26 years ago this morning, my new eternal companion and I emerged from a holy temple into the blazing sunlight of a July afternoon. Best day of my life.  Still.

25 gets all the attention. The “Silver Anniversary,” the “Quarter of a Century.” 25 was also fun because it marked the halfway point in my life where I have now been married longer than I was single. But the big 25 kind of got sidetracked last year. The needs of the family we created back in 1986 took priority over our self-congratulations. As they should.

26 is here, and I am excited. I might be a little more focused and aware because a few weeks ago we had our first FOMLs get married – and it was good, and happy, and eternal. I know the newlyweds love each other like crazy, but they have no idea how much it will grow and evolve.

26 years gives you time to step back and look at things with proportion and perspective. I absolutely loved my EC on our wedding day. But that love is a mere introduction to what I feel now. I wonder and thrill at the prospect of what it will feel like 25 years further down the road – or 3 billion.

I am happily married.  More importantly, WE are happily married – and the balance is a good thing.  I have chunks of my life where I labored to help people try and restore the love they once had – a love they lost then grew to deny. It is heart-breaking. And completely avoidable.

There is a secret to happy marriages:

“I am satisfied that a happy marriage is not so much a matter of romance as it is an anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one’s companion.”
Gordon B. Hinckley, “What God Hath Joined Together.”

That is what my EC does for me, and what I try and do for her. And it works.  That is the secret to a happy marriage. Yes, romance is not all that important to a happy marriage – but take a happy marriage, and add that romance, and you have a blissful marriage. Or at least I do.

Happy 26, Sweetheart! I love you!

PS:  Almost forgot – I’m already at the office finishing stuff up.   I probably had better tell you that we are leaving town in about 4 hours. Shoes you can walk in. Maybe a sweater. Charge up your Kindle. Everything else is taken care of.  See you soon!


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  1. I just found this blog and it is great. I feel for those that do their best to give ” anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one’s companion” but don’t feel it in return. My hat goes off to those that are able to do this.

  2. I’d love a post or two on how to rekindle that love, for those of us who were too dumb to realize that the fire was burning low until nearly too late. What did you learn from helping others when the love is not lost yet, but hiding in the shadows somewhere?

    Happy Anniversary. I’m happy for you both.

  3. Happy Anniversary! I totally agree with that quote from President Hinckley. This year my EC and I will be married for 39 years…and it DOES get better each year! 🙂 I love that you have planned a suprise for your EC. Congratulations!

  4. May I add my congratulations for 26 happy years! I also suggest that you add one more “reaction” at the end of each post. I would have checked ‘delightful’ or ‘sweet’ if either had been there.

  5. As a side note – am a huge Country music buff and this post reminds me of one of my many favourites… Brad Paisley – Then. Beautiful lyrics.

  6. You are awesome. 🙂 And I think it’s interesting that my husband and I have a lot in common with your situation. We couldn’t do a lot for our 5th anniversary last year, and probably won’t do a lot for our 6th (which is in 2 weeks, coincidentally). But it’s all good. Every day is a little bit of a celebration, anyways. I just love being with him. 🙂


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