MMM Note: I am turning on comment moderation, because I don’t want it to descend into a political battle. This is about spiritual things, not political.
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“The Thinker” by Rodin. Please ignore the bird poop on his head. |
A good friend of mine emailed this to me after the election. I found it insightful, so I asked if I could share it. (This is the type of stuff we banter about when we are just goofing off. Right.) This is the same friend who wrote this awesome post about consecration, here. I hope you find this interesting, whichever side of the political chasm you reside on.
The Lord is preparing our country and the world for the Second Coming. Mitt running has done wonders for exposing the church to the world. There are very few people who can now say they have never heard of the Mormon Church. As we are preparing missionaries to serve at younger ages and changing curriculum to meet that need, it doesn’t seem coincidental. Mass exposure to the church and a major upswing in the number of missionaries serving represents a hastening of the work.If Mitt had won last night, automatically 50% of the country would be turned off to the missionaries when they knock on their door. As if their job isn’t hard enough, now the defeated and angry losing party would have a wholesome and healthy target on which to take their frustrations out. Could the Lord afford to lose 50% of potential converts at a time when the work is ramping up? I don’t think so.Mitt lost with grace and class last night. The world saw a man, humbled by defeat but courteous, kind, cheerful… in other words, being the boy scout we have always known and would expect him to be.If he had won, the world media would have over the next four years, taken everything we consider sacred and defiled it, making it the punchline of every joke on the late night TV circuit. How would that have accomplished the Lord’s purpose? I don’t think it would have.I take solace in knowing that 15 men are called as prophets, seers, and revelators and that their response was sincere, kind and a class move. They aren’t concerned about the state of politics; they are concerned about the state of men’s souls. The state of the economy,if it continues to spiral downward will humble the proud and when their government fails them, they will be forced to turn to their creator. I find comfort in realizing that we are raising a generation that will “bring the world his truth” and I think that Mitt losing, as painful as it was, may just have been the launching off point for the greatest conversion cycle in history.
Thanks for the reminder that there is a much bigger, and more important, picture.
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The Lord knows the future I know that to leave the church open and not protected by this great nation would seen unfruitful and against the Lords plan.SOOOO you must trust in the Lord and know that all this IS the lords plan
Your post-election post makes good sense, yes, but I’m sure we could have found just as much sunshine, or more, had a High Priest after the Order of Melchizedek been ushered into the oval office. The truth is that at some point all people will need to choose a side. In this case, the choice was between the Kingmen and the Freemen. As a country, we chose the Kingmen, and unlike in Heleman, there was no rejoicing when the results of the vote were revealed. However, the fact remains that one of the worst storms to hit the east coast appeared just in time to sway the election–which by most reports was favoring Romney. Is it God’s will that the Kingmen win at this point? It may be–I am commanded to acknowledge His hand in all things, so I do. I too thought it was interesting that the age limit was lowered for missionary service. The long-term implications are negligible, but the short-term are immediate and substantial. It makes me wonder if we are approaching that time that we have been speaking about for decades, but secretly hoping we would not see during our lifetimes.
This makes such good sense! Thank you for posting!!
Thanks for sharing this comforting message. I was on a full flight from Phoenix to Baltimore last Tuesday evening when the pilot announced that the President had been reelected. There was not a single cheer on the plane. Not a one….. It was so very quiet for the last part of my flight. Such a melancholy memory. I know that the Lord is in charge, but couldn’t quite make sense of the election outcome. I very much appreciate your perspective and wisdom. Thank you!
I absolutely love the thoughts that were provided by this individual. I completely and totally agree with what was said. After hearing the end result of the election I thought how good it was for Romney to not win (though I was a Romney supporter) for there is a great cause that will come about from it. Everyone in the USA should know or at least hear the word Mormons now and this will spark more interest in the years to come and help build the kingdom of God on earth ever more. Thank you for sharing this!!
I so agree with this article and appreciate that someone was able to put into words what I have been feeling throughout the campaign and after the election. While I was disappointed that Mitt didn’t win, it’s so comforting to know who is really in charge here. Thanks for the ability to put into words such insight.
Thank you for this. I happen to agree completely. Also, there is the personal consideration of Romney’s personal growth. This is a man who has succeeded in tremendous ways his whole life. The last 8 years has seen him deal with painful rejection on a level he probably hasn’t known since his mission. I imagine the Lord has great work in store for him now that he’s been through such a fiery crucible.
I was thinking . . . isn’t it such a great thing that men are chosen to lead our congregations by the Lord and common consent rather than by by elections.
We’re all probably a little wiser after this is all said and done. LDS President? Maybe not part of the plan and I don’t know but I don’t feel much safer with the other choice either. But it’s not my plan,after all now is it? MMM….You rock brother! I’ve gotten volumes of new and excellent perspectives from you and your writers
The election wasnt about Mitt’s religion, it was about economy, repairing our lost freedom, continuing freedoms and fixing the fiscal cliff. You are so right that it would have turned into a joke. I never thought about that before. Some may say that for ever door it closed here in the states it would open up more internationally, but I dont fully agree with that. I have lots of international contacts and they watched this election a lot. They watch a lot of things from the states and are formulating opinions from it.
I hear many people say before the election that God has a hand in it. I see hardly anyone saying he was in it now. God was in it. He allow people to make a choice. It was made and I think His allowance proves your post correct. I think his example and the media attention will open more doors. Some will remain closed because some people have the complete wrong idea, some are so politically charged they cant seperate it from religion and wont open. But the majority have now heard of Mormons and perhaps might be more curious to get the real truth.
Thank you for your positive perspective. It sounds like to me it was personal revelation that has been shared with others and is benefiting so many people!
Dont forget now folks. The way is chosen and is paved. Now we have to roll up our sleves and get to work. To do the Lord’s work but also to make sure our elected officials fix the cliff, perserve our freedoms and bring the gospel and prosperity to all.
I so agree. I think it was not in the Lord’s agenda to expose his church to the ridicule and desecration of mainstream media and the far left. His agenda is not political but saving the souls of His children. It is no coincidence that this political exposure came along with the new missionary announcement. Could this be the last great harvest of the Lord’s work amongst the Gentiles as prophesied in the Book of Mormon? And what a better way to prepare the way! Truth seekers will be ready to welcome and hear the words of these messengers. In my post-election despair, I was listening to Elder Holland’s talk from Oct. Conference. It was just what i needed to get my perspective and hopes back in line. Are we to go back to fishing or move forward in this great work–far more important than the political arenas of the world. Isn’t it wonderful to have living prophets! And thanks to Mitt and Anne for being such a fine examples of class and true Christianity to those who were willing to receive.
I had a quiet, discouraged day Wednesday, but I had come to the same conclusion by evening. I could imagine so many things that would not go well. God doesn’t work through presidents of nations; he works through prophets and parents. It’s the weak and simple who do his work. And God cares little for democracy; he’s building a kingdom and it has a king.
But there is an extension to us as well. In all our skills, sometimes we aren’t intended to succeed either – sometimes we are only intended to run. With what grace Mitt and Ann surrendered their quest, we too can sometimes surrender ours. It’s very humbling. It’s very good for us.
Spot on, as the Brits would say. There is always a bigger picture than the one on one’s TV.
You make a good point. I read it to my husband. He said, “For every door it closed in America, it could have opened five doors internationally.” He makes a good point, too. I guess we’ll never know.
Yet I can see a target being painted on the back of every international missionary – if a terrorist wanted to send a statement to the new President. Scary.
That’s not a pleasant thought
Interesting perspective, and one I hadn’t considered. Thank you, and your friend, for giving me something to ponder.
Hope you don’t mind but I put a link to this post on my blog. I think this post is what a lot of people need to hear. Thanks again for sharing. 🙂
I hadn’t thought about it like this. And it was like balm to my troubled soul. Thank you for posting this. Something I needed to hear.
I SO needed to hear that because I am slightly bitter over the whole thing. Thanks for sharing. This is my favorite post of the week. 🙂
These were my exact thoughts, expressed better. The realization that I have is that the Lord is coming. He is amassing His great army to prepare for His arrival. The signs of the times speak of difficult times. Part of these would not happen with a righteous God-fearing leader. Certain things have to happen for prophecy to be fulfilled– good and bad. We will see some difficult things ahead, but by law, there is an EQUAL amount of good and bad in EVERY situation. As I wrote on my own facebook page, “I choose to be part of the good part.” And that involves saving mens souls, living a righteous life, paying my tithing, doing good to my fellow men. LOVE this post!!!
I totally agree. The newspaper where I live near Washington DC, has printed nothing but negative articles about Mitt Romney since the campaign began. I voted for him, but I also feared what would be written and said about him and and Mormons if he were elected.
Well said. I think we tend to forget how blessed we really are. This is still a choice land and the future holds amazing events for this country. What has an initial impression of being a loss will instead be one more step towards what God has planned. Nothing will change that.
I had that exact same reaction after the election and thought I was the only one.
I was relieved that Mitt had lost because I knew what was next.thanks for noticing and sayin something
I had those same thoughts after the election but wasn’t sure anyone else did too. Thanks. I don’t feel alone any longer
My sentiments exactly. Thank you
I’m glad that you shared this. I feel that this election cycle has brought out a lot for our LDS community. For myself at least, and for several people like me who I’ve spoken to who weren’t on the same political page as most LDS individuals it has brought out the fact that we have a lot of work to do. With each other. I agree with you wholeheartedly that it isn’t just a coincidence that they age when a person can serve a mission was lowered. My nephew just turned 18 and will be going on his mission soon. There are millions of people all over the world who are most likely, or at a minumum curious about our religion. That seed of curiosity that was planted by a member being so visible on the world stage might be just what it takes for someone to actually open their door to the missionaries when they come knocking. We are going to have so many coming knocking now also, if you look at it through that lens it is a win win. There was a lot of vitriol spread, especially on line, from both sides during this cycle. I think that we all should take a step back and try to better understand our Brothers and Sisters in the Gospel. I know I am trying to. I know people who’s families were divided over this, I know that seems silly but it has happened, more than it should have. I think that the Church’s neutrality policy should be taken seriously and we should all take it to heart and remember that elections will come and go, there is always a winner and a looser, in the end and in the big picture it doesn’t matter as much as we may think it does in the moment. It certainly isn’t worth loosing friends over and creating conflict with familial relationships. I can also say that I know how those who were supporting Mitt Romney are feeling, I felt that way in 2000, and 2004, it passes and things get better they really do. I’m saying that from my heart to, I’m not trying to offend anyone, it really does get better and the pendulum always swings the other way. The Lord loves all of his children even the political candidates that you don’t like, he has a plan for them too, for all of us. I am looking forward to building more bridges within the LDS community, repairing some that may seem to have been torched. I hope everyone will join me in doing this.
There is a positive side to everything. I feel Romney would have been an amazing President but this doesn’t mean the world is ending.
There really are two sides to everything. Great perspective.
As I cast my vote for Mitt on Tuesday, there was a small part of me that held out hope but in my heart I knew what the outcome would be. Not because I’m pessimistic, but because it wasn’t the right time.
When we look at where we as a nation came from and where we are headed you can’t help but see the deterioration and disregard of everything that is truly important. I also believe that things are going to get even worse and we still have much to endure. Through it all, the Lord knows what lies ahead and the righteous endure many trials but will also be protected and blessed.
I absolutely believe that Mitt was supposed to run. I applaud the fact that he was willing to take on the immense task of trying to ‘correct the course’ of this country and much, much good has been accomplished. However, not winning this election, as hard as it is to understand and accept right now, may be one of the biggest blessings the Romneys (and chuch members as a whole) receive.
A wonderful, spiritually mature perspective. I am sharing this.
You are so so wise MMM.
Fascinating perspective.
I for one am not horrified at the outcome of the election as some of my friends are, but even so, this response to events makes some sense. The notion that Mr. Romney’s actually serving as president would expose him and us more than we might like (or in ways we might not like) is worth thinking about.
I for one appreciate those who are willing to give their lives in public service, including those I did not vote for.
Thank you for sharing! Those thoughts were some of my same thoughts as it got closer to the election. And I don’t even live in the US! It was nail biting time for us here too. ; ) I’m grateful to you for putting this perspective out there in print. I wondered if anyone else had thought these things. I feel a connection to your friend.
I wasn’t ready for a Mormon president and really thought that it wouldn’t be good for the church. I couldn’t really formulate my thoughts but I did think that the church would get blamed for whatever Mitt Romney did that people didn’t agree with. I didn’t really think of the missionaries, though. I can understand the possibility of going after the missionaries because of the politics.
Interesting. Very interesting.
This is a really interesting perspective that I hadn’t considered. Thanks for sharing this.
WON.DER.FUL. Thank you so much for sharing. It echoes very greatly the thoughts I’ve come to have over these past few days.
THANK YOU!!! This is the balm to my troubled soul that I needed. My friend forwarded this to me, and I have sent this on to many friends who are equally disheartened from this weeks election. This was exactly what I needed to hear to put things into perspective. And now we move forward with faith, with whatever lies ahead…
I’m right there with ya!!!
As a family, right after the election, we were discussing the items you mentioned and also how Satan would have plenty of “workers” to make the good that a President Romney could do, turn into something evil. I hear rumors that President Obama wants to work with Mitt Romney, but that concerns me as well. The Romney Family is in such a good position, they could do so many needed and great things. I hope they will be able to take advantage of that opportunity. They have already helped with the “fear and hatred” that our neighbors have been taught as children. I pray they are strong enough to continue to set such a good example and keep up such an honorable fight.
That was awesome
Thank you for sharing! I forwarded this on to many of my family members who share these same views.
I had similar thoughts when I watched an interview with Ann Romney a few months back. She was essentially bearing her testimony that she knew they were supposed to run for president. You could tell that she genuinely believed it, and I didnt doubt her- but my immediate thought was that it didnt mean he was supposed to win. For many of the same reasons that your friend mentioned I think its for the best that he didnt. While I didnt vote for him, I think Mitt Romney is an honorable man, a good husband and father, and a solid member of the church. I never doubted that he was supposed to run, I just didnt think he was supposed to win.
That’s awesome.
Thanks for sharing the thoughts of your friend. Their wisdom and perspective is greatly appreciated.
Much appreciation to your friend for the insight. It is lovely and sheds light on the bigger picture. Please pass along my thanks.
Like many others I wanted the country to vote for Mitt and things to turn around for our country. I loved the USA of my youth that was a strong moral leader in the world. I wanted to see if that would come back with a strong moral leader. I wanted to see the world call good- good and evil- bad. It is not going to happen yet and this post is most probably why. I was happiest with this election to see the many good examples of my friends and neighbors. People willing to stand for truth. My great aunt and uncle, who have always seen us as ‘going to hell’, had a change of heart and were strong supporters of Romney. This did some much good for gospel exposure and planting seeds.
Thank you for sharing this… I hope you don’t mind my sharing with many others who have expressed concern… I had my doubting and fearful moments the other evening, and I let myself, because I knew by morning I’d be ok, and remembering to have faith. This just puts a greater emphasis on having faith and not doubting. The Lord’s purposes are always met.
So insightful – as wonderful as it would be for him to have won, I think the points made are valid and definitely would have come into play had Mitt won. Thank you for sharing this, it really puts things into perspective. 🙂
While the election may not have turned out the way that many had hoped, this time right now is a time to reach out to family, friends, neighbors, and develop a sense of community. We may not be able to affect public discourse on a national, or even on a state scale, we can be the good people in the community that we need to be. When the young missionaries knock on our neighbor’s doors, they will know and see, and we will welcome them with open arms again, as friends, and then as brothers and sisters in the gospel.
Great insight.
I feel so foolish and stupid when someone else sees things so clearly.
Thank you! I really needed to read this right now.
Thank you for posting that. It makes such perfect sense and I feel happier. God really knows what He is doing! Now we have to believe Him.