Hugs for Laura Chesley!

Wow! I have to say I was so touched by the stories from last year! Just spent a good chunk of time enjoying the spirit of the testimonies shared. Thanks for doing this – thinking up the ‘Hug a Convert Day’ thing – it’s made me think about how grateful I am for my own conversion.

I come from an abusive family. My parents divorced when I was young and mom went through a number of boyfriends and husbands, all of which were bad. But husband #2 took us to the open house at the Mesa Temple after it was remodeled. I was only 11 or 12 at the time but was amazed by the spirit I felt – even at that young age.

My family never went to any specific church, but I did go with friends fairly frequently from about the age of 10 or so. I knew that there was something out there, but didn’t know where to find it.

After a divorce my mom moved us to Mesa and I immediately had LDS friends. No one ever invited me to church or activities, but I knew there was something different about them and I liked what I felt being around them.

One year I went to the Easter Pageant with another non-member friend. I had so many questions after the performance that I sought out some missionaries. They listened as I asked questions, did their best to answer and eventually asked if I’d like to take the discussions. I said yes. My first discussion was the next day.

I couldn’t soak up everything fast enough. I studied everything they gave me. Read the Book of Mormon and pondered certain scriptures. From the beginning 2 Ne 2:11 stood out to me (opposition in all things) and it’s one of my favorite scriptures even now.

I was baptized several weeks after my first discussion … on my 15th birthday.

I’ve been an active member since. I was married in the temple to a wonderful man about 6 years later. We have 3 children: sons who served missions, a daughter who got her YW Recognition award, each of them married in the temple, and grandchildren. Life is good.

And 2 Nephi 2:11 still has a huge impact on my life. It’s because of the life with my parents that I have such an enormous appreciation for the sweetness of the family I have now.

I am so grateful for friends who set a good example, priesthood leaders who were understanding and compassionate, faithful missionaries and – most importantly – the simplicity of the gospel that even a 14 year old could understand.

~ Laura Chesley ~

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  1. Wonderful! Hugs! Amazing what has come into your family from your courageous decision! Your testimony reminds me how important our example is to others.

  2. You just may have been the angel that was sent to fix your family. What a blessing it is that you found the gospel in your youth. Thank you for sharing your story!

  3. HUGS! I can relate to your journey so much…coming from a crazy family, it was the gospel that changed my life forever and ever.

  4. Thanks, Lynn & Allison, for mentioning the importance of my conversion on my own family. I sometimes think that I may have been specifically sent to my birth family to break the cycle – it goes back at least 2 generations, possibly more. It’s been tough, but the gospel is my foundation. And I would go through it all & more to bring it to a close & protect my own children. I really am in awe of the way I was prepared to find and accept the gospel…one of Heavenly Father’s tender mercies.

  5. Thank you for sharing your story, Laura! Your conversion is the greatest blessing you’ve given to your children, so that they don’t have to live in an abusive family growing up. May the Lord bless you for your faith. *hugs*

  6. Thank you, Laura. And now you are *being* the goodly parents. One of my foremothers broke the cycle of abuse in our family. I will be forever grateful to her.

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