After my Dad died when I was 14, I went wild. Buck wild. Not a nice decade in my life. By some small miracle I met my husband when I was 18. He too was raised in a stalwart home but he was not active at the time either. We clicked.
When we got married, no one thought it would work. We were too young, too wild, too irresponsible. Yes, the early years were crazy. I look back now and they were down right cringe worthy (however, I do think I have been allowed a greater measure of empathy and understanding for others who slip and fall from the rod).
Once my second boy was born, I had a terrible back accident and found myself unable to work, or even to take care of my little boys. I was stuck flat in bed with nothing to do.
Bored out of my mind one day, I decided to read the Book of Mormon ( I think I had an old blue copy from seminary). I read it like a novel and was reading it non-stop. To the point that I even dreamed in scripture language.
When I crawled over the side of the bed to knee and take Moroni up on his challenge, the answer was clear “You already know this is true, you just forgot. You knew it was true back on page 1, and page 45 and page 250……”
Since then, I’ve never looked back. Slowly my husband came around and our family was sealed about 15 years ago. There have been ups and downs in our home with our boys, but looking back, all our experiences have been for our good. Even when I was making choices not in harmony with the gospel principles, the lessons learned have enriched my life and the life of others because of the perspective I can offer.
See, totally boring. But a convert none-the-less.