Happy Mother’s Day!

Momma bear

Happy Mother’s Day to all those who want it! (Don’t want to get people mad at me.)

In honor of Mother’s Day here at my house, I am not writing a big, new sentimental post. Instead, I am going to focus on family and especially my wonderful EC. (Including cooking, wrapping, baking, back-scratching, gazing lovingly into her eyes, etc.)

So today’s post consists of my best wishes to all you moms out there. I hope you enjoy the day, and the recognition for all you do. If you don’t, then I got nothing but sadness for you.

Since there are a couple of you who will be irritated at me for not posting, I have put some links to previous Mother’s Day material.  Enjoy.


Reality-based Mother’s Day Coupons.


Mom Physics


Reverence: The Walk of Shame

A Mother’s Hope

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  1. I used to struggle with Mother’s Day–I felt guilty and inadequate. Finally I realized I had eight adult children who are loving and kind people. I figured I must have done something right! Then I went to church yesterday and they used my mother’s favorite sacrament hymn. (She has been gone for about 10 years.) Between watching the little children sing and wishing I was young again and the Sacrament song, Mother’s Day was STILL hard for me!

    1. Perhaps a better way for women who struggle with Mother’s Day to cope is to realize that it shouldn’t be about THEM! Instead of being self-fixated, thoughts should go towards honoring and remembering THEIR mothers. Right?

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