Avoiding Insidiousness

Darth sidious

What a weekend!

As last night drew to a close, it occurred to me that between that horrible, horrible BYU football game, work, six hours of wonderful, wonderful General Conference, and untold hours on the computer with my “Reveal,” I had probably spent most of my waking hours staring into some sort of screen for the past few days. Seriously.

Elder Quentin L. Cook’s words are still echoing in my empty head from last night’s Priesthood session. He talked about how we choose to use our time, and specifically brought up the topic of sports and the internet, and said this:

“Many choices are not inherently evil, but if they absorb all of our time and keep us from the best choices, then they become insidious.”

I try and avoid insidiousness.

And so, I am taking the day off from screens, with the exception of today’s two sessions of General Conference. I intend to spend some time with the family without my reading glasses on, and relax and enjoy the day.

It has already been a great weekend. Your kind response to my disclosure, and the lack of flaming paper sacks on my doorstep (so far) is an indicator that I made the right choice.  I appreciate your support, and it is humbling and gratifying to know that my little blog has made a difference in so many of your lives.

Have a great Sabbath!

A few housekeeping items:

• There will be my only post today. No regular Sunday post, because anything I might say pales in comparison to what you can receive shortly from the brethren.

• No Conference summaries for these final two sessions. You are on your own.

• Sunday Night Check-in WILL GO ON over on my Facebook page. My lovely assistant Mike Henneke will host and moderate.

• I have received hundreds upon hundreds of friend requests for my personal Facebook account. Having given it some thought, I have decided that I am going to try to keep it a bit more “personal” by only friending people I have met in real life. I hope some of you aren’t too disappointed. My worry is that if my FB becomes MMM2, then my friends and family will get blown off the wall, so to speak. I might make some exceptions, as needed. After all , we can always chat on my MMM page.

• If I approve some comment on this blog, or show up online at all today, please don’t start screaming “Hypocrite” and getting out the pitchforks. I still might check-in now and then.

• I invite all of you to join me on Instagram at http://instagram.com/mmormonman. Now that I’m not “protecting” anything, it could be fun. I put my hand over my heart and pledge to you that you will never see a duck-faced MMM selfie. Unless I’m drunk, which is very, very unlikely.

• For those of you still wondering: The picture I used for this post is Darth Sidious, merely for the play on words, not because I am an enormous Star Wars geek.

Thanks again for all your love and support. Have a great Sabbath. Enjoy the feast that is before you today, and thank the Lord we live when we do.




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  1. Loved the post! Well, other than the game being an “awful” one, since I’m from Logan, home of the Aggies! lol Seriously, though, spot-on with the decision to enjoy conference and family — it doesn’t get much better than that. 🙂

  2. I will indeed “Enjoy the feat that is before you today” — for it certainly is a feat for the prophets’ words to circle the globe in the moments they’re spoken. I will also enjoy the feast. (hee hee!)

  3. Glad you are focusing on family today. But would still love to read your thoughts on conference. You have a gift for teaching and seeing the importance of the things of the gospel! Your notes help me to see and think deeper on the talks. Plus, I read your review of the priesthood session before my husband got home and was able to ask questions and hear the dandelion story. And now I need to view elder uchtdorf’s talk and see if I can see his out of place hair. That was shocking to hear about!
    As for the reveal, glad you did that, not that it makes a difference to me, since I wouldn’t know you if I tripped over you. But it was a fun post to read. You have a lovely family.
    Enjoy your day!

  4. As long as your MMM FB page will still be there, I for one want to rescind my “friend request” for your personal page – the MMM page is an awesome community and I think we need each other. It’s kinda like our own little online branch/ward, with Bishop MMM. Also, THANK YOU for taking the day off! I love following you, but need a day off myself too. Yesterday’s summaries were a blessing, since I couldn’t watch–but today I’m drinking it all in for myself. Precious words were spoken this morning. Glad we’re all watching and being blessed directly by this wonderful technology. Signing off with a sense of relief!

  5. CTR, good choice, enjoy your day without technology other than watching conference. Also good decision on your personal FB page, that’s exactly what I would do to.

  6. When I saw the title of this post on my blog list, I immediately thought “Darth Sidious” then had to laugh when the link loaded and I saw the picture. 🙂 MMM (that’s much quicker to type) or Bro McBride, I still don’t know you from Adam, but I have to tell you, you look nothing like I imagined. I was thinking more Obi-Wan (from the original movies- “old sage” even though I know you’re middle-aged, because you are sagacious) than John Goodman. Though I don’t know you, I wonder if there are some close-ish degrees of connection- we have a lovely couple in our ward here in Virginia and he hails from Gilbert (back in the days where you had to know it was there to get there, he says) and will move back there next year when he retires; I recall that his son’s middle name is McBride (or MacBride? not sure). Do you know any Watkins? Enjoy your screen-diminished day!

  7. Please reconsider doing summaries of today’s session. Do them next week or whenever suits you, but I really enjoy them. Please?

  8. I, for one, will miss your succinct conference synopsis. I’e been forwarding them to a friend who is away from any form of reception. They will be waiting for him when he returns Monday. Thanks for what you have provided!

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