Thou Shalt Not Steal. But since you already did…

This story makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Last week in Connecticut, a man broke into a trailer at a high school and stole a riding lawn mower. He then drove it three miles to his parents’ house and mowed their lawn in the middle of the night. Why yes, as a matter of fact, he was drunk at the time.

He was arrested and charged with 3rd degree larceny and burglary.  (Actual news report with video here.)

It so refreshing to hear about a young man that loves his parents so much. It almost brings a tear to my eye. I’m sure his parents must be so proud. As a result of his kindness, I imagine their lawn now looks fabulous. I can see them waking up in the morning, looking out the window to the beauty of a newly mown lawn, and thinking how blessed they were. (Although personally, I have never seen a lawn that was mowed in the dark by an inebriated 22 year-old)

I can only hope that one day, when I am old and frail, one of the young and strong FOMLs will come and mow my lawn.
-With his own mower.
-In the day time.
-Preferably sober.

Ah, but that will have to wait. For now, I will just secretly re-mow the areas that my awesome 9 year-old misses. Because if I wait for my 18 year-old to mow, my lawn will look like this:

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  1. My heart is filled with a renewed faith in drunken behavior! His heart was in the right place … prehaps …

  2. I’m going to hold on to my lawn-mowing responsibilities for as long as possible. I find it therapeutic. Also, I am a firm believer in the principle of “if you want a job done right….”

    My oldest son will be eight in two weeks — probably too young to delegate this responsibility to him, though I would appreciate any thoughts on that.

  3. We can be grateful he loved his parents enough to want to mow their lawn, and not to fly them and a planeful of their close friends to Hawaii.

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