2012: Year of the Acronym

It is a new year, and as I am wont to do, I use this time for the dreaded self-evaluation and goal setting. As some of you know, I have been working hard the past three months so that this would not be as hateful a day as it usually is. My “4th Quarter Comeback” was largely successful for me. I am able to look back at the end of 2011 and know that I made some progress. The main focus of the Q4 Comeback was to make very small changes in my life, and stick with them. As it turns out, I was able to accomplish a lot, and I find myself looking at the new year in a better situation that I usually do.

If you want to read more info about what was going through my head during the past three months, here you go:

Now I’m looking at 2012. I’m not making any specific resolutions or goals…yet. That will come later, in small, bite-sized pieces. Right now I am looking at the BIG PICTURE. I have been focused on determining the traits that I feel I need to be concentrating on this next year. This is not a capricious endeavor. So far, I have it narrowed down to a few specifics character traits:
1) Patience:  I need to develop my patience. In my dealings with people, drivers, kids and myself, I just react negatively far too often. Often I simply react too quickly. I need to be more careful. I need to develop this characteristic of a charitable heart.
2) Activity/Industrious: This is not to be confused with being “busy”. Busy is easy. I want to focus on making my time productive, so I can get more accomplished with less time. For example: My 4th Quarter goal of going to bed earlier actually increased my productivity, even though I spent more time sleeping.
3) Gratitude:  I need to find more gratitude in my heart for my amazing life and all that I am blessed with. Yes, I watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” on Christmas, and it always puts me in this mindset. I need it to be a way of being, not a passing thought.
So, now that I have my themes for the new year nailed down, I need a way to remind myself on a regular basis. I need a marketing plan for a customer base of one – me.
I need an acronym. I need visual reminders – because you all know we males are very visual creatures.  I’m going to put the emblem on a sticker and put it on my mirror, in my car, and anywhere else I can see it often.
So far, I have come up with two which fit the bill, but I can’t decide on which one. I would be happy to hear your thoughts.
I first saw these signs riding “The Tube” in London with my EC. The gap referenced is the space between the train and the platform – if you aren’ careful, it can be dangerous.
The idea of “The Gap” also works for me a great metaphor. We all have gaps in our lives – gaps between our behaviors and our beliefs.  This “disconnect” is known in psychology circles as cognitive dissonance. Personally, I am painfully aware of what most of the gaps are between my beliefs and my behaviors. I need to “Mind the Gap”, in an effort to close the gap. I need to close it by bringing my behaviors into alignment with my beliefs. Sister Barabara Thompson gave a really nice talk a few years back in Relief Society Conference where she talked about this concept. (Here is the talk)
So this acronym works well for me – Gratitude+Activity+Patience=GAP.  I need to Mind the Gap.
Yes, it is a rather unfortunate acronym. But hear me out: 2012 is not the Chinese “Year of the Pig”, it is the “Year of the Dragon”. But 6 character traits in one year are just too many for me to tackle.
Industrious is a better word for what I am after than activity.
No, there is no good pig metaphor like there is the gap, no I don’t know of any good pig Conference talks.  But, at the end of the day, you have to admit that that is one cool pig. He looks happy and energetic, and he makes me smile.
So, I am torn.  I don’t know if I should embrace the GAP or the PIG. Hmmmm. Opinions?
I know some people who choose one word to work on for the course of the year, but I’ve never seen anyone use a cool pig as their mascot.
Do any of you do this? I would be curious to know how you go about setting goals for the new year – if at all. I have some friends that are anti-resolution, others that take it very seriously from a spiritual standpoint, and others who just use the same list every year.
Chime in.  And if you need help, I would gladly help you create an acronym and a picture.
Welcome to 2012! Jump in, the water’s fine!

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  1. Both are clever and full of possibilities for growth and service. When I pondered Mind the GAP, I thought of closing the GAP and how your activity surrounding this one could “close” the GAP for others who are in need of help and also “close” the GAP on things you would work on for your gratitude, activity and patience goals. As for the Year of the PIG. It made me think of the story about commitment. You know the one about the egg and bacon breakfast….the hen was involved (made the egg), but the pig was totally committed. So if you choose the PIG, you might think of being total committed to your Big Picture. It would have additional meaning, kind of an inside all encompassing one. Both are great, but I choose the PIG because he is cute, committed and could spur some motivating conversation for those who wonder about a dude who is sporting a pink pig!

  2. Stick to your gap minding there, man, & Bob’s your uncle, you’ll be the cat’s pajamas before you can whistle Jackie Robinson. Good luck!!

  3. The Gap cuz of 2 things: I love colloquialisms. And cognitive dissonance is one of my major themes in my efforts to understand man & his odd ways.

    Also, I got your O Brother reference there.

  4. “Mind the Gap” is the way to go for this Anglophile. And what better way to pay homage to one of the Thompson Twins better songs?

  5. I’m thinking it would be much easier to EMBRACE a pig than a gap although honestly, I haven’t had much experience with either.
    Happy New Year!

  6. I identify with the PIG more than the GAP, but that’s just me. I have my own set of acronyms that I use (for myself) at church: KYMS = keep your mouth shut; and NAY = nobody asked you. These help me when I’m bubbling over in SS class with more info or opinion than is needed.

  7. I like “mind the GAP” more than the “year of the PIG,” but the pig one is certainly more FUN. (at first glance I thought the first one was going to be some sore of political button thing:)
    I’d love your help designing my own, except that I’m not going with a “year long resolution thing” (i fail too much at those. I’m setting short term, monthly, baby step things… but maybe I should rethink my overall goals and come up with a basic focus :/

  8. Personally, I favor ‘Mind the Gap’ because my daughter lives in England and seen that very sign every time we take the tube when we’re there.

    Thus it has a very personal resonance with me, and covers things I also wanted to work on this year, so I think I’ll ‘borrow’ your little acronym (if that’s okay) and use it myself!

    Oh, and the pigs cute and all, too. 😉

  9. The PIG. No contest. Simply because he is pink, and I like my pink. BTW nice Aztec calendar addition to the banner. Very chic, although not pink.

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