading so many young (and not so young) folks into thinking the church is weaker than it is. I am so thankful that the brethren can put that issue to rest for my sweet daughter, and for the rest of us!

  14. “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” (also the reports of the death of the church!) Thanks Elder Cook~ Also, Elder Perry rocked it today.

  15. It’s interesting because the dissenters don’t understand the principle of sustaining. It’s not an election or popularity vote with the winner being “elected.” By refusing to sustain the Prophet, all you do is remove yourself from the opportunity to receive the blessings that come from faithful sustaining of the leaders.

  16. And I was so happy to see the beautiful lilac/purple dresses on the women! I love those colors and the OW movement has ruined it for me–I can’t wear my favorite purple dress to church, because I don’t want to be perceived as sympathetic to OW. Take back the purple!

  17. I wondered if my ears were deceiving me,or if I really heard the shouts of “No” during the sustaining vote.It pierced my heart too,that these people probably fraudulently came to conference with the agenda just to try to discount and disrespect the Prophet and leaders.So shameful and sad.

    I too, raised my hand extra strongly and with purpose,to reinforce my support of the church leaders, especially after the dissension. I felt in my heart just pity for those people,as the Gospel will roll on in righteousness,regardless of the naysayers,and especially with the support and work of faithful members.

    I liked how Pres.Uchtdorf counselled the opposers to take it up with their Stake Presidents. I chuckled to myself as it can be surmised that they probably are not active members who would trust the counsel or help from their Stake President,as that is the step they should have already taken, if they were having doubts or issues,instead of trying to disrupt conference.

    What powerful talks! What righteous counsel! I especially said “wow” to Bro.Andersen’s talk.It really resonated with me, as did Bro.Ringwood’s too.

    And doggone it..the choir singing “I Stand All Amazed”, started getting me teary again,as the testimony and truth in that song never fails to touch me,and be grateful to and for my Savior.

    Loved, loved, loved hearing the Word today!

  18. When Elder Uchdorff asked if there were any dissenting votes, the handful of dissenters (poor things) shouted, “No!”….so does this mean they were really “sustaining” our leaders?….just askin’…

  19. In the womens conference there were 3 talks on family if you wanted to add those to your count.

  20. Good thoughts MMM. I felt the same with the no, but thought that Elder Uchdorf totally rocked in the cool as a cucumber department.

  21. Amen and amen! Awesome comments. I totally agree with your observations – and I raised my hand to the square each time as well! This is an awesome conference!

  22. I missed the dissenting voices thanks to my lovely toddler who is refusing to nap even though she still needs them – I guess we are practicing the lullaby of long suffering – but when I heard about it, it made me cry. It was so good to hear from Elder Cook how strong the church is. Thank you for being a voice for truth on the internet.

  23. So we’ve officially taken purple back from the dissenters who hijacked it? Huzzah! And Elder Anderson quoted several phrases from my patriarchal blessing that gave me a whole new level of understanding. Huzzah, squared!!

    1. Donny Osmond will be pleased by this I’m Sure!
      HUZZAH! Cpt. Purple!

  24. Both sessions have been great, and I love your (almost) immediate updates. In fact, I was on my e-mail in less than 10 minutes following the session, specifically to see how quickly I’d get your e-mail. ALSO — totally with you on being amazed at the couple of voices that shouted NO. I am GO GRATEFUL each conference to be able to wholeheartedly raise my arm to the square to say YES! And, BTW, the link to the article, “Dissenting Voices” goes to a page that says it is temporarily unavailable. Interesting. Enough rambling…thanks for your quicky updates!

    1. The site was getting inundated with hits, so they were telling folks to just hang int her and wait for it or try again later, as it was loading so slowly…That’s what I saw on their page earlier

  25. Great thoughts. I loved every single talk, And the dissenters? Meh……. I’m trying to be a latter day saint, not a latter day hypocrite

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