Instant Post-Conference Thoughts: Saturday A.M.

GC April 2015

This is not a detailed analysis of General Conference, it is just a list of things that popped into my head as I watched. As you can see, not every thought that popped into my head was noble and spiritual, like it is for you.

• Present Eyring prays about what he should fast for. Think about that for a minute.  Yes, I’m a loser.

• President Eyring’s story about the woman in Sierra Leone made me think about the new movie “Freetown” that is coming out next weekend. I was able to see it already, and I’ll write about it next week.

• President Eyring kept referring to a “24 hour fast.” That is raising the bar for those who look at fasting as merely a two-meal endeavor.

• I was happy to see him use the wonderful Isaiah references to the blessings of fasting that I included in my post in February. (link)

• Periwinkle, or lavender? Discuss.

• “Have I Done Any Good?” is one of my favorite hymns, and serves as a gut-check every time that I hear it.

• I love President Packer as much as the devil hates him – and that is A LOT!

• A cookie and a kiss. Easy recipe for a good marriage from President Packer.

• Procreation is not part of the Plan of Happiness – it IS the Plan.

• There is something wonderful about learning about romance from a 90 year-old man who has a lifetime of experience behind him. He married in 1947 – 68 years ago!

• Romantic love is incomplete. Yup.

• President Packer gave the first talk of this Conference to double down on God’s view of marriage and family. (I’m going to keep track of how many – I anticipate several.)

• I appreciate Sister LInda Burton giving props to the men who are trying…

• I know  bunch of woman that run the home with an iron fist while their husbands cower nearby. Glad that isn’t me. (My wife told me to write that.)

• Sister Burton: Marriage talk #2

• Tulips are awesome.

• Elder Oaks took a big, deep breath before he started speaking – this oughta be good!

• Parable of the sower – What do we as members of the Church do with the teachings we have received?

The internet magnifies messages that menace faith. We must increase our exposure to spiritual truth.

• Standing Ovation for Elder Oaks’ sacrament example. Turn off the phone, and stop whispering!

• “Keyhole view” and “the age and place of the gifted pickle sucker. ” Man, I wish I could write like that.

• Text I received from my buddy Scot after Elder Oaks finished:

Scot text
• Elder L. Whitney Clayton told the story of a girl named Sailor who survived a plane crash.  Here is a news story about her survival: (link) This is Sailor:



• I really love the idea that believing is a choice that we make. We need to teach this more and better.

• Elder L. Tom Perry launches into talk #3 on marriage. I’m starting to feel like they might not be backing down on traditional marriage.  😉

• IN keeping with the topic, my lovely EC just brought me a can of Cherry Coke Zero. I love that woman.

• Nice slam on the entertainment industry being out of touch with the mainstream – making it tougher to raise kids and have good marriages. “The SOILD MAJORITY OF MANKIND believes that marriage should be between one man land one woman.”

Good stuff!  Stay tuned for more…




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  1. AuntSue For those who feel forgotten of the Lord, make gratitude the focus of your prayers. Thank Him for the blue sky, the needed rain, a beautiful tree, a lovely flower, a delicious fruit, a kind word, a helping hand. Thank Him in all things. Look for good things from your Father, and and immediately say a quick prayer to thank Him. Soon you will find He is providing many things for you. You may then find He does know you.

  2. Oh my goodness, I am with your friend on Elder Oak’s talk, but there were several like that. Loved all you have mentioned. One of the quotes that got my attention was this one, Dallin Oaks, quoting Gordon B. Hinckley discussing political commentators ”‘aflame with indignation’ at a then recent news event. ‘With studied art they poured out the sour vinegar of invective and anger. Surely’ he concluded, ‘this is the age of the gifted pickle sucker.’ “

    “In contrast, to be securely rooted in the gospel we must be moderate and measured in criticism and seek always for the broader view of the majestic work of God.” OR “When attitudes or priorities are fixed on the acquisition, use or possession of property, we call that materialism…those who believe in what has been called the ‘theology of prosperity’ are suffering from the deceitfulness of riches…When Jesus told a faithful follower that he could inherit eternal life if he would give all he had to the poor, he was not identifying an evil in the possession of riches, but in that follower’s attitude…the ‘root of all evil’ is not money, but the love of money'”

    Or that whole talk about the gospel compared to dancing to music? Masterful.

  3. I loved the directive to not be scared to offend. And periwinkle is my favorite (more blue than grey), but to each his own. Lavender is pretty, too. I really loved the talk about dancing. I can’t believe how tailored to my not quite humble heart these talks all are. Every once in a while, I feel like God’s forgotten me. Conference dispels satan’s lie of loneliness. I am not forgotten.

  4. I was grateful we had subtitles on; Elder Packer was difficult to understand but had incredible words. His flesh may be weak, but his spirit and his intelligence are still 100% intact.

    Don’t care in the slightest what color the women’s dresses are; I thought they looked nice. I’m amazed at the enormity of dressing that many women in the same style and color with the same jewelry. I have a hard time just dressing myself; trying to find something that works for women of such different sizes an shapes is quite a job! I understand there are people whose entire job is to outfit these women and transport their clothing when they travel.

  5. The Priesthood Leadership handbook defines fasting as refraining from two meals in a 24 hour period….just sayin’. 🙂 And during Elder Perry’s talk, I nearly broke out in tears of gratitude to be married to a wonderful man in the Lor’d’s way. I am very blessed!

  6. It was a Great session! I missed some here and there, but what I did hear was amazing. And there is NO way anyone can be mislead on what we believe when it comes to families and marriage! So glad they spoke with conviction and clarity. I heard a speaker at our stake conference a few weeks ago that said the time is at hand where we have to choose a side, there will be no sitting on the fence anymore. These talks reminded me of that. Here’s to hoping that those of us in the majority can be more vocal and express our beliefs with love and conviction!

  7. hahaha. that deep breath that elder oak took – he’s thinking of all the letters he’s going to get. might as well have been a sigh. love that man so much!

  8. I had many similar thoughts. Another thing that struck me was that Satan will never have the opportunity to be married or have children. I’ve always thought of him not having the opportunity to have a body but hadn’t really thought of him never being a husband or dad. No wonder he hates families.

  9. I made a lot of the same notes you did.I did have difficulty at times understanding Elder Packer,as it sounded slurred or garbled at times.Hard to get old and impaired when your testimony is still bright.

    I loved Elder Clayton’s comment that believing is a choice, and his point that the Gospel light directs and rescues.

    I admit I cried thru the closing hymn.Especially at the line in the last verse that touched me..”I believe in Christ,so come what may..with Him I’ll stand on that great day..” I pray that it will be so! That hymn gets me every time, and was a great capper for the conference.

    1. Holly, your last paragraph made me cry, happy tears. I’ve been to two funerals in the last month and this beautiful song (always one of my fav’s) was sung at both, helping to make them both beautifully spiritual experiences. Thanks for your sweet comments……

      1. Deb,my heart feels tender towards you, and what you have been through lately. How wonderfully comforting it is in knowing the plan of salvation,and the encompassing love of the Savior who knows all heartache,and has the ability to heal all wounds and dry all tears. I,as you,feel such overwhelming love and gratitude for Him.. especially when I hear praises of Him and truth expressed in the hymns, of His love, divine Sonship,and the caring Redeemer He is.It moves me to tears and makes me recommit myself to make myself worthy to be with Him again someday. Thank you for reaching out in kindness..God bless you!

  10. Our family is split, but I think the dresses were lavender. Thanks for the picture of little Sailor. I had to explain to my kids why the devil hates President Packer. 🙂

  11. I thought it was the SOLID majority. Did I hear incorrectly? I love these thoughts. 🙂

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