Wrong. Just Wrong.

A couple of months ago this item was featured at the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas.  It is obviously directed at a small niche market. I definitely have some troubles with it, but it might be nice to have one on the boat, just in case.
I imagine Deseret Book will eventually sell it.The Nephi.indd

(OK, I lied. I didn’t see this in Las Vegas.  I made it up after family scripture study this morning.  I will repent. Eventually.)
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  1. That’s funny because at CES 2011 in Vegas back in January there really WAS a taser demonstration where they were allowing people to volunteer to be tased! John Walsh (America’s Most Wanted) was there hosting the little mini-conference about the taser.

  2. I so wish I had one of those this morning during scripture time. Instead I just yelled!
    I wonder if I use the Hub’s if that would be inproper use of work equipment???

  3. I needed this from my husband at last night’s family scripture reading. Sometimes I swear I have 6 kidlets.

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