Two is Better Than One

200 Grand

In the history of modern accomplishment, very few are as insignificant as the milestone I passed this morning:

200,000 hits on my blog.

To those who don’t know blog lingo, that means that my blog has been visited 200K times. For example, it means that 1000 people have looked at my blog 200 times each. Or, more likely, 20 people who suffer from OCD have looked at my blog 10,000 times each.

In blogland, 200K is really not very big, but to me it is, because I know that all my readers are very intelligent, witty, and extremely attractive – and gathering this many of you in one place truly defies the odds. If you don’t believe me, go walk around the mall for an hour.

When I started blogging 15 months ago, the first month I had a grand total of 56 hits, which I was quite excited about – until I realized that I needed to click a button to stop Google from counting my own visits.  After I did that, the number dropped dramatically. Gradually, some of you discovered my blog, and shared it with others. It took one year to reach the 100K mark, and 4 months to add another 100K. So the growth is algebraic, geometric, exponential, super rad! (Veiled Aquabats reference)

To reward myself for this great moment, I intend to eat as many Reese’s eggs as I can afford. You are correct: It doesn’t take much of a reason to eat Reese’s eggs. They are very well-proportioned in the peanut-butter/chocolate ratio.

One other note:  Earlier in the week I discovered that MMM has more Facebook friends than I do in real life. If you decide to comment on that, I would be grateful if you refrain from using the word “pathetic”.

I’ve got all sorts of things planned for the blog in the near future. Some ridiculously funny, some deeply, deeply profound. I also have a couple of other things up my digital sleeve that you just might get excited about.

Most importantly, I want to thank you – each and every one of you, for making my candy binge this moment possible. It wouldn’t have happened without you. And it wouldn’t have until next week without the “Archies”.


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  1. Congrats! I’ve enjoyed being one of the 1000 people who have looked at your blog 200 times (201 counting today). Keep up the good work.

  2. P.S. Are you testing to see if mentioning chocolate and/or reese’s peanut butter candy gets you as many hits as mentioning David Archuleta did?

  3. How on earth do you have any idea how many blog ‘hits’ you get at all? (and by the way, I think you should alert google to also not count the visits from your aunt Mary and three crazy cousins . . . that is just not fair). . . Anyhow, I am forced to admit that I have become one of your little (well, not actually so little, I am 5’10” barefoot) groupies . . . I enjoy pondering your insights and your sense of humor is a hoot. If your real life self has fewer FB friends than MMM does, then maybe you are on some level freer about sharing yourself as MMM than as AMM (anonymous Mormon Man) . . . I would friend you on FB, but then MY secret identity would be compromised, and let’s not go there.

    Congratulations on the popularity poll, and just remember that your mama thinks you are special even if NONE of us ever discovered you here in blogland . . . =o)

  4. Congrats on the blog growth! You’ve motivated me sufficiently that I actually peeked at my sorely neglected blog and had a few random thoughts about updating it.

    I prefer dipping the dark chocolate bar right in the peanut butter jar. Not so much unwrapping.

  5. Good morning MMM. I’m glad us “Archies” helped you reward yourself with eggs a week earlier. They may have been stale if you had to wait until next week. I used to be a pb/choc fan, but this time of year it is those dreaded robin eggs that keep jumping into my mouth. Darn you, now I think I have to go buy some! I am enjoying your sense of humor! Enjoy your day!

    1. Sorry Vatermann, you are incorrect. But you are close. The foil-wrapped minis contain the perfect ratio. The eggs run a close second. The new unwrapped tiny ones are an abomination.

      Thanks for playing!

    2. But the ridges on the minis are often drier and either affect the taste negatively or fall off during unwrapping onto your shirt or pants unnoticed and melt and stain. The Easter Egg ratio is the best. We’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

    3. I will grant you that the edges can create a mess, but the egg ratio is compromised by the overly-thick peanut butter which minimizes the chocolate’s effectiveness.

      I do, however, appreciate your diplomacy.

    4. The perfect ratio is not in a Reese’s product at all (gasp!) but in Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups. They blow any product Reese’s makes right out of the water. It’s better chocolate, too. And, better peanut butter, come to think of it.

      I think I’ll go have one now.

  6. Congratulations! Your blog has really taken off over the last year. Speaking about your secret identity having more friends than the real you, I would be really mad if I knew you in person but you kept your blogging identity secret, kind of like Bruce Wayne. Maybe you are one of my neighbors, maybe you are an inmate at the point of the mountain? You should give us some more clues.

  7. Best thing yet – calories don’t count because it’s a religious holiday. I’m all over that one!

  8. I’m sorry your “real life” FB friend list is so small. I would be happy to add you to my friend list. What’s your name?

  9. Just don’t look at the calories in them. It might deter you. Be strong and don’t look.

    1. Oh.. I didn’t know that! I might just have some myself then. I did however know about the broken cookies. There are no calories in broken cookies because they leak out when broken.

  10. Thank you for the fine, sadly underdeserved compliment (I know that all my readers are very intelligent, witty, and extremely attractive )

    Thank you even more for sharing your thoughts, insights, faith, and humor.

    Congratulations on hitting this milestone! Enjoy those Reese’s eggs!

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