Dear Muslim Extremists (aka Terrorists):
Mission accomplished: The Middle-East is in chaos again. In Yemen, Libya, Egypt and other counties, mobs have taken to the streets, chanting “death to the infidels,” destroying sovereign embassies, killing American citizens, etc.
I know, I know your reasons. Some looney pastor from America produced a video that hurt your feelings. Personally, I haven’t watched the video, but was surprised that so many of you have access to YouTube. Especially considering that YouTube comes to you courtesy of the “Great Satan” itself – the USA.
Yes, you are justified in calling it “anti-Muslim.” Yes,I know you are extremely insulted. Yes, it is wrong to attack religions – even yours. I know -we take our religions personally, and seriously. As a Mormon, let me empathize with you.
Not long ago, some comedians decided to take one of our most sacred religious tomes – The Book of Mormon – and make a Broadway musical out of it. The musical is insulting to all Mormons – crass, profane, and indecent. It hurt our feelings, and continues to hurt our feelings as its blasphemy is now on tour throughout the USA.
Here’s what happened when the Book of Mormon musical opened in 2011:
Tens of thousands of angry Mormons took to Times Square in New York. Shouting slogans, they accosted innocent bystanders, lit parked cars on fire, and threw stones and molotov cocktails at the police.
Even worse, hundreds of angry Mormons stormed the theater, and burned it to the ground, killing many who were inside. The play’s authors were taken outside and stoned to death. Many audience members died in the streets. The Mormons had not seen this sort of mob violence since they were on the receiving end in 1846. Payback!
The Mormon riots went on for several days, until the military had to be called in to disperse us. We considered it a victory to show that you can’t make fun of the Mormon faith and get away with it.
Oh, wait. That’s not what happened? Oops! My mistake.
Apparently what happened was nothing. The Church issued a statement, people chatted about it, and recently, the Church bought advertising in the musical’s programs. As far as I know, nobody has gotten killed.
Perhaps there is a lesson that could be learned here from the Mormons. Here it is:
You guys are idiots. Look at your lives, your countries, your child’s educations. We’re almost talking voluntary stone-age. No only idiots – evil idiots. And you have no business even pretending that murdering American citizens is God’s work. Grow up. Do you want to see how God’s people react to insult and offense? Take a lesson – from the Mormons.
It would seem you’re not alone:
MMM, I am disappointed by this vitriolic post. While I am deeply saddened by the violence in the Middle East, I don’t think it helps to call those people idiots. I would have expected better from you.
Idiot was not vitriolic, but a carefully chosen word.
If you take time to learn what is going on in the world with Islamic Fundamentalists, and their disregard for human life – all in a twisted name of religion, you will understand that “idiocy” is the perfect word to describe them.
Yes, they are children of God, no I am not passing eternal judgment on their souls. Just making an obvious comment on their behavior. How might you describe them? Misguided? Troubled?
Remember in the Book of Mormon when we read of secret societies? We are seeing what they want us to see. Believing what they want us to believe. They have taught us to mistrust & vilify each other. They are using us, our money, our troops, our lives (ours and those of the Middle East) to further their agenda to gain power. For their purposes they employ strategies and channels that reach us every day to promote their misdirection, lies, and horrific acts. They are attacking us through each other and undermining our foundations, communities, and families. Things are not as they seem! Plans have been made & they are being carried out. They are deceiving us (Satan’s trademark). I’m so thankful for the insight, warnings, and power of the Book of Mormon. I’m grateful for a restored gospel and modern-day prophets who gave us The Family: A Proclamation to the World in perfect timing. When we follow their precepts and stand in holy places, we cannot fail! “There is hope smiling brightly before us, and we know that deliverance is nigh.” 🙂
Did you see this?
Apparently, one of the makers of that film hates Muslims and Mormons equally. What a winner.
Amen to that!
Great post. HOw do you get so many readers?
I send them each monthly payments.
This problem can only be fixed by the extremists hearing and embracing the Gospel of Christ. This strategy helped the Lamanites eradicate Gadiantonism from their lands. Billions of US dollars certainly hasn’t helped.
Oh Wow! Excellent! I loved this post.
I absolutely loved this post . . .
Maybe I WILL go buy one of the “I am a MMM groupie” t shirts on your website now (but how come it isn’t available in a V neck?!? I HATE the neck line of regular T shirts . . . I think they make me look . . . um . . . kinda fluffy)
Ah, I see you’ve already addressed the other MMM. I would politely disagree with your assessment that it’s apples/oranges. It all looks pretty orange to me.
Even if you stipulate that it is apples/apples, and define the MMM in the most negative historical light possible, I would say it was abominable, wrong and a dark episode in a history of our religion. One. 150 years ago.
In contrast to a daily occurrence trying to destroy Western Civilization. (Thus the apples/oranges)
This is a great post — I really appreciate your tone, wit & intelligence. Regarding murderous attacks by religious groups, (particularly those that have happened on September 11th), I was wondering what you would say about the Mountain Meadows Massacre. In the interest of full(-ish?) disclosure, I’m LDS and I’m not trying to poke holes in your argument. LDS people have turned the other cheek throughout history…All except for this one time…
The American embassy craziness that has occured in the Arab world is a huge compilation of not just a movie, but all the revenge people want to get from the US for so many different reasons: Clinton’s policy of starving Iraq till millions died in the 90s, supporting Israel and all its crimes over the course of the last 50 so years, occupying Iraq for 10 years based on the false assumptions of the presence of Weapons of Mass Destruction, saying democracy is going to be implemented but implenting what is good for America by dividing Iraqis, then killing a million Iraqis and leaving the country acting like we didnt do anything to the Arab world.. Its the smallest price for Imperialism. Thats why crazy people exist in the Arab world. I hope this clarifies things better for young Amuricans like me so we don’t commit the same mistakes in the future 🙂
And if the current Administration, and the players – American and Muslim – would explain it like you just did, I would have much more respect for both sides – rather than pinning the hostilities on a stupid YouTube video.
Im a devout Catholic. I have been all my life: more out of tradition then choice. Im not a believer of religion, boundries, or labels. God, in his infinite wisdom found a way to make himself known to every Culture. Called himself by several names and presented himself in many forms. He kept it simple…love God and love your neighbor as yourself. There were no disclaimers or fine print. Man, in our infinite quest for supremecy has used the staff of religion to justify cruelty committed against the innocent. We all need to check ourselves before blood flows in our own streets.
Glad to have you reading, and commenting.
Just noticed that you referred to yourself as a “devout Catholic,” but that you are not a believer of religion or labels. Please help me understand what that means.
Oh man…now you’re on their hit list…and it’s your birthday week. Sorry, man.
They emailed me, and I told them my name was ElRey. Best of luck.
When I first heard abt the starting of all this, it was right after your blog about the musical and I thought, “What a great contrast!”. The LDS church keeps it’s calm and comes up with a sweet response and the Muslims totally loose their cool and represent Lucifer.
But we all know that this is part of God’s plan and prophecy is simply coming to pass.
I’m living in Saudi Arabia right now and I can’t decide which of these groups make me angrier. I’m frustrated and appalled that extremist groups would be so violent in reaction to a film.
BUT I’m just as mad, if not more, at the group who made the video because they knew, and anticipated, what kind of reaction they were going to get. And what happened is that Americans have lost their lives in the Middle East and we are living in fear, AGAIN. So, I do believe that the group who made the video bears responsibility in the atrocities committed.
And as Americans, we do need to think about our actions. We are a supposedly an enlightened, and rational society. I expect better of any group who professes to be Christian.
Mormons rock! It’s just true. We truly truly do!
Wait! All this time I thought you were Middle Aged Muslim Man!
I think the problem is that in their religion, being a martyr gets you great rewards in the hereafter. So they have to find a way to perform that martydom. Any offense will suffice…
I used this same analogy just this morning, except not as funny. I says to my wife about The Church members’ non-reaction to the BOM musical, and how “they” could learn from that. I hate it when people use the word “they” like that, but there I did it. It’s hard not to sometimes. Then I thought like this, I thought, if an unbeliever defamed the name and/or character of Christ or the Temple or whatever I hold sacred, my reaction would be irritation at the most. But, and this is a big but, there are Christians among us who would stab that person to the heart, that he would fall dead without a groan. That “idiot” group that protests military funerals comes to mind, or white supremist groups, etc.
Then there’s the culture factor. Some predominant Muslim societies have lived for generations in places where the only justice was by the sword, and education was very limited. It’s not an excuse of course, but it is a factor.
Really, other than CNN, the only exposure I have had to Muslims is a familiy I knew in Vincennes, Indiana from Iran and this fellow from Iraq that works as a courier at my work. Top notch folks, and with real testimonies of God. That’s all I got.
John Barney – very few Christians would react as you describe. There are insults to Christians daily – many of which are blasphemous – yet you don’t see uprisings of any size. Sure there are wingnut Christians, but they are not at all influential and are basically harmless (if offensive like the Westboro Baptists). I would submit that the Muslims who riot and support terroristic activities are a much higher percentage of their faith than are the dangerous people who would invoke the name of Christ while perpetrating evil.
I must agree with you, Paul. A much higher percentage. And it makes it hard for me to not judge the entire religion. I don’t, though. At least, I try not to.
Not only did the church do nothing when the Book of Mormon musical came out in NYC, but now they’ve purchased advertising space for the actual Book of Mormon in the playbill for the musical! What an effective “retaliation.”
Thanks for the provocative post.
It means a lot to me to see the good people In Libya who are standing up and declaring that this isn’t what they want their nation to be about. This Facebook page has been pretty cool to see.
The description of the page says:
“A project showing that the vast majority of the Libyan people Oppose the crimes and violent actions committed against the US consulate and to express Libyans heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims. Please post to our wall and share the page.
To provide a tribute page and a place for people to express their feelings and sympathy for the victim’s families and friends.
The Sorry Project
“We Are Sorry”
Honoring Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith, and everyone else who was killed or wounded by the terrorist attack against the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya on Sept 11, 2012. This includes many Libyans who also bravely fought the terrorists to defend the consulate.
A project showing that the majority of the Libyan people oppose the crimes and violent actions committed against the US embassy and it’s staff. We would like to show that as Libyans we do not support on the actions committed by these criminals.
USA, we are sorry and we will say it one-thousand times over. Our apologies will never be enough but the Libyan people will always be grateful for you since you where the first to stand by us in our fight for freedom and hopefully you will continue supporting us .”
I really appreciated your anger posts. Just as a lack of anger is an ideal that I am working toward personally, I think peace is an ideal that is worth working toward as a community and world, as unrealistic and unattainable as it seems. When I first read about the attacks my heart sank and I wondered if we should really keep trying. It means a lot to see that there are like minded people throughout the world and it gives me hope.
John Barney likes this.
It is time to bring all US troops home. Let the middleasterners work it out on their own. We will stand by Israel, should it be attacked, but do we really need to be in everyone else’s fight. I know they brought it to us on 9/11, but the head bad guy is dead. So let’s end it. Let’s start protecting our own.
Personally, I’ve always thought God could defend himself, and any other deity, for that matter, should be able to do the same. Why would a ‘God’ depend on the puny efforts of man to exact his revenge when we know full well he could open up the earth at his pleasure, and swallow the offenders alive.
I like that thought.
God, often times, uses others to destroy the wicked (see the Bible and Book of Mormon for countless references). He can, and will, use his own power to do so also. Many of these radicals feel God has called them to do this act of evil for His sake. I’m not trying to defend them, because I know killing innocent people is evil. But they don’t believe we’re innocent, or good, or anything above reproach. It’s not in their belief system. Just like murdering innocent people isn’t in our belief system. It’s a very sad thing that I don’t think will go away until Christ himself comes, or until God decides to wipe them out completely (if he decides to do so).
Well said
If only it WERE the video that spurred them on. Unfortunately, the attack was planned well in advance and it won’t be the last in the near future. God bless the families that lost their loved ones (and while no one is officially saying it yet – I suspect the other two were Marines so this hits home hard). The video was merely an excuse. I don’t think we truly know just how badly they hate us and want to see our deaths. The death of our entire nation. Reminds me of hateful the Lamanites were early in the BOM. Truly HATED Nephites and would do anything to kill them.
Great post.
I think that’s an interesting point, and one that I, at least, don’t typically think about. I don’t hate anyone bad enough to do much more than talk ugly about them; I can’t imagine people hating us enough to want to kill randomly.
Love it!
Well said! God hates evil, so why would anyone that truly believes in God start something based on hate?
I really wonder how many would go to a play that makes fun of blacks. Jews catholics Mexicans etc.
As an Evangelical Christian let me say, Right on! OK, my age is showing too. I have many Mormon friends in an online group and I am proud to call them friend. We may not see eye to eye on some issues, but by golly, we are heart to heart on what’s truly important.
These events have sadden me deeply. The lost of live through violent means, no matters whom it is, is a sad thing. The amount of hatred displayed is also a sad thing. These sons of God have allowed all light to be shut out of their life and have allowed preceived wrongs to blind their judgement. Makes me think of the rich woman in Charle’s Dickens “Great Expectations” and how she allowed her life to be warped into a hideous non-existent life. How gratiful I feel to know the Lord is in control and knows what today and tomorrow will bring. *Side note: Found this blog yesterday and have instantly loved it! Thank you for contributing such uplifting things to the world!*
Laura: I don’t mind dissent. But I am not actually angry – just tired of the same old justifications that evil people use to hurt each other. I can easily say, with no anger in my heart, that they are evil and idiots. It is more of an observation than an angry rant.
And I hope the analogy showcases the ridiculousness.
The analogy absolutely showcases the
Ridiculousness and I don’t disagree. I guess it was the use of the word “idiot” that made it appear angry. Maybe because that’s my default slur to people who make me mad (idiot drivers, etc). My apologies for incorrectly projecting!
I live just 12 miles from the Mountain Meadow Massacre National Monument where over 200 innocent men, women and children were murdered by a Mormon hit squad dressed as southern Utah indians. The wagon train consisted of wealthy non-Mormon ranchers from the SE United States that were trying to make it to California. They were traveling with expensive wagons, cattle and upwards of 2 million dollars in gold. Only children 8 years old and younger were spared.
Brigham Young denied knowledge of the plan to lead these innocent people into a remote area to rob and murder them however, Brigham Young’s right hand man was tried, convicted and shot by
a federal firing squad. His body lay with his over 200 victims at the monument site.
Evil is no respector of religions. Let us all keep watch lest any be deceived.
A valid point! We must stay vigilant.
Thankfully, we have to dredge up a singular, 150 year old occurrence to find even an apples-and-oranges comparison to today’s headlines.
And can we not forget that the Mormons had just been driven out of their 3rd (?) established city by force and massacre and were feeling a bit defensive? I highly doubt any of those men went in knowing it was simply other travelers with no ill-will towards them. They had just escaped with their lives (some of them, lots died), only to have a group from back East stomping out to them. I’m sure there was a high level of paranoia surrounding that situation.
(Not at all trying to say this was okay, but certainly… Much different than a terrorist mentality of Godly justice.)
And just escaped yet another state where governor Boggs had an executive order to “kill Mormon’s on sight”? The government also had another order to arrest the mormon men in Utah, and did tear many away from their wives and families? I’m sure this group acted alone, and without asking ‘permission’from any leader. I wasn’t there, but I see where their breaking point would have been. I can’t understand why people bring that up- while certainly not justified, doesn’t see the obvious back story either.
Well said!
Should I be the lone dissenting voice here? While I absolutely disagree with the violence that is being done in the Middle East, expressing anger at any group of people that is already angry is never the answer — even if none of them read your blog. I get that you’re venting, but isn’t this the same person who did a series of posts recently about anger? Go ahead – let the hate mail begin. I’m putting on my flame-retardant suit.
I don’t see any anger in this post, in fact, the entire article is saying; be kind, be patient, be loving, be non murderous (I made that word just now). I am tired of people who respond with their sensibilities touched in response to a post about why your sensibilities shouldn’t be touched….and what you should do instead. So don’t be do quick to react. That’s exactly what he just said.
So right on! Thanks!
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I didn’t know you had many Muslim Extremists followers on this blog. Even if you don’t have any, this is a very good analogy and I had to say, “AMEN” to the last paragraph. Reminds me of Matthew 7:22-23
None of this is necessary. My daughter and her family (Americans and Mormons) lived in Cairo for a few years and you do not understand their thinking so you can not respond with name calling and insults and improve the American position. There is an anti-Muslim sentiment here just like an anti- American sentiment there. It is not representative of all Americans just like it is not a representative of all Muslims. You can not use your American logic to undo the passions of these people. It only incites more anger and hatred.
Read more closely: This is directed at Muslim Extremists, not all Muslims, and not my Muslim neighbors.
Just calling attention to the ridiculous contrast in how people that claim to be doing God’s will respond to insult differently. I would never presume to be able to use “American logic to undo the passions.” Because the “passions” defy logic and tread very close to the animal plane.
Great Post…I think that Trey Parker, one of the Southpark guys as well as one of the guys behind the BOM play is actually a repressed Mormon. He really is and deep down he knows the truth but he won’t admit it. He talks about “Mormon” stuff way too much, just an opinion…