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Mark Twain in His Colonel Sanders Costume |
As I have mentioned before, one thing know for sure is that the readers of MMM are highly intelligent, witty and ridiculously attractive. Sometimes your comments are highly entertaining, and sometimes they are deeply profound. (Sometimes they are interminable and bizarre, but that is the exception, not the norm.)
And so, I decided that as an act of service, I want to help one of you get famous. My charity never faileth.
Here is the 8 point plan:
1) I have selected a picture for you to use as inspiration. (Thanks, Dean!)
2) You need to come up an original quote that will inspire us, amuse us, or both. Don’t go stealing quotes – especially from an prophet or apostle. That would be so wrong.
3) Leave the quote as a comment on today’s post. (Wednesday) Don’t post them on Facebook -they won’t count. You can submit as many as you want.
4) I will choose the top 3 quotes Wednesday night. (Bribery is inappropriate, and appreciated.)
5) Thursday we will all vote for a winner. You will be able to vote once. (None of that American Idol nonsense)
6) Friday I will announce the winner and create a picture with the quote, and post it here and on Facebook.
7) Then we can all share the quote on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest until it takes over the entire world. So you better come up with something good. I don’t want to take over the world with a lame quote.
8) Finally, I will submit the quote to BrainyQuote.com to see if they will list it.
There you go – instant fame! Now get to it – I expect brilliance.
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“Here. Let me get that for you.”
“I told you not to talk about my mama!”
“It’s better to give than receive”
And I didn’t want to be famouser anyway . . . =oP
Stupid contest . . .
OK, it’s later . . .
“You might feel a little pressure”
“I TOLD you Mormons are, TOO, Christians!!!!!”
“Sit down and shut up so we can have a SPIRITUAL FAMILY HOME EVENING, dammit!!!”
Um . . . I dunno . . . maybe I should have waited longer . . . like six or seven months . . .
“sit down and shut up…” is my favorite! Thanks Sue
I would come up with a devastatingly clever quote for your nasty sweaty hitty boxing photo, but I am too busy enjoying feeling highly intelligent, witty and ridiculously attractive . . . *insert hair flip here* . . .
Maybe later . . .
I am going to hit you so hard, that you will not read MMM instructions for this post.
I told you- never touch the ‘fro bro
This is going to hurt me, alot more than it is going to hurt you. No…actually that looks like it really hurts.
”..and this is for quoting Bruce R. to prove your point during Gospel Doctorine…”
Whack-a-mole …SCORE!
great fireside! Thanks for the cookies, here’s the punch!
Mahana didnt have a brother BTW. However, if that is fair game- I would say “This is my 10 cow punch”
I think my non-applicable sayings should get some credit.
“People in glass houses should change in the basement”
“Never teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time, and annoys the pig.”
“It looks like Ebony and Ivory are not allways in perfect harmony.”- That is my attempt.
“It looks like Ebony and Ivory are out of accord” (Its a double)
“…and I call this one, my emancipation proclomation…”
Keep Calm and…
(But you have to do it like one of the million “Keep Calm and…” posters on Pinterest!)
I know Robyn…I have gotten into trouble with Robyn at girl’s camp…Knowing her as I do, you couldn’t get a better President.
Relax. Chicks dig a good personality.
Don’t worry, your mother will still love you.
There’s an app for that.
That’s all I got. TGR out.
I’m not playing, but I thought of one that might ruffle some feathers…
ROMNEY, 2012
Good one!!
Fine. I’ll stop calling you Mr. T.
“Maybe I should have spent the money on boxing lessons instead of just listening to “Eye of the Tiger” in my garage.”
Just as with childbirth, our miraculous bodies prove to be flexible, malleable and resilient – though not without feeling some pain and ugliness
Sometime’s the cost to match your cauliflower ears with the rest of your face is just too high
Tiffany scores with the boxing terminology. Well done!
“They” say that laughter is the best medicine and I think that I just hit the pharmacy jackpot of laughs! It started out a little slow but half way down this list I had to go get a tissue. Was there life before MMM?
“Play now, Pay later.” I say this all the time, referring to makin’ babies but it fits. I also think I made it up….
“next time you put Miracle Whip in my potato salad I bite you ear off”
“It’s not the punch that’ll kill you, it’s the realization that you should have listened to your mother and gone into floral design.”
LOL! Nuff said.
“At that precise moment Bill remembered a quote from General Conference, STOP IT!”
You could spin it the other way as well: “I warned you what would happen if you told me to “STOP IT!” one more time.”
As president, do I have a vote??
hahahahahahahahahahah!! That’s a good one!
“Anything worth having in this life takes hard work. Like good grades, a good marriage, and good facial reconstruction.”
“Sometimes ‘turning the other cheek’ ends up being literal.”
‘Tis neither the bark, nor the bite,
But the HEART that matters in the fight!”
Dont drink your Bathwater…
That’s a great idiom, but I don’t see how it applies to the picture…
“Tell me who MMM is ?!?!”
“And you thought you were having a bad day?!”
Bill mis-heard and thought he was going on a cookery show, “Lets get ready to crumble”
“Bill wasn’t expecting this when he accepted the laying on of hands”
John chimes in with a good one.
I’m not entering – just wanted to say this is a GREAT idea 🙂
Chicken. And I say that with all due respect.
Boxing: The only profession where Sloth from The Goonies looks normal.
Slug bug!
“Hah! Fooled you…don’t have anymore teeth to knock out!”
I thought of another one but don’t know how to spell it.
How about:
“Rocky IV is too the best of the franchise.”
Hahaha! I love this one! 🙂
Dude, you are like a pitbull. You grab onto something and just won’t let it go!
You’re annoyed tone is reward enough. Ok, how about this one:
“When life throws you a punch, sometimes the Lord deflects it, other times He shapes the face to fit the punch.”
Attaboy! I knew you would come through, after your got past the Rocky IV compulsion.
Well it is a picture of boxers.
I TOLD you not to ring the doorbell during NAP TIME.
Memory Foam Man: The next Marvel Superhero.
Ha ha, I love the naptime quote…if only one of these boxers was a woman wearing an apron…that would totally work for me!
“Pain is fear leaving the body.” (Okay, that’s stolen, but I don’t know who said it.)
“Bring your pretty face to my fist.” (Kind of a lame play on a LOTR quote, does that count?)
Here’s the most original thing I can think of… “BFF’s: You laugh, I laugh. You cry, I cry. You touch my chocolate, I break your face.”
“BFF’s: You laugh, I laugh. You cry, I cry. You touch my chocolate, I break your face.” HAHA! That’s brilliant. I can relate – am a total chocoholic! 🙂
Um… Not that I would break someone’s face or anything… :-/
Probably a bit too political, but how about “Now can we talk about reparations?” “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but hands hurt pretty bad, too.” “Don’t call my sister Mahanna ugly!”
I think the name “Anonymous” has already been used. Can’t win without a name!
And that’s too bad because I really did laugh out loud at the Mahanna quote.
Can’t win without a name? Now, THAT’S funny!!!
“Happiness in relationships is more easily accomplished when you find someone who shares your same brand of crazy.”
“When you use your pains and trials to help others through theirs, then you have experienced part of our purpose here on earth.”
Just a couple gems I’ve been using since… forever. 🙂 I know… it surprises me how profound I can be.
Does your face hurt? because its killing me! <--not original :( but this is really hard you should post a girlier picture
And Cindy is the winner of the elementary school category!
Girlier? OK. Next time it will be lovely.
Cindy, I thought the same thing. What can I do with two boxers??
C’mon Pam & Cindy! If President Uchtdorf can be profound with a “forget-me-not”, you can handle a squishy-faced boxer.
WOW. This comment doesn’t count as I am still in shock over that face! However, I did want to say that I heard you write for LDS Living.. You sly old fox, you… As the POMMMFC, I just wanted to wish everyone good luck!
Robyn: Nope. Bad info. I do not write for anyone – just this here blog. LDS Living has been linking to my posts on their “Best of LDS Blogs” page, but I have nothing to do with that. They just do it without asking. (I would say yes if they asked – I don’t mind.)
For those who don’t know, Robyn is the self-appointed President of the MMM Fan Club. We don’t know what that means, but the acronym is rather impressive.
Self Appointed? I thought you nominated me..
ok, so here’s my quote(s)..
‘Nobody puts Baby in a Corner.’ (ok…stolen) or
‘What we’ve got here, is a failure to communicate’, or how about ‘This is gonna hurt a little’.
‘Close your eyes, I’ve got a surprise for you!!’
‘No matter how bad it gets, just remember, there’s always gonna be somebody uglier than you.’
it’s late. Maybe I’ll dream something spectacular to write!!!
Wait a minute – there’s a fan club WITH a president??? I demand a fair election process. I want in on all this glory….
Robyn: Meet EMM, EMM: Meet Robyn. Have at it.
EMM, I am currently accepting applications for a board member. I cannot promise anything, but if you’d like to submit your paperwork I will review it with the committee & get back to you. We have very high standards so, if you do not make it this year, you are more than welcome to submit an application in 2013. Good luck & Keep reading..
Well, my top credential would have to be that (I believe) I’m the first to comment on the new “Spiritual Whirlpool” addition on MMM’s blog picture. That’s gotta count for something….. (lack of a social life, maybe?) And if I can only muster a position on the board, I’ll have to start planning my coup from within. 🙂
Better watch your back, Robyn. EMM did earn some “street cred” by noticing the whirlpool. She is not to be trifled with.