Today is Day 1 of the Family Proclamation Celebration. To learn more about the event, take a look at this article in
LDS Living Magazine.
MMM Note: My blogging adventure began less that two years ago. When I was new, nobody read what I wrote. I was thrilled on days when twenty people would look at my blog. Somehow, I stumbled into the blogging world of a few writers that were willing to be my blog-friends and mentors. They gave me advice, laughed at my posts, and encouraged me to keep writing. There were three who specifically befriended me and showed me the ropes. They were: Glamazon from, Mindi from Mindi’s Manic Meanderings, and Abe from The Blog O’ Cheese. I am grateful for their kindness towards a anonymous stranger.
Strangely, all three of my blogging mentors have either stopped, or drastically reduced their blogging output. So I asked the three of them to dust off their keyboards, which they did, and I am grateful. You can thank them, or blame them, for my continued blogging. Today, Tuesday and Thursday I will post their thoughts.
The Bra Story
By Glamazon
I am a fantastically statuesque Glamazon, still carrying scars from being taller than my second-grade teacher. (true story) I married waaaay out of my league to a super hot highly motivated kind of guy, who provides me with a lot of my blogging material. We were blessed with five children in seven years through the miracle of adoption and also through the miracle of unprotected sex. I spend most days just trying to keep my head above water and make sure everyone is wearing clean underwear.
“Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.”
Early on in our marriage, it became pretty clear my husband and I had different views on finances and necessities. I had been raised accustomed to nicer, more expensive things, and Ivan had earned his nickname as ‘cheapest man alive.’ He boasted about how he had lived on tuna fish and potatoes on his mission – he even cut the cost of shampoo by just using a bar of soap to wash everything, his hair included.
Although I was used to the finer things in life, I was eager to please my husband and let him know that I was wiling to make financial sacrifices, too. I needed a new bra, and rather than head of to an expensive department store, I decided to just go to Walmart. We went together, and I found what I was looking for, at the low, low price of only $8.49. I was extremely proud of myself, I had saved us at least $50-$60! This is what marriage was all about, and I had proven myself as a frugal wife.
When we got back into the car, I told him I was surprised at the cost of the bra. He agreed quickly, adding, “I can’t believe that they would charge over eight dollars just for some lace and fabric! I mean, how much can it cost to make that? Such a rip-off!”
Thankfully Ivan learned from his earlier follies. Through the years, he has adjusted to the fact that I purchase make-up, bras, and hair products regularly. He has even stopped complaining about the cost. And the ‘bra story’ is one of our favorites. We had the desire to work together, and most of all we just plain old loved each other. Having a family and marriage is a lot of hard work. It is not something that is perfect and beautiful all the time. In actuality, it is a moving, ever-changing entity that requires constant adaptation by al members involved. There are highs, and there are lows. But, like most things in life, it is the things that are difficult and challenging that reap the best rewards.
Click on these links to read more Proclamation Celebration posts
One more thing: A Giveaway! I know, I know, first a post about bras, and now a giveaway. I suppose Vatermann will come calling for my “Man Card” before the day is out.

The giveaway this week is a Dream Big Family Rules Subway Art sign from Landee on Etsy. “One of the reasons we love to create things for our homes is because our favorite people live there! We love our families and want them to be in a happy & healthy environment. We always try to create products that are positive, motivating and uplifting. Stop by our shop and find that special detail for your home that you’ve been looking for!” In addition to her etsy shop, the ever talented Landee blogs at Landee See, Landee Do, where she shares a plethora of craft and home decor ideas. You can also find Landee on Facebook and Pinterest. All those who comment on the posts this week will be entered into the giveaway.
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Love this story.
Somehow I stumbled upon a facebook post…and the rest is history. Sure do enjoy both your blog and facebook posts.
To be truthful, I think some of the reason I like your “thoughts” so much is because you agree with me on many things!! LOL
Have a great day.
I love your blog your perspective on life all your posts!! and I love this giveaway sign and landee:)
Oh my heck, I just met Glamazon a few weeks ago when she moved into our ward! I’ve been reading your blog nearly the whole time, so that seems like quite the strange coincidence. Her family is a huge BLESSING added to our ward at this point. Love this story — thanks for the teasing fodder. 🙂
Fun! I am also amazed at the finding of a bra that fit for less than $20, let alone less than 9. I look forward to this week’s posts.
I love this story! One, because I’m amazed that you were able to find a bra that fit you for $8 and the joining of two people in a new marriage always make for funny stories and Two, because I’m also a Glamazon. I was taller than my kindergarten teacher! Granted it was in Hawaii and she was a tiny, elderly Japanese lady……
I enjoyed this post!
Great post! Nice to start the day off this way.
Funny! I really enjoyed this post, as it sounds very much like my hisband and I (minus the height, I am only 5’2″). Thanks Glamazon!
Funny! This sounds a lot like my husband and I. I enjoyed this post very much! Thanks Glamazon!
“The miracle of unprotected sex”. You just made my day, Glamazon! 🙂
I have sewn a bra or three, my dear husband knows the true cost of them! It starts with the sewing machine and a few tools, now I need a whole room for all of my sewing stuff! He’s the more frugal of the two of us, but after nine kids and 34 years of marriage, I’m learning. I’ve been reading Approaching Zion by Hugh Nibley and it’s really changed how I think about spending and just how much stuff do I really need.
I have sewn a bra or three, my dear husband knows the true cost of them! It starts with the sewing machine and a few tools, now I need a whole room for all of my sewing stuff! He’s the more frugal of the two of us, but after nine kids and 34 years of marriage, I’m learning. I’ve been reading Approaching Zion by Hugh Nibley and it’s really changed how I think about spending and just how much stuff do I really need.
Your blog is a fresh of breath air. Thanks
One of the things I miss about blogging is Glamazon. She’s awesome.
A good fitting bra makes all the difference! No matter the cost. I could not agree more. It is something my DH doesnt mind spendng $$ on.
Seriously, bras are waaay too expensive.
I need to figure out why my name is test blog on this account…
Five daughters, four of them reared as a single mom with minimal child support. Discount bras for all, until they were old enough to have jobs and earn the difference between what I could afford and what they needed or wanted. (Even now, as an empty nester, I cannot make myself pay full price.) Over time, my kids became responsible (and even occasionally frugal) people, with a side order of compassion.
That is hilarious! Although I grew up thinking Walmart was too expensive too 🙂
Holy cow. I kind of can’t believe it’s a post about Family and a Bra. I mean, it’s fitting, but still. You’re like the black sheep of the spiritual blogging community.
I love it.
“It’s fitting” Was that an attempt at a pun? 🙂
I really enjoy your blog!!! I can relate to the feeling of achievement when you feel like you’ve been frugal – it’s not easy all the time! I like to have competitions with myself when I go food shopping to see if I can stay under budget and it’s all because I love my husband and know spending less makes him happy!
Wow. A bra story in week one of family proclamation celebrations. The bar has now been set for your next posts …
A fun post. We all need to work together and compromise and plan.
I’ve become an avid reader over the last couple months. Thankful for all your wonderful posts and insight so far. So often I find myself nodding my head along with you. Love the first post of the FP. Keep it up:).
I came to your site through pinterest and have since stuck around, loving every post. Excited to read more of the FPC.
Great post! Totally unexpected and hilarious. Apparently, a bra is in the eye of the beholder.
What a timely post. My husband and I are really trying to focus on our finances and cut out extra spending. What a difficult task when one person thinks their purchase is justified and the other thinks it’s superfluous.
And in the interest of TMI, the more expensive bras are totally worth the money in my opinion. After years of cheaper ones, I decided to splurge on an expensive one. I will never go back.
Ditto . . . and my husband stopped complaining about the cost when he realized that I felt sexier in an expensive bra, and when a wife FEELS sexier . . . well . . . let’s just say that HE reaps great benefits from that . . .
But yeah, back to the Proclamation on the Family . . . AHEM . . .
Many years ago when my uncle was first dating my aunt they attended an event on campus and then he asked her if she would like to go and get a hamburger. She said yes. He drove her to the grocery store, bought hamburger meat, took her back to his house and cooked some hamburgers. He wouldn’t think of paying for hamburgers, even though he was on a date, when he could make them himself.
I’m thrilled when 5 people read what I wrote.
As someone who has read every post, I can say you are a fantastic writer who keeps getting better and better.
About this post- Does bra shopping count as a “wholesome recreational activity?”
Only when they allow the husband into the changing room…
Thanks for your kind words! (I do feel bad that you spent your time reading every post when there is so much more life to be lived.)
Now that I’m all caught up, I don’t have to pretend like reading your blog counts as my personal scripture study.
Oh MMM, that is why I read you.
Hilarious post! Thanks for the great perspective. 🙂
HA ha. Boy can I ever relate to this post. It’s taken my husband and I 23 years to finally find that “Happy medium” between absolutely cheap and decently frugal.
I have been silently following your blog for awhile, but I gotta say – the bra story was a surprise! A good one, though. I’m excited to see what else is to come this week!
I too enjoyed the “unprotected sex” part. You are an awesome Glamozon with a gorgeous family!! I’m glad my hubby understands the value of Victoria’s Secret, however! Lately I just shop the sales but there is something about knowing I’ve got a fancy bra on that makes me feel extra sassy throughout the day. Fun post!!
Thanks for this post. I love the phrase, ‘miracle of unprotected sex.’ I needed that perspective change today!
And to think that I was afraid the Family Proclamation Celebration was going to be all preachy! Peachy! Good stuff!
Barbara, Barabara, Barbara. You should know me better than that by now.
Because Glamazon is my sister, I can assure you all that she did marry the cheapest man alive. She also married one of the most wonderful men alive as well. They have a wonderful marriage and she keeps all of our family laughing! Thanks for spolighting such a wonderful lady!
As usual a great post. I had a friend who made her own bra…ONCE.
My EC never interferes with my decisions. Comment yes, interfere no. When we were in the first few years of our marriage he always listened to (and mostly followed) my suggestions, after 43 years he just does it his way. Frustrating to me, but I’m so easy going, what the heck, the world is still going round and we’re still together. ºÜº
Oh Glammy, great post! Got my laughs this morning. Love ya!
OK that was a GREAT post! Thanks to Glamazon for the post and for showing you the ropes!! We are truly grateful to her for both!! And I do not think your ‘MAN CARD’ is in question, even if you can write your own post about bras 🙂
LOL. If I could get away with it, and not scare people, I’d just not wear a bra. But that is neither here nor there. Learning how to meet your spouse in the middle is tough. One time my husband and I argued over the fact that I didn’t use a wooden spoon when I cooked (like his mother always did). After he shriveled up like a raisin under my heated glare he learned quickly to never, ever…ever…compare me to his mother. The end. 😉
Love Glamzon! She was one of the first bloggers I “met” too– though I was lucky enough to meet her in real life.
Love this story! And looking forward to the rest of the guest posts- as yes I miss Cheese Boy’s posts– and Mindi!! All three of them left us
Thank you for asking me to post! It was a lot of fun, and you said waaay too many kind things about me.
I love that the rest of the world is now catching on to what I saw two years ago-you have a true gift!
Glad it was a guest post and you haven’t moved to writing about bras 🙂
Believe me, I could write a post about bras. I’ve been married for 26 years.
I have been married 36 years and raised 5 daughters…. I know about bras.
We pretty much lived this post this weekend, except we were talking about deodorant and not bras and I and the cheap one, while hubby is the spender.
Thanks for a great start to the week. This was a fun new way to look at the principles in the Proclamation.
My husband says that a lot about women’s clothing.
Why is it that, when I see the Walmart picture, instead of noticing the $5 price I really notice the upside down bra? Thanks for a great start to the week. 🙂
LOL! It’s all about perspective, isn’t it? And it’s all relative!
Love this story. It reminds me so much of my husband, who bragged to me when we were dating that his breakfast each morning in college (corn flakes and milk) cost him a mere $0.18 per bowl. It’s been 12 years and he is slowly coming around. 🙂
SO thankful to be on the same page, financially, with my husband. Ever since we started dating we were always looking for a good deal and Craigslist has been a very good friend of ours since! haha But it is true that so much stress can be caused by finances and it’s awesome that you two meshed so well
Great starting post. Looking forward to reading the rest!
So many ways this story captures the real-life side of the Proclamation. Looking forward to this celebration even more now!
I’m commenting so I can be entered in the drawing. I do agree that bras are a rip-off, and wish I could go without one, its definitely a budget killer at my house
hahaha, very funny. I don’t know how I stumbled upon this blog but you have made it on to my blog list that updates (yay! congratulations : ) so I always get to read your posts as soon as they come out. Or in this case, Glam’s : ) Don’t stop YOUR blog output, the more entertaining Mormons, the better! Sincerely, a big fan : ) Melanie Segalla
Thank you, my fellow licorice hater.
Great story today! It’s good to know my family isn’t the only one with differing opinions on how much things should cost. 🙂
One of my BFF’s bought me a bra for my 40th from Victoria’s Secret. It was expensive, but the best bra I ever owned. (I never shop there..) Years later I needed a little pick-me-up & decided to buy another one.. as a treat.. ヅ
I can honestly say that that has never happened to me.
“The miracle of unprotected sex”… LOL!
To bad your not giving away a new bra. Hey did you know Glam’s my sis. And Mindi is my Bestie ( she thinks its Amy Farrah Fowler, but its me.) Love the post. Love the etsy sign. Love you.
Sincerely, Follower #3
I did NOT know that Glam is your sis, but do know that yo have been here since the beginning!
Um.. Yeah, not really but she almost was once.
Aww the bra story… I love that one! I love my Glammy!
I like how a husband and wife can see things totally differently and still make a marriage work 🙂
I love Glamazon! She was one of the first blogs I ever read and actually how I found your blog MMM! This story is so great! I’m so excited to hear more.
That was fantastic! I’m looking forward to the rest of the posts!
totally agree with the astronomical prices of bras. cute essay
An auspicious beginning, MMM. Thanks!
Quick! To the dictionary, Batman!