This is one of my favorite idioms that I learned in Africa. The idea is that if you want to want to catch a monkey, you need to be patient, and approach it slowly. If you are hasty, the monkey will just run off. Yes, it is similar in principle to the American book “Baby Steps”, by Dr. Leo Marvin. (Too obscure? Perhaps.)
The Lord has said it this way:
Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength…(D&C 10:4)
By small and simple things are great things come to pass. (Alma 37:6)
The basis of the 4th Quarter Comeback is to end this year on an “up”, rather than brushing it under the rug and starting 2012 feeling like I blew it. Again. To accomplish this, I have decided on taking a few small steps to improve my life, and improve the chances of reaching the bigger goals that I feel need to reach in my life.
So here I am, the first of three months is over. Gone. Arividerchi! I know some of you are curious as to how it went. Some, because you are honestly good people and are rooting for me – others, because you just can’t help but slow down for traffic accidents. I also know that some of you are participating in the Comeback with me – which is awesome.
Before I report, let’s put things in context with a fabulous quote from October Conference:
“I know that your quest to improve may seem overwhelming at times. Please do not become discouraged with your progress. I think back on my experience hiking with my children. We agreed that every time we stopped to catch our breath, rather than focusing exclusively on how much farther we needed to go, we would immediately turn around and look down the mountain. We would take in the scenery and say to each other, “Look how far we’ve come.” Then we would take a deep breath, quickly turn, face uphill, and start climbing again one step at a time.”Matthew O. Richardson, 2nd Counselor Sunday School General Presidency. (Whole talk here.)
So here I am on the mountain top that we call November. OK, not so much a mountaintop as a really big hill. Or mound. Absolutely bigger than a molehill. And now I can look back at my October and see how it went.
“Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey”
These were my four goals as of the beginning of October:
1) Pray better.
2) Decrease consumption of soda and ice cream.
3) Turn of the TV and internet earlier.
4) Go to bed by 11:00pm.
Yes they may look small – like Everest. It might seem easy to you “say your prayers and go to bed at 9:30 ice cream and soda haters”, but to me, this was HUGE. Notwithstanding, I took them on. Hang on – I’m going to ask my beloved EC how I did. (Actual transcript – yes I made her wait while I typed.)
Honey, I’m reporting on my 4th Quarter goals, and I need your opinion.
K. (patiently closes her book)
Did I back off on soda and ice cream?
Yes. Especially ice cream.
Did I turn off the TV and internet earlier?
Just yes?
What else am I supposed to say? Yeah, you did a good job. I was pleasantly surprised.
And last, did I go to bed by 11:00pm.
Yeah, most of the time, right? Sometimes even earlier.
Ha ha! See that? An eyewitness testimony! Woo-hoo! Actually, she is right. I did make tremendous progress on all of these things. Amazing fact: This is the earliest I have consistently gone to bed in 25 years of marriage – probably all the way back to my mission.
Has it helped? A DEFINITE maybe. (?) I think it has helped. One thing I had not thought through is that not drinking soda at night was essential to going to bed earlier. Late night caffeine=late night MMM.
Unintended consequence: My EC is getting more sleep too. That is a good thing.
Personal prayers? Improved.
Results? Mixed. It took longer to ‘get in the groove’ than I thought it would, but I do feel that some elements of my life are better. I have accomplished a few really important tasks this month, and made some significant changes at work that will make a positive impact on my life and family. (Sorry, no details) I can’t prove a direct linkage between my goals and these other things, but my heart tells me they made an impact.
So, what is next?
1) More exercise. Gotta get the “temple” remodeled, and I need to sharpen the mind. I know from past experience that if I rev up the engine, things will improve.
2) Less time on the internet. Yes, I heard the collective *gasp*, and no, I’m not going to go all “Elder Ardern” on you. I’m still going to blog – but I might not surf and FB as much. This should free up some time that I can put towards reviving my ice cream habit working on another important task that has been trying to get my attention for most of the year.
So, this month I will maintain October’s gains, increase my exercise and decrease my internet time. That’s it. Two new things. I can do two things!
“Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey.”
And in month, I’ll take a look back at November, and make additions and adjustments for December – all in preparation to point and laugh at Baby New Year when he comes around to make me feel like a failure.
–Who’s with me? Let us know – and this is a time when long comments are completely fine – have at it!
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Being a runner I loved Tall Girl Running’s analogy. It is so true. You can do anything if you have a plan and just take a baby step and then another and another.
As for my 4th quarter comeback, I’ve gotten mixed results. A couple things I have totally fumbled. In fact, I think my quarterback got sacked. However, I have made some great progress on my other ones and one I am going to call a touchdown.
P.S. I love your blog. I have been looking for a good one since seriouslysoblessed stopped blogging.
while I have been benched a few times, I am still trying to stay in the game.
I like the idea, and while I wasn’t reading your blog so missed out on including October, you are definitely inspiring me for November and December.
I like your goals, too. Better prayers, earlier bedtime, less computer time, and wiser food choices.
Thanks for the kick off!
I like your concept of catching the monkey. Quitting ‘cold turkey’ on the DC and candy makes me hyperventilate. I believe I have been thinking too large of a step on breaking some of my bad habits; looks like I need to find smaller steps.
Thanks for the advise.
You’re brave (about the FB thing)! I have thought about completely getting rid of it, as has my husband, but I just can’t pull that plug. I’ve definitely cut back, though, and I can see the difference.
I just friended you on FB…don’t let me down! Hahaha 🙂 I’m glad you were successful in October. Good luck this month, too!
I gave up facebook. Which is not small at all, but HUGE for me. Also, I have been keeping my house clean which is actually unheard of. Beds are being made! My goal for next month is to sustain this until I gain strength enough that the burden feels light, while also working on prayer and scripture study.
Not obscure at all! I personally prefer Baby Steps over Death Therapy, but that’s just me.
Congratulations on accomplishing those goals. Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest difference. And sometimes the smallest things are the hardest things.
I’m baby steppin! I’m doin’ the work!
I’m on a boat! And I’m sailing!
(Anon/M) Since I didn’t set any goals for the 4th Quarter Comeback, I can say I am on track. Yours are pretty do-able so I might adopt them, except for going slow on the ice cream (not a temptation of mine, but diet coke is another story).
“Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey” will now be my “words to live by”. Thanks.
My goal last year was two read the BoM twice so I just read each line two times. But then I felt like I was cheating. So now my goal is to actually study the sciptures. Like with cross-referencing and stuff.
Also my goal is to hang my clothes up when I take then off. Normally I just throw them somehere because I’m so tired and hang them up in the morning. But for a whole week I’ve put them away and I feel pretty awesome.
I didn’t realize you were a fellow Dew-lover. No wonder you’re so awesome.
You had me at “monkeys”.
Actually, isn’t the way to catch a monkey by putting food in a hole that’s only big enough for the monkey to reach in to grab the food but not big enough to get out? The monkey won’t let go of the food even when it means its freedom. I’m sure there’s a blog post analogy for that. I’ll be watching for it.
If you’ll humor me as I make a running analogy, I’ve learned a very important lesson in life while tackling the daunting task of running 26.2 miles a few times. That is, anything is achievable if taken in manageable increments. When I’m in the middle of a 20-mile training run, I don’t focus on the miles I’ve already run, nor do I focus on the miles that are left to go. I put ALL of my focus on the next step ahead. Literally… one step at a time. Success at running a marathon breaks down into about 50,000 small victories.
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s quote, “What lies behind us and lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us” has always been motivating for me and can apply to many of the goals we make in life. Big changes and long-term improvements come after putting forth the honest, genuine effort a little at a time. The ultimate goal may not be reached for awhile, but every step taken is one small victory towards it.
Keep it up, MMM. That monkey doesn’t stand a chance.
Ha! Love the movie quote. It really is what 99% of us need. I’ll never be in that 1% that can turn their lives around in a year or less.
Glad you are seeing some progress and sticking with it.
Dr. Leo Marvin could have been a general authority with such wise counsel. Congrats on doing well with your goals for the first month.
Way to go on progress in October! I think you’re completely on target to only make two small new goals while maintaining the old ones.
As for my own 4th quarter comeback (I’m just now joining in) the plan for November is to do the following:
– Get to the dentist for cleaning, see when I’m due for my eye checkup.
– Keep all my midwife/perinatologist/other special doctor appointments for this special pregnancy, which also means finding babysitters for the 6 little ones here at home.
– Begin my re-read of the Book of Mormon and be halfway finished by the end of November, on track to finish completely by the end of December.
– Exercise gently but consistently through weeks 29-33 of pregnancy!
I’m with you on the 4th quarter comeback. I am doing MUCH better, but yes, it’s a slow and gradual process. If I keep going the direction I’ve turned, I will end the year on a positive note. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration!
Good job! Virtual high five my friend!
MMM, thanks for this blog. It’s inspired me to start one of my own. Mostly for myself. thanks for all the great inspiring and funny posts. I have shared quite a few with my EC and he finds them pretty funny too
Baby steps was not obscure. I was thinking I may need death therapy. (In the movie sense, not in the “she needs to be institutionalized sense”)
I say, well done on the 4th quarter comeback…well done
I’ve never had one so thankfully I don’t get cravings for them! And sorry for all the grammatical errors. Typing on a phone can do that!
Suddenly I’m craving In-n-Out Burger. Thanks Kayli!
I’m working on eating healthier. I saw a news report on whats in our meat and its truly gross so Im eating that less as well as going completely whole grain. It’s interesting because now the thought of red meat, fast food and white bread kinda grosses me out now. I feel a thousand times better and have a lot more energy.
Baby steps, Bob.
I love that quote from Matthew Richardson, and I don’t remember hearing it during conference, which isn’t surprising considering I was watching conference with my children. I shall read that talk today.
I think you have made progress, very good.
I think I made progress also, though not as much as I had hoped. Not to worry, it is a new week and a new month. I decided that personally I would look at what I wanted to accomplish on a weekly basis. (With a long term results in mind) I am less likely to let the month (months.. year) go by and then realize I haven’t made any progress. So, weekly seems to be the way to go for me.
I am glad you have posted about this, it helps keep me motivated and on track also.
And good luck on the upcoming month.
I was thinking about that movie just last night! Must not be too obscure!
I love the quote from Brother/Elder Richardson. It reminds me of how, when I overwhelm myself with all the things I haven’t done well in the past, I try to remind myself that, that is in the past; I need now to focus on the present and future.
Thank you for all your insights!