Questions and Answers (More Answers Than Questions)

LDS Living

Yesterday, the good folks over at LDS Living posted an article about Me! Me! Me! Me! All about Me! Actually it wasn’t as much of an article as it was an interview, but I think it was really nice of them. A lot of you probably saw it on my Facebook page, or in the LDS Living email, but I know that some of you follow this blog via email or Feedly, etc., and probably didn’t know about it.

Regarding LDS Living: They are a magazine, and a website, that publishes both original LDS content and distributes tons of stuff from other sources. I think they do a good job of straining the flies out of the milk. (Too bovine of a reference?) They have been very good to me over the years and have linked to a lot of my posts, for which I am very grateful. Check them out, they is good people: LDSliving.com, or you can sign up for their daily newsletter.

Now to the interview: I was sent a list of questions, I submitted my answers. I answered all the questions, and they printed the answers, as I supplied them. Easy-peasy.

Here is a sample question and answer:

Q: What do you geek out over?

A: Same as all of you: Downton Abbey and Mixed Martial Arts. (Not really – I can’t stand either of them. Come to think of it, I would ante up to watch a pay-per-view Downton Abbey vs. MMA event.)

I geek out over my marriage and travel. Luckily, both work very well together. I always have another trip brewing in the back of my mind. I have been very fortunate to travel to some great places on this crazy planet, with my favorite person.

– To read the rest of the interview, go here.

Now that interview consisted of 15 questions, but I had prepared more answers, just in case.  I’m not one to let them go to waste, so I am posting some of the answers for questions that LDS Living did NOT ask me.

A: Initially, the Shredded Chicken Mini Quesadilla, but the Beefy Fritos Burito is more substantial.

A: Israel, but I would need money and a good tour guide, and a personal Iron Dome.

A: I do know that my second wish would be that the genie suffer from short-term memory loss.

A: The top definitely fell over.

A: If they do, they had better bring cookies.

A: I don’t think it would be appropriate to pick a favorite. (Boyd K. Packer.)

A: Dogs. We have one.

A: It would be a tie between Nihilism and Adam Sandler movies.

A: No matter what movie my kids are watching, I tell them it was based on a true story.

A: If I KNEW the end of the world was tomorrow, I would grab the family and my stack of pink, blue and yellow cards and spend the entire day at the temple. (One of the beauties of having all of my kids older than 12)

Now after reading those, you might be thinking “I have some questions of my own that I would like to put to this guy…”

Here is your chance! Ask anything you want about any topic – it doesn’t have to be about me. (Actually, there are much better topics.) Maybe there is a gospel question you have, or a blog post request, etc.  The question submittal link is anonymous, but be nice. I’ll leave the form up for a week.

Feel free to put comments in the normal comments section, but use the link and the form for the questions, so we can be more “discreet.”

[polldaddy survey=”3F0E0C77C8995EDE” type=”button” title=”–> Click here to ask me anything!”]

Remember the saying “There is no such thing as a stupid question?”  Whoever said that never ran a blog.

And remember, you can ask, but you can’t touch.

Thanks again to you guys, and to LDS Living.


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  1. Thoughts on how to best support the bishop’s wife and family while he is so busy serving us for years…seems they often become rather martyrs and keep their inner circle close but there must be things you have noticed that would help lift their load?

  2. So the survey is closed, but I would like to request blog posts on parenting advice, mainly raising your children in the gospel. For those of us who weren’t raised in the gospel or came from part member or inactive families, wise counsel is always appreciated.

  3. “The reason that I continue to blog is to be a small, entertaining voice of faith and orthodoxy in the online LDS world that can often reek of apostasy, doubt, and bitterness. (Yes, I said it.)”

    And that is why I continue to read your blog. Your voice is much needed, and I’m always glad I visited. Thank you for what you do!

  4. “I am extremely proud of my humility” – good one!! Thanks for the laughs and the opportunities to ponder meaningful thoughts. I don’t know how you find the time, but I’m glad you do.

  5. Loved the article and thanks for letting us ask questions, too! I’ve had some here and there but didn’t want to impose.

  6. So is this where we get to do the Jeopardy thing and tell you what the questions were to match the answers? I’ll take Beefy Burritos for 300.

  7. Suppose you entered Witness Protection…would you flag down missionaries and join again? Or could the unnamed Witness-Protectee meet with the proper authorities and just have their previous records transferred? Just askin’.

  8. Cool! My niece works for LDS Magazine. I wonder if she was one of the anonymous interviewers. 😉

  9. Love you and the blog. It always brings a smile to my face and an opportunity to think more seriously about gospel principles and their applications. Keep it up!

  10. Congrats on the interview with LDSLiving! I love to read your blog! Enjoy your humour and insights to the gospel. And I really hope you do write, because I’d read every one of your books (notice the plural)! Thank you for keeping up your blog the way you do.

  11. I loved this post and the LDS Living article. So great!

    MMM is one of the only blogs I follow. I love going through the archives for either a good laugh or whenever I want to look at snow monkeys, remember the Tarzan principle or if I need to make sure I’m not getting close to the spiritual whirlpools of stupidity.

    Behave! 😉

  12. I don’t have any questions, but I do have a comment:

    I REALLY, REALLY enjoy this blog. You are a fascinating person. Plus I learn a lot from your thoughts. Just a thanks, is all.

    Now have yourself a WONDERFUL day!! <3

    1. Thank you! That is SO much better than asking me what I am going to call the blog when I get older.

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