No, it isn’t me. I would snap that umbrella like a matchstick |
I’m on vacation. Yet here I am posting. No, it is not messed up priorities. It is because I know you feel cheated when I go for days without posting. (Or maybe I just can’t sleep in anymore, and everyone else is still snoozing.)
Last week was the big wedding for Monkeyboy and the now Mrs. Monkeyboy. It was a lot more exhausting than I thought it would be. FYI: The mother-in-law is home and doing much better, thanks. Because of the fatigue, and because I am on vacation, I would hope that you don’t expect anything monumental, or profound. Please lower your normally high expectations.
Today I am merely going to repost some pictures I saw on Facebook this morning. That’s it.
What is the rabbit with the big carrot supposed to do with that? LIke he’s going to be able to pull it up. In this instance, over-achievement is not so beneficial. The rabbit with the little carrot can be content with a nice meal.
I remember going to Lagoon when I was a kid. This is my memory of the bumper cars, too. Life does get better, I promise.
This is a picture of MoTab rehearsals. All is can see is that Red John was there.
President Uchtdorf threw out the first pitch at the Dodger’s Mormon Night game the other day. Apparently NONE of the Mormons in attendance bothered to tape it and post it to YouTube. Thanks a lot!
Also, this is reason #12.
I SO WANT ONE OF THESE! From what I can tell from the picture is that they have developed a new Quad with a built-in holographic projector. Awesome!
That’s all for today – I’m off to buy the donuts!
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correction -bunny on the right with tiny carrot and useless greens!
The original bunny post was meant to show that often times we come across charlatans with more fluff and barely any substance (bunny on left-tiny carrot, useless greens). We may not have glorious greens to show far but our investment in life and God would have rich rewards which others may not see.
please do not put down achievement or overachievement. As humans we need to strive towards these goals. everything from electricity to life saving drugs, rockets to the moon was through achievement and/or overachievement. It was not obtained by the mediocre sitting on ones rear in their mama’s basement. This is what makes America great.
Feeling awesome that my daughter made it onto your blog, even if you did blur her face. Can’t wait to tell her about her 2 seconds of fame when she is older.
Loved the quad stuff.
Isn’t it cool that President Uchtdorf was wearing a shirt and tie underneath the jersey?
I had a different thought when I looked at the rabbits and carrots. It reminded me that sometimes there’s more substance to a person than meets the eye. The rabbit with all the fancy greenery doesn’t have much to back it up. But the little guy whose greenery isn’t much to look at is hiding a wonderful surprise.
Glad you’re enjoying your vacation. Thanks for the insights and humor found here every time I visit.
The original intent of that bunny post was something along those lines. I was just playing with it.
Laughed out loud at the “built-in holographic projector” quip, just so you know.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!
I gotta get me one of those quads! Do you think they get Netflix on them?
I was on vacation in Ohio last week and 10 hours after our return we were blessed with twin grandaughters (#30&31). So I have missed several of your blogs. The fact that you will be so kind to us and not leave us high & dry is in good keeping with a great blogger. The following is from a little book called RULES OF THUMB…”You need to post more than once a week to have any hope of attracting readers to your blog.” Personally, I feel that you could write a best seller on how to write the perfect Blog.
P.S. I have in my lifetime read all of Agatha Christie’s mysteries and so I know how to use my little grey cells & have, I think, figured out your identity. I promise to take it to the grave with me.
Please, enlighten me: midddleagdmormonman@gmail.com. If you are right, I promise I will confirm it. If you are wrong, I might pretend that you are right, just to mess with you.
Copy me on the email, please.
Oh President Uchtdorf…why?why?why? The Dodgers? Friends don’t let friends be Dodger Fans. He obviously needs to get his baseball testimony right.
Loved that Red John was at MoTab practice! I’m a “Mentalist” fan, too.
Laughed out loud (and just betrayed my age by actually spelling that out) at the holographic Quad comment. Nice!
With all that reading you have to do, how do you manage time to post??!
Those poor rabbits almost look like ants or something. I am all for moderation. We need carrots somewhere between those two extremes.
I want to know if the hologram from the quad can see you. Or rather me. (when/if I get one) Oh, wait, He can anyway. Better clean up my act.
Thanks for thinking of us. Enjoy your vacation.
I can’t sleep in either. Years and years of Seminary, my own and 8 children, plus getting up for work. My body clock can’t handle sleeping in. If I sleep until 6 or 6:30, that’s something.
I am a long time reader. I love your thoughts and philosophy. Reading your blog brings me joy. Thanks for sharing.
I have really been ‘plexing about your ambiguity. You have remained anonymous to those of us your readers. However, the Mormon Community is small. Are your friends, neighbors and associates keeping your identity secret as well? I am pretty confident that if you were in my community I would be able to narrow down your identity by the goings on in your family. Are you delaying your posts to remain anonymous or is the word slowly spreading as to your identity?
Forever Curious,