Before we begin Round 2, here are the results of Round 1.
Round 1 Winner: Jim Caviezel
C 62.1%
Round 2 (It’s getting harder…)
• This is about what you think Christ looked like in His mortal ministry.
• One vote per person.
• You can vote in each round.
Vote over on the right hand column——->
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F |
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G |
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H |
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I |
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J |
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K |
That’s it for today. Good luck! (I’m sure hoping Jesus is OK with this…)
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H. That’s the one that was on the cover of the Ensign back in the 80’s. To me it shows the perfect balance of kindness, concern, reverence and love for us. I think he looks like that. But G is a very close second.
My wife can’t see the “see the bishop” button on her computer…she thought you had removed it based on feedback to this poll 😉
If it weren’t for the blue eyes . . .
That actor in K always creeped me out.
F is the one we have in our home. I think mainly because I have a hard time with pictures that seem to make Him to be some kind of handsome hunk that women would swoon over. He may very well be like that, but that is just not how He comes across to me when I read about Him. I remember the teaser post to this series about how He could blend in with a crowd, yet with some of these pictures there would be no blending in.
I’m sure that when we see Him again we will find nothing more beautiful, but I picture Him as serious, humble, and intent on teaching, blessing, and keeping those pestering Pharisees and Sadducees at bay.
I think you should have a “None of the above” option.
There is a “None of the Above” option: Don’t vote.
F is the picture I have in my home, so of course I’m partial to it.
Most of the others are way too glow-y for my taste. Too sentimental. I have the same complaint about a lot of paintings of Joseph Smith.
I heard a quote about art once. It went something like, “Good art asks questions. Bad art assumes it already has all the answers.” I know this post isn’t about art, but still, I can’t get past the art style of some of those paintings.
Jenny in NC
Looks-wise, definitely F. It annoys me just a tiny bit when he looks Caucasian and not Jewish.
I’m not a huge fan of the artist who painted J… he usually looks too much like a movie star…too pretty. Sometimes too much like Keanu Reeves specifically.
I like each one for different reasons, though I voted for G.
I find it interesting that they are similar enough with different artists, that we recognize them all to be Jesus. Makes me think that the process of creating these works is under the influence of the Spirit. And I wonder how much of our recognition is actually instead, a remembrance.
We have F hanging up in our living room in a huge 24×30 hand carved frame.
I have to go with H.
Interesting fact about H, His shoulders are too wide, so they usually crop it close like that. If you ever see the wider crop, take a look.
I agree with Ginger. The expression for me is important. I had a tough time deciding between G and J for that very reason. I love Swindle’s expressions!
I thought this round was eaiser than yesterdays. I am finding that the expresion on his face makes a big difference for me.