Fun For a Dollar

Yes, I love the occasional visit to the dollar store.  I have found many great treasures there before. (LInks here and here.)

Today I convinced the whole family to go with me by promising that I would buy them candy. (I know, I know – too easy.) So the fam picked out their candy, and then followed me around while I searched for hidden treasures. For a dollar. This particular store did not have the fruity Tootsie Rolls, which makes them “less than” in my eyes.

I was only able to find a few treasures, because they were getting increasingly impatient. I imagine that sometimes it is hard to be my child. Here’s what I found:

A Chid’s First Bible Book.
Price: $1.00

Here is my favorite page:

Please note:
a) A very unfortunate view for the King, yet he seems to be smiling.
b) Scariest, most ferocious lion in the history of religious art.  I think at worst he might want to cuddle with Daniel.
Price: $1.00
Any candy named after pollution must be delicious! (in all honesty, they sound kinda good.)
A New Book:
Price: $1.00 (You are really good at guessing the prices!)
Yes, while waiting for Jack Bauer to come back to TV next year, I can read “24: Declassified: Death Angel.”  (That is if I can tear myself away from my scriptures.)
I think something is wrong with the world when you can buy a Kanye West song for the same price as a Jack Bauer novel. By contrast the novel seems priceless.
So, I am going to hunker down and read my book and eat my toxic candy. Have a great evening.

About the author


  1. The “unfortunate view” comment made me LOL. I once bought “Candy Boogers” at my local dollar store. They were actually pretty tasty, kind of a cross between fruit snacks and gummy bears.

  2. How interesting. I went to the dollar store today also and bought red and white peppermint balls for my 4th of July candy dish. I love it, the $1 store, for lesson aids. We don’t live in the LDS mecca of SLC so our stores are not quite so awesome but hey anything for a dollar in this economy is a port in the storm.

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