Up in Smoke

The family and I followed tradition and went and watched fireworks tonight.  It is always fun to be together, and we really enjoy it.  But I have to admit that I came away feeling a bit melancholy tonight. Perhaps it is that it made me nostalgic, or early Alzheimer’s is setting in.

It seems that the America of my youth has been replaced by a turf war. People don’t seem to come together and define themselves as Americans anymore.  Instead, people angrily proclaim their status as Liberal, or Conservative, Independent, Democrat, Republican, etc. And it is loud. So very loud. The distinctive views have become so vitriolic and loud that the thing Americans are supposed to be has been cast by the wayside:  United.  Tolerance is talked about in theory, but in practice it is rare.

It seems the only time I have seen the unity of our great Nation in recent years was in the aftermath of 9-11.  How sad that it takes such a tragedy for everyone to put their labels away for even a week and recognize the unity that we are supposed to have.

As you know, I don’t get political on this blog, but I will get apolitical enough to say that I am fatigued by what our country has become, and I miss those days when people would stand together, hats off, with hands over their hearts, and sing the “Star Spangled Banner” like they meant it. Because they meant it.

I’m afraid those days are gone – victimized by the new casualness and irreverence. I doubt they will be back.

But as for me and my house, we will honor this great Nation.  God bless America.  Really.  Please.

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  1. I agree with you. Sadly, I think the divisions that exist are part of the politcal class’ plans for us. Divide us, then conquer us. We sang the National Anthem in our sac mtg last week, and there was not a dry eye in the room.

  2. With Andy Griffith’s passing, I saw a facebook banner that said, “We need more Mayberry and less Jersey Shore.” I think that applies here.

  3. A to the Men and a Halleleujah! Yes, small towns, rural areas, basic common folk get it. It is time for some unity and VALUES once again! Great post!

  4. Just watched a show on the Revolutionary war last night – amazing their love of freedom and the unity and sacrifice that it took to achieve it. It makes me sad when I wonder if today we could unite like that to fight for our freedom. Yes, please…God bless America!

  5. You should have been at the Rodeo (St. Paul, OR, PRC sanctioned event) with us this 4th. The whole stadium (about 3-5K people)stood as the flag passed, and cheered for the Veterans, and active Soldiers passed (more than for the Rodeo Princesses even) Was a great experience. and was not a person sitting as the Star Spangled Banner was sung, by a 6th grader. Was a great place to be an american, Small towns sure seem to do it up better.

  6. Last year we accompanied my mother to a picnic at her church. They played “The Star-Spangled Banner” and no one stood up. I couldn’t believe it. No one even SANG. They were to busy eating. So I stood up and people looked at me as though I were the idiot. When we sang it at church Sunday before Sacrament meeting it was like the angels of heaven were singing with us. I think they were.

  7. We were at the Stadium of Fire tonight and the singing of the Star Spangled Banner brought tears to my eyes. There were about 45,000 people there and I didn’t see a single one dishonoring the flag. And the flyover was awesome!

    1. We were at the Stadium as well and I cried too! I was very impressed with the whole production. The music, the dancers, the fireworks…….and seeing the Beach Boys was a dream I had had since I was about 13!

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