A Quick Post About Shopping



Just a couple of quick notes about shopping on this Saturday afternoon before Christmas.

1) I hope you are finished.

2) There are two kinds of shoppers on a day like today:

– The “Search and Destroyers” who know exactly what they are getting, and are moving in for the kill. Please keep to the right to allow these types to pass.

– The “Hunter/Gatherers.” These shoppers have no idea what they want, and are desperately roaming the store to find a flash of inspiration. They are usually clueless when it comes to where they are standing, or where the left their shopping cart.

3) There seems to be a genetic anomaly that only effects women: It manifests with an apparent inability to open a purse and retrieve the card/cash/check that will be used to complete the purchase until every last item has been rung up, and the grand total has been announced. The shopper then looks surprised, as if she was not expecting this to happen.

4) If whoever hacked Target uses our credit card number, I won’t know until after Christmas, because I promised my EC that I wouldn’t keep track of how much was spent where. But I will do whatever she says because she has fallen on her sword and done most of the shopping.

5) My house looks like an Amazon distribution center. Not at all a bad thing.

6) Rather than worry about getting the “right” present, or giving gift cards, just once I would like to buy the most horribly wrong presents for everyone, just to watch their reactions. They can always take them back and exchange them for gift cards or something else.

7) If I am in a store like “Ulta” for more than 15 minutes, I began to feel like I need to exfoliate, or wax.

8) I am glad people still shop and exchange actual gifts. It seems that whole process is degenerating into merely a gift card exchange program. Next step – just transfer cash on PayPal to each other and save the card entirely.

9) Walmart should reward their super fanatic ‘price-matching’ customers with their very own checkout line. Especially for the shoppers who aren’t prepared and want to fight about it. They seem to have loads of time on their hands, and besides, Walmart isn’t making any money off them anyway.

10) Is it asking too much to put the fastest cashiers in the express lanes?

11) And to that cashier who “helped” me earlier today: Yes, I did mutter that word under my breath. I apologize.

Have a great day, and enjoy the true meaning of Christmas.

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  1. I am so glad I’m not alone with #9. I seem to be a magnet for picking out the line where the super-coupon price-matching queen will be. And once you are boxed in there’s no going back, and usually not many other check stands open anyway. I want to cry every time this happens to me. I don’t want to spend 45 minutes in line (not Christmas season either) and watch this. I’m a busy mom of 4 and when I’m done shopping, I’m done and want out of there! I definitely feel there should be a dedicated extreme couponer line at Walmart. I even emailed them with this request. For the most part, I avoid Walmart like the plague. #5….My philosophy aligns with yours. Oh, Amazon, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. When I start paying for treatment for the Agoraphobia Amazon enables in me, I may have a change of heart, but for now, Amazon is king!

  2. #6 – Best ever…..I can also start look for those in January. It make take 11 months to find the perfect one!!

  3. My husband buys the most horrible shirt he can find for his step dad (who he loves very much) as a joke each Christmas. The funniest part is actually when the step dad wears the shirt when we all go out together. My husband is the one making the faces. 🙂

  4. Oh yeah, and Merry Christmas to you and yours! May 2014 bring you so much peace and happiness you can’t wipe the grin off your face.

  5. Oh Amazon Prime, how I love thee. I am all done…well, except for a trip to walgreens with the 8 year old because he wants to buy beef jerky for his brother for Christmas. =)

    It’s all over now but the joy and the eatin’. Woo hoo!

    And *ahem* y’know…the whole focusing on Christ thing. Yeah. I meant to put that before the eating and stuff….

    1. lol..I had to giggle at this comment…not because I relate…nope not me…I’m totally focused. (Ok..perhaps I understood a teeny weeny tiny bit.)

  6. Thank goodness for Amazon Prime! It has saved me this Christmas. We are running out of room because of the Amazon boxes.

  7. I was a “search & destroyer” today and it really would’ve helped if people would’ve gotten out of the way. The gifts for the in-laws were purchased so my mission was complete! Merry Christmas MMM!

  8. I was totally the hunter/gatherer today. I was totally lost, clueless, overwhelmed and the only reason why I knew where my cart was was because Hubby was patiently following me around pushing it. At one point, I had an arm-full of stuff and the store people kept trying to give me a cart. I hate shopping on a good day when the store was empty. Today was pure agony! (The reason why I was still shopping today was because I seriously could not decide what my children wanted, that I am also willing to have take up space in my house.) However, I can assure you, I was ready with payment every single time, because I was not going to spend one second longer than I had to in that store.

  9. Seriously. I spent about a half a year just trying to get through the mob scene at Costco yesterday. No more. I’m through. Anything I need now can be sincerely forgotten.

  10. Amen to number 9! I coupon and I hate irritating other people by taking forever in line. But too our defense the cashiers rarely know their own stores policies.

  11. Ok, number 3 bugs me SO MUCH. Only thing worse is when they pull out a checkbook and start writing a check! I am NOT one of those people.

    Ever read the Five Love Languages? I’m all about gifts, but there is no reason to be crazy about it. Ya know? Merry Christmas!

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