Pic o’ the Day

Young Brigham Young


In my day-to-day existence, I read a lot of churchy-type stuff. Occasionally, I find a picture that I like. Sometimes it is one I’ve seen before, sometimes it is something completely new.

Over the past while, I have been collecting them in a folder, thinking that one day I would do a blog post containing some of them. Obviously, I never got around to it. My solution?

I have decided to post a “Pic o’ the Day”. Some you might have seen a hundred times before, some might be brand new to you.

The stringent guidelines for choosing them are as follows:

1) I like them.

2) As far as I can find, they are public domain.

That is it.

One more thing: I won’t be posting them here. It will be a daily post to my Instagram account.

Instagram logo

I figure that since I can’t take endless “selfies,”  I should find something else to use it for. (I do occasionally post on Instagram, but not often.) If you want to follow me, here is the link:


If you have any suggestions for Pic o’ the Day, please email them to me at mmm@middleagedmormonman.com/home/.

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  1. I do have some great pics I will send you. You may already have them, but I am always willing to share what I have. We only lift each other when we share the best of what we have- running theme in my life right now..
    I love Brigham, and I love that pic of him…kind of a pioneer hottie….just sayin’…

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